
How to convert DATETIME to FILETIME value in T-SQL?

I need to convert a SQL Server DATETIME value to FILETIME in a T-SQL SELECT statement (on SQL Server 2000). Is there a built-in function to do this? If not, can someone help me figure out how to implement this conversion routine as a UDF (or just plain Transact-SQL)? Here is what I know: FILETIME is 64-bit value representing the numbe...

Is it possible to use CASE with IN?

I'm trying to construct a T-SQL statement with a WHERE clause determined by an input parameter. Something like: SELECT * FROM table WHERE id IN CASE WHEN @param THEN (1,2,4,5,8) ELSE (9,7,3) END I've tried all combination of moving the IN, CASE etc around that I can think of. Is this (or something like it) possible? ...

TSQL Prefixing String Literal on Insert - Any Value to This, or Redundant?

I just inherited a project that has code similar to the following (rather simple) example: DECLARE @Demo TABLE ( Quantity INT, Symbol NVARCHAR(10) ) INSERT INTO @Demo (Quantity, Symbol) SELECT 127, N'IBM' My interest is with the N before the string literal. I understand that the prefix N is to specify encoding (in this case,...

insert exclusive locking

Hi, I have thought about the following SQL statements: INSERT INTO A(a1, a2) SELECT b1, udf_SomeFunc(b1) FROM B Where udf_SomeFunc makes a select on table A. As I understand, first, a shared lock is set on A (I am talking just about table A now), then, after this lock is released, an exclusive lock is obtained to insert the data. The ...

Join two results sets to make one result set in T-SQL

What would be the best approach to combine the two results sets in one result set in T-SQL? SQL statment #1: SELECT COUNT(t.col1) as 'Number of Responses', t.col2 as 'Department' FROM table t WHERE col3 IS NOT NULL GROUP BY t.col1 ORDER BY t.col1 SQL Statment #1: SELECT COUNT(t.col1) as 'Total number of participants...

t-sql pivot filter based on input column name

Based on following AreaState table Area State ------------------- A1 Active A1 Active A1 Active A1 Proposed A1 Proposed A2 Active A2 Proposed I want to write a stored proc that returns count of state for each of the areas. Input to the stored proc is any valid State (in this case @state is the input parameter). I was hoping ...

Problem with Nulls and an UPDATE statement

UPDATE TableA SET Value = a.Value * b.AnotherValue FROM TableA AS a INNER JOIN TableB AS b WHERE (Condition is true); Here is the problem. The Value field for TableA does not allow nulls. If the calculation of a.Value * b.AnotherValue yields a null, an error is thrown. Now the question. Is there any way to tell the UPDATE to ignore the...

T-SQL Re-Assigning Order Numbering

Say I have a table with a field called "ordernum" that denotes the order of a given set of rows. Now imagine that I delete one of these rows. What type of query would work best for re-assigning the order numbers so that they remain sequential? Here's an example: id group_id name ordernum active ----------------...

Seeking a GUI auto-format feature for T-SQL

Is there a freely available GUI tool that will allow interaction with Microsoft SQL Server (via T-SQL) that provides an auto-format feature? I constantly find myself writing queries in SQL Query Analyzer (Microsoft’s standard GUI tool for T-SQL) and cutting/pasting the whole thing into SQLyog (a GUI tool for MySQL), where I can press F1...

SQL Server 2005 FREETEXT() Perfomance Issue

I have a query with about 6-7 joined tables and a FREETEXT() predicate on 6 columns of the base table in the where. Now, this query worked fine (in under 2 seconds) for the last year and practically remained unchanged (i tried old versions and the problem persists) So today, all of a sudden, the same query takes around 1-1.5 minutes. ...

T-SQL foreign key check constraint

When you create a foreign key constraint in a table and you create the script in MS SQL Management Studio, it looks like this. ALTER TABLE T1 WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT FK_T1 FOREIGN KEY(project_id) REFERENCES T2 (project_id) GO ALTER TABLE T1 CHECK CONSTRAINT FK_T1 GO What I don't understand is what purpose has the second alter with...

sql server - select top and bottom rows

Hi, I'm using Sql Server 2005 and i'm trying to achieve something like: In the same select statement i want to get the first x rows and the last x rows. SELECT TOP(5) BOTTOM(5) Of course 'bottom' does not exist so i need other solution. I believe there is an easy and elegant solution that i'm not getting. Doing the select again with...

PIVOT not performing as expected.

Sorry for an unclear question previously; hopefully I can start again... I have this data: entityid name stringvalue ----------- -------------------- -------------------- 1 ShortDescription Coal 1 LongDescription BlackCoal 1 ShortDescription Gold 1 LongDescription ...

How to detect a SQL Server database's read only status using tsql

I need to know how to interrogate my Microsoft SQL Server to know if a given database has been set to read only or not. Is that possible? ...

Simulating an identity column within an insert trigger

I have a table for logging that needs a log ID but I can't use an identity column because the log ID is part of a combo key. create table StuffLogs { StuffID int LogID int Note varchar(255) } There is a combo key for StuffID & LogID. I want to build an insert trigger that computes the next LogID when inserting log records. ...

check for empty columns

How can I check if any column in a given table only have null or empty string values? Can I in some way extend this for every table in the database? ...

Approach to Selecting top item matching a criteria

EDIT: my apologies, this was a MSSQL2008 issue. I have a SQL problem that I've come up against routinely, and normally just solved w/ a nested query. I'm hoping someone can suggest a more elegant solution. It often happens that I need to select a result set for a user, conditioned upon it being the most recent, or the most sizeable...

help with t-sql data aggregation

Based on the following table Area S1 S2 S3 S4 -------------------- A1 5 10 20 0 A2 11 19 15 20 A3 0 0 0 20 I want to generate an output that will give the number of columns not having "0". So the output would be Area S1 S2 S3 S4 Count ------------------------- A1 5 10 20 0 3 A2 11 19 15 20 4 A3 0 ...

Custom aggregation in GROUP BY clause

If I have a table with a schema like this table(Category, SubCategory1, SubCategory2, Status) I would like to group by Category, SubCategory1 and aggregate the Status such that if not all Status values over the group have a certain value Status will be 0 otherwise 1. So my result set will look like (Category, SubCategory1, Status) ...

Can Entity Framework model be passed a SQL script to be run against the database

Is it possible to pass a SQL script to some method that Entity Framework has to run it against my model? e.g. equivalent of: context.ExecuteStoreCommand(<tsql script path>); Background: I want a way to reset the database during unit tests, and making a call to run the EF generated TSQL script (from Generate Database from Model) seem...