
Creating a custom uidatepicker - it takes up too much space!!

Hi, I would LOOOOVE to have the use of a UIDatePicker that is just one row displayed instead of three.   Three rows take up way too much real-estate!   HELP!!!   I am able to rotate and resize the control without any great stress, but have yet to figure out how to only display the one row. This is not what I'm chasing right this moment. ...

Create new NSDate object from the date returned from UIDatePicker

How to create new NSDate object from [myUIDatePicker date] ? ...

UIDatePicker select Month and Year

I need a UIDatePicker for selecting Month and Year only. I checked the class reference documents. Looks like UIDatePicker is a UIView. I imagined UIPickerView may be a sub view and I can hide the component if I can grab it. But no. That was not possible. Do I have to create my own custom picker then? Any ideas? ...

How to put iPhone UIDatePicker into 24 HR mode without affecting other apps?

Hello, My users was to select their times using the 24 HR clock instead of the AM/PM 12 hour clock in my iPhone app. Presently, as far as I can tell, the only way to put the UIDatePicker into 24 HR time mode is from the device's settings. My users only want 24 HR mode for this app, not their entire device. Does anyone know a way to p...

Get Date Parts from a NSDate value

Hello, I'm using a UIDatePicker and I'm having problems with converting this data to a System.DateTime value in MonoTouch. There are problems with conversions from NSDate to DateTime, which I've mostly solved, but now I see that if you choose a date that is NOT in the same Daylight Savings Time period then you are an hour off. For exa...

UIDatePickerModeDateAndTime leaks

After a bit of time searching and commenting out my code, I've discovered that UIDatePickerModeDateAndTime leaks while UIDatePickerModeDate doesn't - however, I need to be able to set date and time via a picker so I need ...DateAndTime. What's odd is that any other problem that I've encountered, I've Googled it and usually found referen...

IPhone Development - UIDatePicker date from NSString

Hi all, I'm trying to set the date of a UIDatePicker but I the month is everytime "January"(01). I tryed to use "MM" and "LL", but both of them are not working. My code: -(void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; NSDateFormatter *dateFormat = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; [dateFormat setDateFormat:@"YYYY-MM-DD"];; ...

Page content disappears when showing jQuery UI datepicker in IE7

Hi I'm using jQuery UI: <script type="text/javascript" src="/jscripts/jquery-1.4.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/jscripts/jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom.min.js"></script> and IE7 (corporate rule!) When datepicker shows up (enclosed in form and surrounding div), parent div content disappears. It shows up again when I m...

UIDatePicker display seconds

Hi, Is there any chance to display seconds in uidatepicker? I don't really see reference for this. ...

UIDatePicker is not working with MonoTouch. Gives error "Unknown char: ."

I have been trying to use the UIDatePicker, both trying to make my own projects and also trying to use tutorials from Wrox. The problem is as soon as i have a UIDatePicker in my project, the xib file generates the error "Unknown char: .". It doesn't matter which SDK version or minimum OS version I choose in the solutions build options. ...

How to make a UIDatePicker appear at bottom of screen?

Hello, I currently use MonoTouch with MonoTouch.Dialog. When tapping on a date field it pushes the navigationcontroller so you go right a screen to see your UIDatePicker where you choose the date then go "back" to the main screen again. I'd really like to have this UI like other apps I've used that when you select a date field the UID...

How to prevent jQuery uidatepicker from highlighting selected (or current) date in all months of calendar?

I've gone through the options for this plugin several times and can't seem to find a way of turning off this behaviour: the current or selected date is highlighted in all months of the widget, not only the current month. For example if I select August 17th then advance to september, october and so on, the 17th will also be selected in th...

JQuery, Click and Edit TD with Date to a New Date

Hi, I just wanted to know if this is possible. i Have a Table like this Site Name Type Address City Lat Long Fault Time ISB056 Spur aaaa Isl 73.0 33.64 13:14 PM What i want is to Click the Last TD (with the TH Fault Time) and have a datepicker ask a new date and have it inserted into the TD instead of the prev...

Is there anyway to make a jQuery UI Datepicker unclickable?

Is there anyway to make a jQuery UI Datepicker unclickable, so that it's essentially just displaying a date? I tried $("#calendar").datepicker({ disabled: true, altField: '#note_date', maxDate: 0 }); but it didn't work. Thanks for reading. ...

UIDatePicker: time mode: initialize the time (gotta be simple)

All, This seems like such a simple thing, but I cannot find* the right method to create a UIDatePicker, in time mode, and have it initialized to a specific time. I don't want date -- just time (think alarm clock). I have created a NSDate object: NSDate * date = [[NSDate alloc] initWithTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: (NSTimeInterval) ...

iPhone UIDatePicker Gradient - What are the colors?

Hi everyone, I'm putting in a UIDatePicker in a UIView and I can see that the UIDatePicker has a border that is some kind of a dark color on the bottom and it gets lighter as you get higher. I want the containing UIView to use the same colors so that the UIDatePicker flows with the rest of the view and doesn't stand out. I can put in ...

Question regarding passing data to the delegate in iOS

So I have a tableview as a root screen and an add button that presents a new screen that has a datepicker. When I present the new view, I set the root screen to delegate. Now, I need to pass the data from the uidatepicker screen back to its delegate, but I can't remember how that was supposed to work... I know that I should be able to...

Yii's CJuiDatePicker doesn't work for me

I copied the Yii documentation's example for CJuiDatePicker: $this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDatePicker', array( 'name'=>'publishDate', // additional javascript options for the date picker plugin 'options'=>array( 'showAnim'=>'fold', ), 'htmlOptions'=>array( 'style'=>'height:20px;' ), )); The...

jQuery Datepicker - close on input click

Hi all... I am using jQuery Datepicker and I have a little problem. If the datepicker is opened, and you click on the input field again, nothing happens. How can I change that.. the picker to be closed on input click if it is already opened ? Thanks in advance... ...

UIDatePicker for a Non-Gregorian calendar

Hello, I am using UIDatePicker in my App, which works fine for a Gregorian calendar. But I want to use a Non-Gregorian calendar with the DatePicker, which I didn't succeed to do it! I need it to do some conversion from Non-Gregorian to Gregorian dates, so it must work the same whatever the iPhone 'Locales' are. Please can you answer th...