
"_UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification", referenced from: Error while linking

I'm using the Three20 library in my app, I am seeing this error during linking of the app: "_UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification", referenced from: _UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification$non_lazy_ptr in libThree20UINavigator.a(TTBaseNavigator.o) (maybe you meant: _UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification$non_...

use three20 ui into interface builder

hi all, I added to my project three20 lib, compile ok with no problem... but If I wish add a TTLabel for example directly by Interface Builder, how can I do this? thanks in advance ...

Three20, different images for portrait and landscape orientation possible?

I am using three20 to present a photo essay of a story I made after the February earthquake in Chile. I would like the app to display portrait type images when iPad device is in portrait orientation and landscape type images when iPad device is in landscape orientation. So there would be two versions of every image, one cropped for portr...

Optimizing binary app size on iPhone / iPod touch

I know that a user can only download up to 20MB over 3G, and my build/Release-iphoneos is showing my app at 26MB. I'm linking against the three20 iPhone framework. Is this the final size that will count against the 20MB max when submitted to the App Store? Is there anything I can do squeeze this even lower? (I'm using a bunch of PNG'...

After relaunch, application hides navigation bar in three20

Hi everyone, i've got a small problem: i've written a small project which is using tabBarController, implementation file have only this methood: - (void)viewDidLoad { [self setTabURLs:[NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"tt://tableWithShadow", @"tt://launcher", @"tt://characterList", @"tt://mapViewController", nil]]; } in appD...

How to get TTURLRequest to return expired cached data, while queing HTTP request which would asynchroniously update cache for next time?

I'm looking for a way to get TTURLRequest to always return data from the cache (assuming it exists for the URL) even if it has expired. In the case that is has expired, I want to add the request to a TTURLRequestQueue that would cache the updated version for the next access. What would be my best approach to implementing this? Should ...

TTPickerTextField example

I've been trying all day and just can't make the the TTPickerTextField work. It displays, I set its dataSource to the example code's MockDataSource and type in a name from the mock and it doesn't work. There doesn't seem to be any documentation or any examples anywhere on the internet, something that I find surprising. So: does anyone h...

Changing items in TTLauncherView according to TabBar

Hi, I'm developing an iPhone application using the Three20 library. The main screen is a TTLauncherView (with images inside, like Facebook) and a TabBar at the bottom. Each time a new item is selected in the TabBar, I have to change the images inside my TTLauncherView. I thought that I only had to change the "pages" property of my TTLa...

three20 right align

is there a way to right align div tag inside a styled text item in three 20 on iphone? I have accomplished it using the following: return [TTBoxStyle styleWithMargin:UIEdgeInsetsMake(-20, 230, 5, 5) padding:UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0, 0, 0) minSize:CGSizeMake(20, 20) position:TTPositionStatic next:nil]; however, this only works in portr...

How to launch a TTTableView based view with TTLauncherView ?

Hi again, I'm very newbie with Three20. I'm trying to make an TTLauncherView based interface, without success for now. My LauncherView contains a button, mapped to an URL. When I click on this button, I want a TTTableView based to be displayed on screen. But I have nothing. Here is a piece of my AppDelegate code : [map from:@"tt://ra...

Three20 TTTableViewController cell height

Hi, I'm trying to change the height of the cells in my TTTableViewController from the three20 library. I'm using TTTableRightImageItem and I want the height to be determined by the height of the image and not the fixed height. Do I have to subclass TableCell? Is there a property I can just set? Thanks ...

Three20 : how to pass a class of objects between 2 views

Hi, I have a TTableView. The items in this table a mapped to an url, so that when I click on an item, another view appear with informations about this item. All these informations are attributes of a class. So, how can I build my TTableTextItem URL in order to transmit the class containing informations to the view responsible for the di...

TTTableImageItem : scrolling resizes image

Hi, I'm filling a TTTableViewController (via its "datasource" property) with items of class TTTableImageItem. The images are thumbnails downloaded from Youtube, and their original size is 120x90. In my TTTableView, they are automatically reduced so that they fill in their cells. But when I scroll up or down the view, they get back to t...

Set row height of a TTTableView

Hi, I know that question has been asked many times (for example :, but I never found a simple answer to it : is there simple way to set the row height of a TTTableView ? I really need to do this and I can't find any way to achieve it. Thanks in advance ...

Three20 : createModel not called

Hi, In a class which inherits from TTViewController, I create an UITabBarController : - (void)loadView { [super loadView]; YoutubeFeedViewController *y = [[YoutubeFeedViewController alloc] init]; SourcesController *s = [[SourcesController alloc] init]; tabBarController = [[UITabBarController alloc] init]; tabBarCont...

Using Three20 Library

Hello, I'm a baby ipad developer I want to use three20 library in my project and I add this library correctly to my project but when I used it, I got a lot of errors fro example when I add " #import "extThree20JSON/extThree20JSON.h" to my project , xcode said:I don't know any classes or ... with this name I know I forgot to do something...

using TTThumbsViewController with UITabBarController

I am new to iPhone programming and recently I've found out a great framework, Three20. However, I am stuck in making the TTThumbsViewController to come out when a tab bar item is selected. Any idea? ...

Adding a button in the bottom of a TableView

Hi guys. I'm trying to add a button on the bottom of a TableView, without any success. The idea isn't to use the tableFooterView property, as that doesn't show the button in a fixed position. My idea is more along the lines of the Facebook application's Notifications bar on the bottom. I'm using Three20. Any pointers on how I can ac...

How do I get TTTableViewDataSource to work with AddressBook

Hello I would like to get a TTPickerTextField to search and get data from the build in AddressBook, and I understand I should make my own data source class that implements the TTTableViewDataSource protocol. But how do I implement it so that it connects correctly with the build in AddressBook? Im a newbie, so combining the Address Book ...

Getting TTPickerTextField to work?

Hello I am crossposting this in the because I find it so very difficult to get answers on Three20 I can see from other posts that it is hard getting some newbie/starter help on Three20, but it is really hard to get started with Three20 with the lack of documentation and examples, so I will try :) Bear with me, I am just t...