
Converting natural language to haiku?

Is it possible to programmatically convert regular English into English haiku? Or is this something too complicated to contemplate? I have a feeling that this is a lot more involved than a Pig Latin formatter. ...

Perl to Python/Ruby code translator

I was asked to write a Perl-to-Python and Perl-to-Ruby (and vice versa) code translator by an evil boss, and therefore I'm curious to know if some automatic code translators between them exist already. Just by googling it, I found Perthon, plus endless discussions and dead projects trying to do this. In your opinion, is there a standard...

internationalization of php website

Hi, I am currently working on a project / website and I will need to make it available in several languages. The site was done with PHP / mysql and a lot of javascript (jQuery). I have no idea where to start and I was hoping somebody could give me some hints. I would like to know opinions about what is the best approach to take, if ther...

django blocktrans and i18n in templates

Hi, looking for a while with i18n problem in django: this work fine : {% trans %} will be translated but this doesn't work: {% blocktrans with|slugify as cat_slug %}{{ cat_slug }}{% endblocktrans %} is not translated if I change the filter : {% blocktrans with|capfirst as cat_slug %}{{ cat_...

viewing translations in django templates (e.g - making it work)

Hello - I'm trying to figure out the django translation system, so I wrote a little test app. I created the translation files and compiled them (*.po and *.mo), and now I'm trying to render a template in a different language. I change the LANGUAGE_CODE in my to the other language code, but the template still renders in Englis...

How to set language of web page determined by visitor language

Hi everyone, Can someone tell me how to set language of a web page on the knowledge of IP address of visitor so that he automatically gets page in his country's language. Of course if that language is implemented by web developer. Even better I sow some examples of automatic Google translation of the text. So how to achieve that visit...

django - how to make translation work?

Hi - I'm trying to render a template in a different language using i18n. I did everything I could read about, from setting the language code, creating and compiling translation files, including the translation tags in the template and all that, and my template still renders in English, even through the {{ LANGUAGE_CODE }} variable poin...

Python's string.maketrans works at home but fails on Google App Engine

I have this code in Google AppEngine (Python SDK): from string import maketrans intab = u"ÀÁÂÃÄÅàáâãäåÒÓÔÕÖØòóôõöøÈÉÊËèéêëÇçÌÍÎÏìíîïÙÚÛÜùúûüÿÑñ".encode('latin1') outtab = u"aaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooeeeeeeeecciiiiiiiiuuuuuuuuynn".encode('latin1') trantab = maketrans(intab, outtab) ...

Finding the translation between points

I have a map of the US, and I've got a lot of pixel coordinates on that map which correspond to places of interest. These are dynamically drawn on the map at runtime according to various settings and statistics. I now need to switch over to a different map of the US which is differently sized, and the top left corner of the map is in a...

Crowdsourced Translation

I once saw a free translation management software that was used to publish the original software texts and allow translation to other languages in a collaborative way. Something similar to but also allowed community driven additional translations. I just cannot seem to find it again so I was wondering if anyo...

getting google translate api for iphone

hi, i want to use google translate api from the iphone. what i found is : but in the list i can not see the translate api. where i can found the library ? thanks. ...

google API translate, only a div into page

Hi all, I have an html page, and I would use Google Translate for translate only a div into my page. <div id="google_translate_element"></div><script> function googleTranslateElementInit() { new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage: 'it'}, 'google_translate_element'); } </script><script src="

Is it possible to change a textbox's text which is in english to tamil in C#

Question How do I translate text a user types from English to another language? What APIs exist for this? Background When a user types in text into a TextBox on my ASP.NET page, I want it to be automatically translated into Tamil. ...

Multiple Language Support for Classic-Asp

Hi, I want to translate my web page to 7 different languages and I'm curious about what is the best way to handle this? I know this subject opened multiple times but I didn't get a reasonable answer. Actually, all the topics are about php and gettext but I use classic asp (vbscript). The method I'm using now is that; I have en.asp an...

Managing FOSS translations

I am running a FOSS desktop application. I was wondering if you have some good advice on how to manage the technical aspect of strings translation. Currently, I have a single resource file, which users download, translate and post on a relevant tracker. This procedure is hard to manage, since i have to keep track of who posted what, wh...

string translation as free saas?

While Google translate toolkit offers a great means to let the community translate content on localised sites, I want to find a good way of handling the translation of often used strings and sharing those, making available through an api for other sites to use. A typical example are formlabels and buttons, often not in the content-transl...

PHP simple translation approach - your opinion

I am doing a PHP web site, without using any framework. I need that the site is available in several languages, and I was reading about it and it seems to be a little bit confusing. There are several solutions but all seem to depend on a specific framework. What you think of using a simple translation function like the one shown below? ...

How to call C# method taking a parameter of type Expression<T> from F# ?

I'm tryng to use the Brahma library from F# and i need to call a method that takes an Exprssion as parameter and I don't know how to do it. here is the C# code i'd like to translate : // Create the computation provider var computationProvider = new ComputationProvider(); // Create a data-parallel array and fill it with data var data =...

Austronesian Language Translation

Google Translate is awesome for most of the major languages but where do you even begin if you wanted to make your OWN translation engine? Let's say I want to create a very basic Cuyonon to English or even an English to Cuyonon phrase translator, where do I begin? ...

django - what's the best/recommended way to translate db values?

Hi - I'm trying to figure out the best way to translate actual database values (strings, not date formats or anything complicated) when i18n-ing my application. The most logical thing I could come up with is either hold a column for every language ('description_en', 'description_de', 'description_fr', etc) or have a different db for ev...