
oauth process for twitter. the difference between client and web application

I managed to make the oauth process work for PIN kind of verification. My twitter application is client type. When enter authorize url into web browser and grant the application access then I have to enter pin in my ruby application. Can I finish the process of getting access token without the pin thing? What changes do I need to do to...

jQuery.ajax call to Twitter succeeds but returns null for Firefox

I've got code that makes a simple get request to Twitter (search) using jQuery's ajax method. The code works fine on Safari, but fails on Firefox (3.6.3). In the Firefox case, my jQuery.ajax parameters 'success' method is invoked, but the supplied data is null. (In Safari, I receive a boatload of JSON data). My ajax call is: $.ajax({ ...

need help, twitter post wont show up

can somebody help me with these codings... this code work at another twitter account, but when i try to retrive post from "goelalifest" twitter account, it wont show up. <div id="twitter_update_list"></div> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="

"Could not authenticate you." -error when using Twitter OAuth.

Hello I'm building my first system using Twitters OAuth and have some issues. First, I'm using Abraham's Twitter-class for this and I have followed this tutorial. However, I get these lines on my callback.php: Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in C:\xampp\htdocs\twitter\twitterOAuth\OAuth.php o...

How can I capture certain hashtag in Twitter in C# ?

I have a silver light App that captures the tweets of certain Twitter user. I want to modify that App so that It captures any tweet in the public timeline with a certain #hashtag. How can I do that ? or is there any ready code for that ? Thanks!! ...

How do you update your twitter status using YQL?

This is the code example I am following: VALUES ('tweeting from yql!', '@your_consumer_key', '@your_consumer_secret', '@your_access_token', '@your_access_secret'); I understand the consumer key and secret part however I dont understand what to put in for the your_access_token and your_access_secret part. Are these urls I was given wha...

Retweets by a given user

I am try to get a full list of a user's tweets. I do not particularly care what order they come in, but I need all of them, including what the user has ReTweeted. Essentially, I would like to have status/retweeted_by_me, but for specified user. Is this at all possible? ...

Twitpic API: image comments

Does anyone know whether there's a way to retrieve the latest comments posted against an image on Twitpic - I can't find anything in their API. Any suggestions? ...

how can I capture response from ( ruby + twitter gem)

how can I capture response from To make sure that everything went ok? I am using ruby and ruby twitter gem and the my code is basically like that oauth ='consumer token', 'consumer secret') oauth.authorize_from_access('access token', 'access secret') client = client.update('Hee...

how can I capture **http response** from ( ruby + twitter gem)

I opened a question how can I capture response from ( ruby + twitter gem) to know if my update was successful. It is working fine... But I would like to know how I can capture HTTP Response Codes and Errors inside my ruby code? oauth ='consumer token', 'consumer secret') oauth.authorize_from_access('acc...

how to make "tweet" button active in Twitter Anywhere TweetBox

I added a Twitter Anywhere TweetBox to my blog like this: var idvar = "tweetbox"; twttr.anywhere(function (T) { T("#tweetbox").tweetBox({ label: "Tweet me:", height: 100, width: 210, defaultContent: "@maxgrinev Hello!", onTweet: function (tweet, htmlTweet) { docu...

How can I display recent tweets from a group of users in ASP.Net website?

I'm developing a Asp.Net website and I need to display the four most recent tweets from a group of users (around ten) that will be set in the admin area of the website. I know twitter has an API, but I don't know where to start. Any help would be really appreciated. ...

Twitter API question

I have a question regarding Twitter API. I came across something called "Parameters and Values" in the API console here : What can I put here ? I want to filter the response of public statuses to only those have the Hashtag #Give .. Can I do that from here ? What language should I use here ? ...

Delay and Inconsistent results using Twitter search API when using "since_id" parameter.

Hi. We've noticed what seems to be a delay and/or inconsistent results using the Twitter Search API when specifying a sinceid in the param clause. For example:;q=&amp;result_type=recent&amp;rpp=100&amp;show_user=true&amp;since_id= Will give the most recent Tweet...

how to test a twitter api on your local machine

i am using twitterizer to have a web front end to twitter data. I'm trying to figure out how i can test on a localmachine when you have to put in a valid public callback url in your application registration. The twitter page doesn't let you have a callback url like this: http://localhost:3444/Callback . . any suggestions? ...

accessing parsed JSON on the iPhone SDK

Hello All! I've been following the great tutorial about (iPhone, json and Flickr API and I did manage to access the parsed json info just fine. Now I'm trying to do the same thing with the Twitter API, and I am able to get the json info and parse it, but I can't seem to access it like in Flickr. I noticed that the json info that is ret...

How do I migrate from a basic plaintext password authentication to an OAuth based system?

Hello, Found out today that Twitter will be discontinuing its basic authentication for its API; the push is now towards OAuth but I don’t have a clue as to how to use it or whether it’s the right path for me. All I want to be able to do is post a tweet linking to the most recently published post when I hit publish. Currently I’m sendin...

Twitter - Get users live tweets on my website instantly

Hello guys, I was checking out the website. While signing up I provided them with my twitter username. Now whenever I tweet and if my tweet contains $ and a stock ticker symbol - it instantly appears on I am interested in implementing something similar in my website. Just wanted an understanding of how thi...

How to display twitter home_timeline with Oauth?

twitter API functions list please. I want to display twitter home_time using twitter tokens Eg: get_accountVerify_credentials(); ...

Twitter API - Display all tweets with a certain hashtag?

Hi, How would I go about displaying tweets that contain a certain hashtag using the Twitter API? Thanks ...