
translation algorithm

Recently I am working into the ability of translating a PHP web application from one language to another. Well, most of those I read involves having language files, then display the selected one like this: en.lang.php: <?php $_TEXT = array(); $_TEXT['welcome'] = 'Welcome to My Application'; ?> fr.lang.php: // french (i translated t...

Best SEO method to translate a website page with google translate

So must of us have a lot of content on our sites in one language or another. Since we are web professionals we spent all that time we could have been learning human languages - instead learning computer languages. So we need someway to translate our content. Google provides a translation service (among others) and so given their massive...

open source language translation libraries and dictionarys

Which open source language translation libraries and dictionaries do you know? What is your experience with this libs/dictionaries? ...

Translation of request / response messages within SOAP UI

Hi, I've got a quick (and probably a simple one) regarding the translation of request / response messages. The XML that is sent from the Service Consumer is translated before it is passed to the back end system. That is to say, when I submit the request XML, the call first hits the BSL which is responsible for taking the data passed in ...

i18n with gettext but without the locale hassle?

I am looking for a standards-compliant way to store multi-language content for a Web Application. Until now, I have employed my own "translate()" functions that read data from a file or a dictionary table in a database. However, keeping the dictionaries up to date in a database table is very cumbersome if you work with different copies o...

open source language translation engine

have you worked on language translation. are there good libraries available for the same or will i have to deal with most of the things myself. ...

CakePHP i18n, translate behavior, unknown column error when using find() with conditions

I am trying to get the translate behaviour working, i deleted the translated comlumns from the original table and now I am getting errors when performing the following query: $menu = $this->Menu->find('first', array('conditions' => array('Menu.title' => 'main-nav'))); My Menu model: <?php class Menu extends AppModel { var $name =...

Efficient way to store content translations?

Suppose you have a few, quite large (100k+) objects in available and can provide this data (e.g. name) in 20+ languages. What is an efficient way to store/handle this data in a SQL database. The obvious way to do that looks like this - however, are there other ways which make more sense? I'm a bit worried about performance. CREATE TA...

Translation with resource files, Internationalization

i have an mvc application, and i use data annotations for data validations something like this: public class Booking { [Required(ErrorMessage = "Please enter your name")] public string Name { get; set; } ... so this is in my DomainModel and i need to translate the ErrorMessage, and to use the translation in my v...

Translating LOCs

Hi, Has anybody come across a situation where an existing code-base written (say) in Java and written by (say) French programmers had to be converted to code that English speaking programmers could understand? The problem here is that variable/method/class names, comments etc would all be in that particular language. Is there any any ...

Symfony: Model Translation + Nested Set

Hi, I'm using Symfony 1.2 with Doctrine. I have a Place model with translations in two languages. This Place model has also a nested set behaviour. I'm having problems now creating a new place that belongs to another node. I've tried two options but both of them fail: 1 option $this->mergeForm(new PlaceTranslationForm($this->obje...

How to transform a path in svg so that it is parallel to its original location?

Hi, I have a path defined in SVG. I would like to make two copies of the path and translate them so that one sits parallel to the original on one side, and the other sits parallel on the other side. The idea is to end up with 3 paths, all parallel to each other and not overlapping. I have tried simple translations such as transform="tr...

PyQt: translating standard buttons

How can I easily translate standard buttons (Yes, No) from QMessageBox? I can't use on those arguments, so I would like to achieve it in some other simple way. Do I have to use whole translation system? ...

determining the character set to use

my delphi 2009 app has a basic translation system that uses GNUGetText. i had used some win API calls to prepare the fonts. i thought it was working correctly until recently when someone from Malta had a problem with my app failing precisely in this area. my app is used globally. some of this code may have become obsolete since d2009...

Is there javascript (prefer jquery) library that automatically maps form elements to JSON?

Background: This is something I have been looking for since before even JSON was known as JSON. Suppose you have the following javascript variable inside your code: jsonroot = { 'fname':'valued' ,'lname':'customer' ,faves:['berry','chocolate','mint'] ,actors:[ {'fname':'brad','lname':'pitt'} ,{'fname':...

Translate .net application without different forms

I plan to translate an .net 2.0 application to different languages. For that I enabled the localizable attribute in every form. The problem with that is, that I have to apply changes to the UI in every language supported. Is there a way to just translate the captions of buttons, labels etc. without "translating" the positon, size etc? I ...

Best Translation method - ASP.NET VS2008

Currently I am doing a CMS and I want to include multi language support. What do you suggest? ...

converting MATLAB code to Fortran

I a medical researcher with code written in MATLAB 2009b that runs very slowly because of a self-referential loop (not sure of the programming lingo here), i.e., the results of the first iteration is used during the second iteration, etc. (I have vectorized it to a fare-thee-well. I have run the Profiler.) I'd like to convert the slow...

ASP.NET component to edit .resx files

I'm developing a multilingual web site and the localization is done mostly by using .resx files. But now I need to enable users with some permissions to edit resource files online from the web site. Does anyone know of any existing component to help achieve this? ...

Database of common translated phrases for localization?

I'd like to localize my app into a few other languages, all of which I can barely order a drink in. Does anyone know of an online resource for translations of common software menu options, messages, etc. into other languages? Given the number of developers (both OSS and closed-source) that deal with localization, and the overlap of res...