
Spring @Controller and Transactionmanager

I'm having a basic Spring Controller package; @Controller public class HelloWorldController implements IHelloWorldController { @RequestMapping(value = "/b/c/", method = RequestMethod.GET) public void doCriticalStuff(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response){ //... } } Tested via curl -X GET htt...

Referential Integrity and HBase

One of the first sample schemas you read about in the HBase FAQ is the Student-Course example for a many-many relationship. The schema has a Courses column in the Student table and a Students column in the Course table. But I don't understand how in HBase you guarantee integrity between these two objects. If something were to crash bet...

JTA Synchronization and Timeouts

When using the Java Transaction API (JTA) and I register a Synchronization with the current transaction, will the afterCompletion() method be called if the transaction times out? If so, when will the afterCompletion() method be called, i.e. as soon as the transaction runs over the allotted timeout value or when the first operation on th...

Transaction safe insertion of node in nested set?

I am storing hierarchical data in mysql in the form of a nested set. myTable id, title, lft, rgt I use the following series of sql statements to insert a new node: SELECT @myLeft := lft FROM myTable WHERE ID = $id; UPDATE myTable SET rgt = rgt + 2 WHERE rgt > @myLeft; UPDATE myTable SET lft = lft + 2 WHERE lft > @myL...

TSQL Create trigger with transaction and try catch block

Hi ! i have some questions about a transaction in the trigger, for which I haven't found an answer yet. CREATE TRIGGER A_AI ON A AFTER INSERT AS BEGIN TRY --is the try block 1 transaction ? or do I have to begin the transaction? --BEGIN TRAN: may I start the transaction like this? -- SOME DANGEROUS OPERATIONS ...

Are there any open-source tools or frameworks on transactional file I/O, Java language?

My project needs RandomAccessFile,and I have made it.But when testing the Mutiple Access,many problems found.It can not make sure the file access security , no ACID semantics.So I need a framework based on RandomAccessFile to solve this problem. ...

MySQL Transaction handling with Insert Ignore (or similar) and Unique IDs

I'm using MySQL + PHP. I have some code that generates payments from an automatic payment table based on when they are due (so you can plan future payments... etc). The automatic script is run after activity on the site and sometimes gets run twice at the same time. To avoid this, we generate a uuid for a payment where there only can be ...

Perl script to dynamically monitor web pages

I'm tweaking a perl script that I use to monitor sites (response times etc.) and I'm running into issues using Nagios::WebTransact. I want to be able to post to a page on one of my sites, get a response, and use the values in that response to post to the next page. It doesn't look like Nagios::WebTransact supports this. I read it has "l...

Spring Optimistic Locking:How to retry transactional method till commit is successful

Hi, I use Spring 2.5 and Hibernate JPA implementation with Java and "container" managed Transactions. I have a "after user commit" method that updates data in background and need to be committed regardless of ConcurrencyFailureException or StaleObjectStateException exception, because it will never be shown to client. In other words, ne...

With Spring Transactions with Hibernate, how can you get 2000+ inserts to not slow down in the same transaction?

I have a curious little problem. I have a service that needs to create 2000 records in the database, minimum on various tables. While it would be nice to have them run in the same transaction, the performance gets to be really bad around 400-600 inserts. For some reason, the inserts go slower and slower. I suppose that Hibernate needs t...

Cassandra Transaction with ZooKeeper - Does this work?

I am trying to implement a transaction system for Cassandra with the help of ZooKeeper. Since I don't think I have enough experience in database implementation, I would like to know if my idea would work in principle, or is there any major flaw. Here is the high level description of the steps: identify all the rows(keys) and columns t...

Rerunning failed Container-Managed transactions in JEE

I have a situation with a legacy system which uses JEE Bean Managed Transactions. It's getting LockAcquisitionException thrown when it's trying to retrieve something it just created. My initial thoughts were this: @TransactionAttribute(SUPPORTS) public Item retrieveItem(int id) { Item i; try { i = em.find(Item.class, id); } catch...

Spring Test's @BeforeTransaction is still inside a transaction?

I'm using Spring Test and JUnit to run DAO integration tests. The test class is annotated as follows: @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) @ContextConfiguration( { "/testPersist-applicationContext.xml" }) @Transactional I use the @BeforeTransaction annotation on a method to insert some test data -- that I would expect to be there ...

How to programmatically get transaction manager in a thread ?

I have a wicket page , which contains two Spring-managed beans , one is DAO , another is Service Object : public class MergeAccountsPage extends WebPage { @SpringBean private MergeEmailDao mergeEmailDao; @SpringBean private MergingService mergingService; } The MergingService's implementation's methods are mostly annotated wit...

Transactions (Atomicity property) in EJB 3 apply only to Database Operations - Am I right?

I know that transactions could be used to bring about atomicity. Like if methodOne() methodTwo() methodThree() are clubbed into one transaction, if any of the method fails, the entire operation is rolled back. A rollback would result in a database-level rollback and as a result the database would be brought to a state, as it was before...

using transactions in csla and manual transactionscope

So hopefully with some CSLA skills out there can help me see a better way with this one. I have a situation where I want to manually create my transaction from outside the object and set my transactionAttribute to manual. So I have some code that looks like this: using (SqlConnection conn ConnectionManager<SqlConnection>.GetManager("Db...

Efficient use of SQL Transactions

My application currently needs to upload a large amount of data to a database server (SQL Server) and locally on a SQLite database (local cache). I have always used Transactions when inserting data to a database for speed purposes. But now that I am working with something like 20k rows or more per insert batch, I am worried that Transa...

Can BMT transaction join with an existing transaction ?

I find that in a session bean, while using Container-Managed-Transactions, the transaction can be made to join with the existing client-transaction using transactional attributes like REQUIRED / SUPPORTS. While using Bean-Managed-Transaction, is there a way to make that transaction join with the existing client-transaction ? ...

Why are SQLite transactions bound to harddisk rotation?

There's a following statement in SQLite FAQ: A transaction normally requires two complete rotations of the disk platter, which on a 7200RPM disk drive limits you to about 60 transactions per second. As I know there's a cache on the harddisk and there might be also an extra cache in the disk driver that abstract the operation that i...

Can I retrieve pending queries during an InnoDB transaction?

I start a transaction. Then I need to rollback it. Can I somehow get a list of the queries that get "discarded" this way? (ps: of course I can log them beforehand; I was wondering if this could be done in a more "natural" way) ...