
Customising Tweets

I have some PHP creating automatic Twitter updates, which in the small print at the bottom reads "[date/n minutes ago] via API". Is it possible to somehow change the "via API" part to something more useful and descriptive? ...

Twitter4j: How to check twitter account exists or not after getting the credentials from an User?

I am creating an application which requires twitter account , after I get credentials from an user , I want to check if that account exists or not. How can I do this with twitter4j ??? Note: I am using Google appengine ...

Google Maps API

I am building a twitter, google maps mash-up. I am trying add user's twitter profile picture to the map as a custom marker, I know how to add custom markers from images but was wondering if there was any easy way of adding a different image for every marker. ...

How do I authenticate a Twitter user and access the API without leaving my iPhone app?

I'd like to allow users to send out Tweets from my iPhone app. That's all the functionality I need at the moment. From what I know of the Twitter API, there's a standard authentication mechanism, which allows the developer to include the user's name and password in the request string that the application sends to Twitter. This method w...

writing an api for python that can be installed using method

I am new at writing APIs in python, in any language for that matter. I was hoping to get pointers on how i can create an API that can be installed using method and used in other python projects. Something similar to the twitterapi. I have already created and coded all the methods i want to include in the API. I just need to kno...

Codeigniter Twitter Library : What is my Callback URL. Where can i find it?

I would like to know where i can find my callback url in ci? Im quite new to it so not really sure. Here is the lib im using. <?php class Home extends Controller { function Home() { parent::Controller(); } public function index() { // This is how we do a basic auth: // $this->twitter-...

How to find the frequency of communication between 2 users?

I am trying to build a friend invite function whereby I suggest some friends to the user of my App for invitation purposes. I want this function to be intelligent and invite those friends with whom the user has max exchange of tweets/retweets and replies. How can I achieve this? ...

Does anyone has working Delphi 7 code, class or unit to upload Tweets to Twitter ?

Does any one has succesfully created a unit or Delphi 7 class to upload tweets to the TWitter web site ? I would like to be able to add tweets from within my Delphi program. ...

How to get Twitter tweets done by me with an HTTP Request

Hi, Is it possible to simply get the twitter posts done by a particular user into an application with simple http requests without logging in. As xml or json format. what I want to do is I want to get my twitter feeds as xml or json with a request, is it possible to do that. Could someone post example http request if its possible to d...

Twitter Streaming API - tracking exact multiple keywords in exact order

Hey Guys, I'm just beginning to play with the Twitter Streaming API. If I specify $sc->setTrack(array('just bought from')); This will correctly pull only tweets that have all 3 keywords - but doesn't maintain the order. 1) I want the keywords to appear in the same order like "I just bought apple from itunes" but the above al...

second time auto login to twitter using oauth php

Any can tell me how to second time auto connect with twitter from my site. I did... the following CODE if(empty($outh_key_db)){ $token=$_SESSION['oauth_token'] ; $outh_secr_db=$_SESSION['oauth_token_secret']; $con = mysql_connect("localhost","rathin","xxxxxxxxx"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); ...

Efficiently fetching and storing tweets from a few hundred twitter profiles?

The site I'm working on needs to fetch the tweets from 150-300 people, store them locally, and then list them on the front page. The profiles sit in groups. The pages will be showing the last 20 tweets (or 21-40, etc) by date, group of profiles, single profile, search, or "subject" (which is sort of a different group.. I think..) a ...

Twitter rate limit

Hi, I am whitelisted in Twitter, and I have this "traffic heavy" application that just makes 2 request to find out how many users 2 people have.... the traffic currently is killing the 150 request limit per hour. How do I authenticate my requests so that twitter knows I am whitelisted?

wordpress plugin for certain tweets

Hello I would need to get tweets from my twitter account on my wordpress site. Okey, the basics i could do, but there is one special need. I would need to get only certain tweets. Tweets that have some #hashstag for example only tweets with hashtag #myss would show up on my wordpress site. Is there ready made plugin for this? I have be...

How would i access the properties in this object? Twitter API

I have stores this object in an variable called results. How would i access the profile_image_url for example. Here is the return value with print_r: stdClass Object ( [results] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [profile_image_url] => [created_...

Twitter API and rate limiting - I am confused

I am new to the Twitter API, and I looked at their whitelisting policies and I am a little confused... I'm basically writing a twitter aggregrator that crawls the public tweets of a set of users (not more than 200) hourly. I wanted to apply for whitelisting, and they seem to offer account based and IP based whitelisting. Since I am using...

Why a wrong tweet id is returned from twitter API?

Hello. I use twitter API to retrieve the user home timeline tweets. I use json response format. Recently the tweet id (in API it is just 'id') are retuned wrong. As an example normally it should return like this: "id": 14057503720, (example is from twitter console) however at my request it is returned like this: "id": 1172601832 It ...

Social Graphing application - help/collaboration needed

Hello my fellow Web Developers. It seems I have been charged with the tall task at my new job of creating an application that would track (on a kind of "super-aggregate basis") a combined aggregate of SEARCH STRINGS (assumedly via Google), SOCIAL MEDIA MENTIONS (Twitter mentions, Facebook mentions, blog mentions,etc), and NEWS POSTINGS (...

twitter api not returning status via ajax

Hello, I'm having this strange issue when i try to retrieve a status using jquery ajax, i get nothing in response. Firebug showing a red link in the console with a code of "200 ok". But when i test my link using wget, it works and i get many status' rather than just single one i specified in the url string. What's going on here? twi...

How to set up a database and API web page to accept POST updates from iPhone?

Hi there, I am developing an iPhone app, which now can update Twitter account with GPS coordinates in real-time, by the Twitter API link: http://username:[email protected]/statuses/update.xml , and I am looking at how to make my own database to accept updates from iPhone, via a similar API page. It seems a .php page can serve as the...