
Push View Controller into Navigation Controller

Hi all, Some times when I push ViewController into Navigation Controller, the viewDidLoad() method of the View Controller is not called. And this cause my application to crash. I would appreciate any help. I forget to mention that I load the view from the nib before I push it to the Navigation Controller. Thanks, Sarah ...

How do you use Interface Builder to control UINavigationControllers properly?

Hello All, I have been in the process of learning to build iPhone applications for the last two weeks. I've gotten through a fair amount of content, and now I'm trying to create a modal pop up with presentModalView. I can can successfully create and slide up a view, but I notice that modal views don't provide you with a default navigat...

UIViewController: detecting drill-down and drill-up

Is there a way for a UIViewController (inside a navigation stack) to detect whether it is appearing because a drill-down or a drill-up was performed? In viewWillAppear, the UINavigationController's topViewController and visibleViewController are already set to the new ViewController, unfortunately. ...

Pushing and Popping view controllers - animation

Hi, I'm using a navigation controller for my app, because a lot of my views are hierarchical. However, I want to push a settings view when someone presses a button. However, I don't want to animate right to left, since I don't want to give the impression to the user that settings are a child of the view below it in the stack. Is there ...

Loading a UIDatePicker in Landscape on a UINavigationController

I have a custom UINavigationController that supports auto-rotate. I also have a UIDatePicker on one of my views that I throw onto the stack of the Navigation controller. The auto-rotate works if I start the date picker view in portrait and then rotate it. If I try load the date picker view in landscape to begin with, the view is all m...

Adding a Flip View type controller in the middle of a UINavigationController hierarchy

I currently have a UINavigationController based application that works just fine. I'd like to take one of the view controllers that's a few levels deep into the UINavigationController stack to have a "flip side" type view as demonstrated by Utility apps, etc. Very common thing. The problem here is that I created an intermediate view con...

How come my navigation control includes two bars one on the top and one on the bottom?

In interface builder, I click on my tab bar controller and set the class of one of the tabs to Navigation Controller. This should set the this tab to be a navigation controller. However, I get an additional bar at the the bottom like a toolbar. Is this normal behavior? How can I remove it? ...

UITabBarController: switch to a different view controller programmatically

In my iPhone app, to restore previously viewed tab, on launch I set the setSelectedIndex: (also tried setSelectedViewController: as per docs but to no avail) This works on iPhone OS 3.0 - however on OS 2.x the selected index greater than 3 (the first 4 tabs) doesn't switch to the required view. This is documented by Apple here: http://d...

iPhone Pushing View Controller in a left direction

I have an app that has a centre view with two views off to each side of it. I want to have two navigation bar buttons, left and right which push a new navigation controller onto the view from the left or the right. When you change views by pushing a new view using the pushviewController: method of NavigationController, the view appears ...

How to put a UINavigationController on the FlipsideView of a iPhone Utility app

I'm trying to develop a new application based on the standard Utility template, which has a MainView and a FlipsideView, and allows the user switch between the two with a cool flipping effect. I've used this template many times with no problem, but now that I want to use a UINavigationController on the FlipsideView, I found out a problem...

UITabBarController embedded in a NavigationController

I know this question has been asked before and the solutions I've heard is to not use a UITabBarController but to add a UITabbar to a view and push its corresponding viewController to the navigation controller. However, when I use this method, I can see the tab bar, but I can't display the tabbaritems on the tabbar. It only shows a tabb...

Refresh view in iPhone navigation based application

I am using a navigation based application for iPhone. I want to reload a view when i come back to it after pressing the back button. ANy solution? Regards ...

Zend Navigation Menu customising to use JQuery jdmenu

So i've followed the tutorial Zend Framework: Navigation and Breadcrumbs with an XML File in ZF 1.8 and all is working well, but i now want to use the jdmenu jquery plugin to renderer a cleaner looking horizontal menu. By default, the Zend framework wraps the menu html code in this element name <ul class="navigation"> I think i can ca...

Change animation duration

I would like to have the navigation bar hide more slowly than usual. I tried the following, but when hiding, it disappears instantly instead of animating out (the view below does animate up correctly): [UIView beginAnimations:@"hideNavBar" context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:2.0]; [self.navigationController setNavigationBarHidde...

UISearchBar Above Navigation Bar

Hi, All the applications I have ever seen, that use UINavigationBars, have the UINavigationBar right at the top of the app. If you want to use a UISearchBar then it's usually in the 'header' of the UITableView such as this... What I would like to do is to put a UISearchBar object above/outside of the UINavigationBar/Controller, but i...

UITabBar and more than 1 UINavigationController

Hi, I'm currently working on an app that require that I have different UINavigationControllers - So I'm using a tab bar and attempting to use a UITabBar to swap between them so I have in the app delegate a bit of code like so: // Setting up the views for the tab controller Friends *friends = [[[Friends alloc] initWithNibName:@"Friends"...

image size to completely take the navigationItem.titleview

Hello all, I seem to be having some problems with getting my image to completely cover the navigationbar( navigationItem.titleview). I already tried some things. I just want to have my image completely over the navigationItem.TitleView; I tried to make a CGRect and initialize my UIImage in it but to no avail. i figured this would ...

Why is this over-releasing? UINavigationController / UITableview

I'm pushing a view controller onto my navigation controller's stack from within my TableViewController's didSelectRowAtIndexPath method as so: MyViewController *myViewController = [[MyViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"MyViewController" bundle:nil]; MyAppDelegate *appDelegate = (MyAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] de...

UITableView pushViewController On Selecting a Row

Hi all, I'm building an iPhone app with a UITableView. On selecting a row, I'd like a UIWebView to be pushed in loading a specific URL. I currently have: - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { NSDictionary * story = [stories objectAtIndex:[indexPath row]]; NSString * storyLink =...

iphone - hiding UITabBar without presentModalViewController or pushViewController

Hey guys, like the question states, I am trying to slide in a UIDatePicker without using presentModalViewController or pushViewController and subsequently hide the main UITabBar of the application. Right now, I am adding the UIDatePicker subview with a couple buttons on a Navigation Bar to a temporary UIViewController, and initializing a...