
UINavigation/TabBar transition animation

How can I use UIViewAnimationTransition type in one of UINavigation/TabBar transitions? thanks ...

Possible to change component on state change - Flex

I've got a whole bunch of data being displayed in different Labels, now I'm adding an edit state. I'd like all the labels to "transform" into TextInputs. I was just wondering if it possible to uses states to change into something like this ...

Enumerate possible states transition of Workflow Foundation state machine.

For GUI purposes I need by current state of state machine to enumerate possible available states of transition. For example there is transitions: A->B, A->C, B->D, C->D. Assuming state machine is in A state, so I need get list of B and C. ...

Flipping View transition becomes clunky when using UIPickerViews with a large number of elements

I have a very simple app created with the Utility Application project template on XCode. My MainView has two UIPickerView components and two buttons. The FlipSideView has another UIPickerView. The pickers on the main view each have 4 segments and each segment has 8 rows. The picker on the flip side has just 1 segment with 8 rows. All ro...

CSS3 webkit fading in a tooltip.

HI, I've just been experimenting with a CSS tooltip that fades in with CSS3's transitions. I was going for a tooltip effect that when you hover a link, the tooltip appears, but fades in using only CSS3. I've got it working up to a point, but for some reason, when I hover over where it's meant to be, it activates, even though it's inital...

QT EventTransition implementation

I am trying to build an QT State Maschine. I have some States, and for those States i need Transition that alter the Graphics on my gui. The Problem i having and the only reason i am asking, i am Stuck and Point 1. The compiler cant identifie the QTEventTransition. I have QT 4.6 wroking with QT Creator on Windows. The compiler does n...

iPhone SDK "White Flash" transition

I want to make a button; when you press it the screen fades to a "flash of white" and back like in those powerpoint transitions. I'm thinking maybe dynamically changing the opacity of a white square or something? What do you think? Is there something like this that already exists like part of Catransitions or something? Thanks guys. ...

view update problem on transition

Hello, when flip from one view to a new one, I get refreshing problem. New view contains a navigationItem with two buttons, one right, one left and when transition starts, I see buttons on opposite sides and not correctly positioned until the transition ends. Then view is showed correctly according to xib file. How to solve it?? ...

Start Activity with an animation

I am trying to start an activity with a custom transition animation. The only way I have found out so far to do this (without using onPendingTransition() in the previous activity) is to use a custom theme on the activity and define either activityOpenEnterAnimation, taskOpenEnterAnimation, windowEnterAnimation or windowAnimationStyle to ...

Is the iPad "page turn" transition included in the SDK?

Is there a "page turn" transition included in the iPad SDK that I can use? Or is that all coded by hand with core graphics? ...

How big of a jump will it be to go from C# to Objective C

How hard will it be to transfer from my existing expertise in C# to building apps for the iPad/iPhone in Objective C? ...

UIView Animation: PartialCurl ...bug during rotate?

Hello all, a short question. I've created an app for the iPad, much like a utility app for the iPhone (one mainView, one flipSideView). The animation between them is UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl. shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation is returning YES. If I rotate the device BEFORE entering the FlipSide, everything is okay and the...

Form data transition into entity beans to persist them with the server side ORM

Is there any good explanation or tutorial which describes the common ways to create entity beans from the received data of a form? The main reason for my question the treating the received ids (e.g id of country,city and so forth) which is the way from the id to entity? Example: ................Client side form username:String count...

PHP / jQuery page change transition

Hey all Basically I want to replicate the page changing effect found here, at But instead of using #values I want to use PHP includes, mainly because I want the site to be as uber-seo-friendly as possible... but still have this nice effect. So is there a way of doing this? I have a main index file which include...

Flex image transition animation

I want to implement horizontal image transition while changing image in slide show? HOw can it be done? ...

How can I transition from a front-end career to back-end career?

Hello, In 2004, I received my B.S. in Computer Science using mostly Java for programming. Since then, I have been hired for purely front-end positions in large companies through recruiters, doing primarily HTML/CSS, Javascript/jQuery, and OOP Actionscript 3. While I definitely have respect for the front-end, and have learned much, I fee...

segmented controls mangled during initial transition animation

greetings and salutations folks, i'm relatively new to objective c & iphone programming, so bare with me if i've overlooked something obvious.. i created a simple app to play with the different transition animations, setting up a couple segmented controls and a slider.. (Flip/Curl), (left/right) | (up/down), (EaseInOut/EaseIn/EaseOut/L...

-webkit- vs -moz-transition

I am using CSS3 transitions on my site and the -webkit- seems to be working, whilst the -moz- is not. Here is the CSS: article {z-index: 2; float: left; overflow: hidden; position: relative; -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.2s ease-in-out; -moz-transition: -moz-transform 0.2s ease-in-out; } .mousedown{-webkit-transform: transla...

CSS3 transition events

Are there any events fired by an element to check wether a css3 transition has started or end? ...

Transitioning from the web to the desktop

Can anyone recommend a language, library, framework or book which focuses on GUI programming from the perspective of a web developer? I have experience in web development, for example HTML/AJAX/PHP/MySQL among similar technologies. However, I have never programmed my own back-end, or any kind of standalone program. Does anyone have ex...