
Adding views over the UINavigationBar of a UINavigationController

Hi! For "skinning" purposes, I'd have to add two views over the UINavigationBar of my UINavigationController. I did not tried anything yet, but I'd like to add a text with a background image and a toolbar over it that act as a more curtomized navigation bar (I need like previous, next, play, etc) I can't just modify the UINavigationBar...

Problem adding an image to the toolbar using UIBarButtonItem, displaying blank white box instead of image.

Im not sure what im doing wrong. The file name is correct, the style is set to plain. But Im getting a bank white box the size of my image. Im using UINavigationController. Please assist and thank you thank you in advance. **FYI I am sorta new to objective c so dont be too hard on me. ;) UIBarButtonItem *toolbarChannelGuideButton ...

Any other way to load first view from last view in navigation.

there are 4 views in my application. Navigating from first view to second view ... from second view to third view .... from third view to fourth view... Now when i select fourth view i need to navigate it to first view. In didSelectRowAtIndexPath: I loaded my first view nib file... its working........ Is there any alternative way...

How do I create a UINavigationController with a default "back" state?

I have a UINavigationController, complete with table view and associated magic. The data I'm populating that table view from may have items from multiple categories, but the default view for the user will be one in which they are viewing all of the items, and then they have the ability to move backwards to a different table view that wo...

Custom UINavigationController UINavigationBar

Basically I want a custom UINavigationBar. I don't want it to be "translucent" or anything, like the pictures app. I basically want to completely remove it, but I still want to be able to add back buttons and such when navigation controllers are pushed, and I want the views (EG: UITableViewController) to be pushed down below it. Like t...

iPhone - UINavigationController - custom animation with CATransaction

I am trying to create a category for UINavigationController so I can put together a few custom animations. I came across this question and it got me started. I've come up with the following for a push function: - (void)pushViewControllerMoveInFromBottom:(UIViewController *)viewController { [CATransaction begin]; CATransition *tr...

Indent back button on UINavigationBar?

Is there any way to indent the default back button on a UINavigationBar? Basically I just want to move it about 10pts right. Thanks ...

UIViewController only viewWillAppear fires

I have a UIViewController as the root view controller of a UINavigationController. And when it appears for the first time, or it becomes visible as a result of the user pressing back viewWillAppear fires but viewDidAppear does not. Also when the next view is pushed to be visible and the root dissapears, neither of the disappear methods ...

Title Bar( Network coverage, Time and Battery sign bar) not visible??

At first i created a window based application for my project and kept on working for it but now due to some important changes i had to change it to a navigation based app.. i did it by making changes in my MainWindow.nib file by adding NavigationController to it and making the necessary connections...everything went fine i started my app...

Presenting UINavigationController+UITableView modally

This problem has been the dragging factor of my project for weeks now. Somebody please help me out. I want to modally present UINavigationController that has UITableView as its rootviewcontroller. I want UITableView to be the rootview, which I can drill into other views from. I tried this: SettingsViewController *addController = [[S...

Change font of UINavigationController title

Can I change the font of my UINavigationController? --> title ...

presentModalViewController does nothing

I have a UIViewController (parent) that calls presentModalViewController with another UIViewController (child) on viewDidLoad. If parent doesn't have a UINavigationController, then presentModalViewController does nothing. If it has a UINavigationController, then presentModalViewController shows child as expected. Is this the standard b...

Default frame for UINavigation back button image in iphone

I have created back image same as default back "< back" used by Navigation controller. My problem is I don't know the exact frame of back button. Since I am using stretchable image, I need to fix the stretch, bu the caption of button is not coming exactly in center. here is my code `UIButton* btnBack = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame: ...