
C# Best way to replace x repeated tokens by one token

If I have: Some text More text Even more text What is the more elegant way to obtain: Some text More text Even more text All with knowing the number of repeated tokens ...

Rails simple form gives InvalidAuthenticityToken error

I have a simple form like this: <form name="serachForm" method="post" action="/home/search"> <input type="text" name="searchText" size="15" value=""> <input class="image" name="searchsubmit" value="Busca" src="/images/btn_go_search.gif" align="top" border="0" height="17" type="image" width="29"> </form> And a controller with th...

Best way to create a TOKEN system to authenticate web service calls?

I'd like to create a web service architecture that can be called by various platforms such as mobile devices, winforms applications, iphone, blackberry, you name it. So going with something like WCF and wsHttp binding probably kills this and I would need to downgrade to a basicHttp binding for compatibility. With that said, I need a sy...

Agile Web Development with Rails Chap8:Sessions

I have completed chapter 7 successfully so far but now am stucked at Chapter 8: Sessions I m using rails version 2.3.2 I am following the instructions and code as written in the book but It is showing me the error of Token Authentiction Failed when i refresh store.rb to see the cart. how can i resolve this problem? i want to know from...

Struts Synchronizer Token

If I implement the Synchronizer Token in my struts application, would i need to edit all my forms to add some kind of tag for the token or is that done automatically by struts? ...

APNS: Not receving any feedback for registerForRemoteNotificationTypes: neither +/-

Hi, I have been trying to use the default code in the iPhone APNS documentation to generate a device token using registerForRemoteNotificationTypes() but without succes. Neither the didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken or the didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError is called. I had placed a UIAlert in both these meth...

C preprocessor and concatenation

I am trying to write a code, where name of functions are dependent on the value of a certain macro variable. To be specific, I am trying to write a macro like this: #define VARIABLE 3 #define NAME(fun) fun ## _ ## VARIABLE int NAME(some_function)(int a); Unfortunately, the macro NAME() turns that into int some_function_VARIABLE(int ...

Parsing rules - how to make them play nice together.

So I'm doing a Parser, where I favor flexibility over speed, and I want it to be easy to write grammars for, e.g. no tricky workaround rules (fake rules to solve conflicts etc, like you have to do in yacc/bison etc.) There's a hand-coded Lexer with a fixed set of tokens (e.g. PLUS, DECIMAL, STRING_LIT, NAME, and so on) right now there a...

how to get Device Token using Iphone Application and other info about the device?

Hi, In my iphone application i want Device Token using the APN. How to get that using code ? Alos i want Other information about the Device User,its version and other info. How to get that using Code ? Is it possible to get the device other information using Device Token? what is the format of the Device Token? Please give solution ...

Claims + Tokens library for c#

Is there a library for c# that allows me to build an encrypted token containing claims, and then gives me an API to check if a token contains the claims I'm interested in? Similar to how ".NET Access Control Service" works. I hope the question is clear. Thanks, Nestor ...

Iphone device token - NSData or NSString

Hi Guys, I am receiving iPhone device token in the form of NSData object. When I tested my notifications script function, I have only copied that object from log and the notifications went fine. However when I try now to automatically do it, I am sending the device token as ASCII encoded string in the form of variable self.deviceToken...

WCF: The incoming message was signed with a token which was different fron what used to encrypt the body. This was not expected.

For what ever reason, a critical third peaty webservice functions like this. I can connect, send a request, and receive valid response, but i still get the error message. This only happens on one server. "The incoming message was signed with a token which was different fron what used to encrypt the body. This was not expected." (sic) T...

Stringbuilder in CIL (MSIL)

Hey there, I'm trying to generate code that takes a StringBuilder, and writes the values of all the properties in a class to a string. I've got the following, but I'm currently getting a "Invalid method token" in the following code: public static DynamicAccessor<T> CreateWriter(T target) //Target class to *serialize* { ...

Creating C macro with ## and __LINE__ (token concatenation with positioning macro)

I want to create a C macro that creates a function with a name based on the line number. I thought I could do something like (the real function would have statements within the braces): #define UNIQUE static void Unique_##__LINE__(void) {} Which I hoped would expand to something like: static void Unique_23(void) {} That doesn't wor...

Using a form token when user isn't logged in

I noticed that a lot of sites send a random token with form posts even though the user is not logged into a service requiring authentication. I understand the use of a token when you have an authenticated session, but what is the point in sending one when they aren't authenticated? Is it common practice to create a session when a user ...

Email and Reusable Token URLs

I'm building a site that offers functionality to users without requiring them to register. The idea is to send an email to the specified address containing a link with a token. That way the user would could this link anytime they want to make changes to the functionality. While I realize that there is no way to truly secure such a conce...

Is There A Fast GetToken Routine For Delphi?

In my program, I process millions of strings that have a special character, e.g. "|" to separate tokens within each string. I have a function to return the n'th token, and this is it: function GetTok(const Line: string; const Delim: string; const TokenNum: Byte): string; { LK Feb 12, 2007 - This function has been optimized as best as po...

WCF Web Service error - The message could not be processed. This is most likely because the action '' is incorrect or because...

... the message contains an invalid expired security context token or because there is a mismatch between bindings... The problem is, the client and the server times are a few seconds off. The web services all work fine, unless the call is made in between the few seconds that the client/server are off. So, if the call is made, and the c...

Need help with scanner class for creating tokens

Errors im getting: cannot find symbol constructor method Token. but i do have a constructor in Token class cannot find symbol variable tokenCode. i clearly use it alll over and i think i initialized it properly so whats wrong? cannot find symbol variable scantest. i have that in same folder where all classes ar...

MS CRM - Duplicate tracking tokens when sending emails from workflows

Hi, I have recently helped some of our users set up several workflows to send emails. Now that these have been in use for a couple of weeks we have noticed that each time the workflow runs, emails to different recipients are sometimes given the same email Tracking Token. This has resulted a number of emails tracking to the wrong Lead wh...