
Cannot rollback transaction in Zend Framework

I use the following code for transaction in Zend Framework but the rollback function doesn't work (Data is inserted into the database by insertSome($data)). What's wrong? $db->beginTransaction(); try{ $model->insertSome($data); $model->insertAll($data2); //this line cannot be run and the whole transaction should be rol...

Do Indexed Views Update During a Transaction?

Let's say I've got a SQL Server Indexed View, vwIndexedView, that reads from two tables, tbTableOne, and tbTableTwo. If I perform an action on one of the two tables inside a transaction, what happens to my indexed view? Is it refreshed immediately, or do I have to commit my transaction before the results will feed into it? For instance...

Atomic transactions in key-value stores

Please excuse any mistakes in terminology. In particular, I am using relational database terms. There are a number of persistent key-value stores, including CouchDB and Cassandra, along with plenty of other projects. A typical argument against them is that they do not generally permit atomic transactions across multiple rows or tables...

How to Decide to use Database Transactions

Hi, How do you guys decide that you should be wrapping the sql in a transaction? Please throw some light on this. Cheers !! ...

ISOLATION levels in Transaction

Hi, I want to know that what is the best way to arrive at the isolation level of the transaction? This is a good link of the available ISOLATION levels. Blockquote It will be nice if someone can explain the various isolation levels of a transaction ...

How to implement Linq-to-Sql counter cache with concurrency and transactions support?

I have a scenario where I want to have a question object and users can concurrently add answer objects to the question object. The question object needs to maintain the answer count. How can I do an implementation in Linq2Sql that transactionaly saves the answer object that the user submitted to the question and updates the incremented...

Start a new process in a transaction

Hi, I have to create a user in a third party application that stores its information in SQL Server, and I also store information about this user in our application database, also in SQL Server. I was hoping to wrap both updates in a TransactionScope, so they can succeed or rollback together. Unfortunately the only method I have for cre...

Limits on PostgreSQL schema changes inside transactions?

My database background is with Oracle, so I was surprised to discover that Postgres includes schema changes in transactions - if you begin one, create a table and then rollback, the table goes away. It works for adding and removing columns as well. Obviously this is very nice. We're about to make some changes to the way we deploy schema...

SQL Server snapshot isolation level issue

Hello everyone, I am studying snapshot isolation level of SQL Server 2008 from the below link. My confusion is, It is mentioned "Data modifications made by other transactions after the start of the current transaction are not visible to statements executing in the current transact...

Can I wrap an Access form with a transaction?

I want to make a form the essentially creates an invoice, but using some other related data as inputs or limits; In the process of adding items to the invoice, I need to reduce the items in another table. Since the user will enter several items at a time, I'd like to issue a "START TRANSACTION" when the form loads, and then do a "COMM...

MS Access Atomic Transactions

Is there any way to make microsoft access transactions atomic across multiple users? I have found this which seems to imply that they are not, but I am wondering if atomicity in access is driver specific. ...

postgresql: Large Objects may not be used in auto-commit mode [CLOSED]

Hi, I'm working on a application which uses spring and hibernate. We are using postgresql as the database. When I try to insert a record into a table which has a OID column it is throwing the following error. org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: could not insert: [com.greytip.cougar.model.misc.MailAttachment] at org.hibernate...

Concurrent process inserting data in database

Consider following schema in postgres database. CREATE TABLE employee ( id_employee serial NOT NULL PrimarKey, tx_email_address text NOT NULL Unique, tx_passwd character varying(256) ) I have a java class which does following conn.setAutoComit(false); ResultSet rs = stmt.("select * from employee where tx_email_address = 'test1...

NHibernate Transaction fails with Insert and Update on Oracle

Hi, Post Update: I have tracked down the problem at the command "ExecuteNonQuery". That's the one that fails during an update or hangs during an insert. Trying a simple example using plain ADO.NET and their transactions works perfect. Also... it works great on my local home computer connection an Oracle Express edition. Pointing it agai...

What is the best translator program?

What is the best program to translate the text in any desktop program's user interface from one language to another? ...

Oracle Transaction under MS SSIS

Hi, I'm trying to get transactions working under SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services 2005) and Oracle with no luck. I'm using Oracle 10g. I have created a Sequence Container, set its TransactionOption to "Required" and put inside it a DataFlow Task with TransactionOption = "Supported". The server running SSIS has the MSDTC service ru...

Subsonic Transaction Error

Considering the following code: List<Processo> listaProcesso = new List<Processo>(); Processo processo; processo = new Processo(); processo.AgendamentoID = 9; processo.DataEntrada = DateTime.Now; processo.EtapaExecucao = 0; processo.RegistrosAfetados = 2; listaProcesso.Ad...

NHibernate session management?

Firstly, let me give a brief description of the scenario. I'm writing a simple game where pretty much all of the work is done on the server side with a thin client for players to access it. A player logs in or creates an account and can then interact with the game by moving around a grid. When they enter a cell, they should be informed o...

Dot NET and SQL Server 2005 Transaction

Hi, In a situation where i have to insert a record into a table A, and one of the fields in the table references a record in another table B. How can i make sure that until i commit the insert statement, the record in table B referenced by a the record to be inserted in table A is not tampered with. I am thinking of including both tabl...

TransactionScope: Has it gotten better?

When TransactionScope first came out, I ran into some serious issues getting it to work between my dev machine (XP) and our database server (Windows Server 2003). When I looked into it more, this appeared to be a tricky and widespread issue that had a chance of becoming a headache in production, so I decided not to handle transactions t...