
Are Erlang/OTP messages reliable? Can messages be duplicated?

Long version: I'm new to erlang, and considering using it for a scalable architecture. I've found many proponents of the platform touting its reliability and fault tolerance. However, I'm struggling to understand exactly how fault-tolerance is achieved in this system where messages are queued in transient memory. I understand that a ...

Spring JPA - Injecting transaction manger vs injecting entity manager

If I wanted manage transactions programmatically, what is the difference between starting the transaction by injecting a PlatformTransactionManager vs directly injecting EntityMangerFactory/EntityManager and getting transaction from Entitymanager public class MyDAO { @PersistenceContext(unitName="test") EntityManager em; JpaTransactio...

TransactionScope: Avoiding Distributed Tansactions

I have a parent object (part of a DAL) that contains, amongst other things, a collection (List<t>) of child objects. When I'm saving the object back to the DB, I enter/update the parent, and then loop through each child. For maintainability, I've put all the code for the child into a separate private method. I was going to use standard...

Is WCF RoutingService transactional?

Hello everyone, In WCF4 we a provided with a great feature - routing services. MSMQ4 supports remote transactional read. So now building simple publish-subscribe on WCF seems to be a piece of cake. But I get one doubt. Does the System.ServiceModel.Routing.RoutingService, which implements routing stuff for messages, work in a transaction...

dml by multiple users/commit scenarios in oracle

Hi, How does oracle treats dml statements executed by multiple users on the same data object?. Suppose, If there is a empty table named EMP(empname varchar2(30)) and user 'A' makes an entry into it using, insert into emp values('A'); but hasn't committed it yet. If another user 'B' logged into the same database commits, would he/sh...

Best way to implement call flow with Jain-Sip.

Hi, I was looking into my code, and I wonder how would the SIP call flow would be best implemented /controlled using Jain-SIP, I have designed my SIP call flow to be handled entirely sightlessly by my own code, which I assume is not the right way to do things, so I wanted to see some implementation using the Jain-SIP dialog and transact...

Write an atomic operation

Hi, I would like to execute some methods atomicity with Ruby, according to For instance, if I have: a = 30 b = 75 I would like to be able to do something like: atomic_operation do a += 10 b -= 39 end Is there a native module in Ruby 1.9 that allow such process? If pos...

Change two rows simultaniously

Context: ASP.NET MVC 2.0, Linq-to-Sql, .Net 3.5, IIS7, MS SQL 2008 I'm working on a game fan site. I have a table as follows: ToonId int (primary key) RealmId (FK into Realms table) OwnerId int (FK into Users table) ToonName nvarchar(50) IsMain bit That is a single user may own multiple toons on multiple realms (aka servers), but ex...

Having TRANSACTION In All Queries

Hello Guys, Do you think having TRANSACTION around every sql statements in stored procedures is a good practice? Just about to optimise this legacy application in my company, one thing I found is that every stored procedures has BEGIN TRANSACTION. Even a simple select and Update statement has one. I thought it would be nice to have BEGI...

What is the right way to use JDBC transactions in Java?

I'm using this template: try { connection.setAutoCommit(false); try { // ... do something with that connection ... connection.commit(); catch (SQLException exception) { connection.rollback(); throw exception; } finally { connection.setAutoCommit(true); } } catch (SQLException ...

how to ensure data consistency

c# application. I am doing a select followed by update of a column in a table. I am putting these in a separate transaction with isolation level set to Serializable. I am doing this to achieve data consistency. But still I can check that multiple users are able to read (select) the same value and eventually trying to update with the sa...

Django - Keeping save() based transactions short

As django model save() methods are not lazy, and as keeping transactions short is a general good practice, should saves be preferably deferred to the end of transaction blocks? As an example, would the code sample B hold a transaction open for less time than code sample A below? Code sample A: from django.db import transaction from my...

Performances for a Sql Server query or stored procedure to fill lot of data

Hi, It is a question for SQL Server 2008 and .NET code. I am wondering what you think in terms of performances, design between these two options to insert a lot of data (>250,000 rows, 5 “normal” columns) into a table using a transaction. a. Insert Into statement surrounded by transact statement in the c# code. Or b. Insert Into ...

Seeking Embedded Database alternative to SQLite. Must have foreign key contraint and transaction support?

Do you know of any SQLite alternatives (Portable/flatfile based/serverless) that have foreign key constraint and/or offer transaction support? ...

Where to start managing transactions in java SOA application

Hi, i'm starting to work with Services in Java, and i've been googleing for a while but i still have no clue when is need to handle transactions y several services, e.g. if creating a client uses 3 services, and the third service crash, how can i roll back the 2 previous services? any link, or explanation could help ...

Spring Transactional Unit Tests - Hibernate Queries Not Rolling Back

I am using Spring 3, and Hibernate 3.5, I am not getting my transactions to rollback in the test environment, which has me worried they would not be rolled back in production either. Test Class: @ContextConfiguration(loader = MyConfigurationLoader.class) @TransactionConfiguration(transactionManager = "transactionManager", defaultRollb...

Under Codeigniter, is it possible to see mysql_error()?

I have an Codeigniter app (latest version of CI) that is writing a transaction to a mysql database. I'm fairly sure that I've got a foreign key constraint error occurring, but I can find no way to make CI tell me the specific error. mysql_error() comes back empty. Can anyone tell me how to get Codeigniter to tell me the myslq error mess...

How to use Oracle without transactions?

MySQL has special table type MyISAM that does not support transactions. Does Oracle has something like this? I'd like to create write-only database(for logging) that needs to be very fast(will store a lot of data) and doesnt need transactions. ...

UnexpectedRollbackException overrides my own exception

I have the following strange scenario with spring's transaction management: I have method A which calls method B which calls method C, each of them in a different class. Methods B and C are both wrapped with transactions. Both use PROPAGATION_REQUIRED, so while spring creates two logical transactions, there is one physical transaction i...

MSDTC not initiating WCF operation.

I have a windows XP machine CompA in which I have windows form application that is acting as client that will access WCF service operations installed on CompB which runs windows 2008 server. For testing purpose I have only one service on CompB with has a simple operation called WriteName that writes to a single field in a table in the o...