
access methods and variables in first navigation controller from pushed view

Hi guys, I normally use UIViews to make my apps - but this one I am using a navigationcontroller. I am pushing a view to the top where I want to add items to an array. However, I cannot access the main navigation controller methods etc. Here's the set up 1) AppDelegate adds navigation controller [window addSubview:navigationController...

UINavigationController releasing bonanza

At the end of this code: UIViewController *viewController = [[UIViewController alloc] init]; UINavigationController *navigationController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:viewController]; [viewController release]; [self presentModalViewController:navigationController animated:YES]; [navigationController relea...

Navigation between views

I have app with UITabBarController. First tab has UINavigationController and it is UITableViewController. I mean I have tabs at the bottom and in first tab I have a table with possibility to navigate to other views. After touching one of cells I call view with MKMapView if([indexPath section] == 3){ LocationDetailViewController *dvC...

Add a UIButton to UINavigationController programmatically

In Interface Builder you can drag a UIButton to the centre of a Navigation Controller, between the rightButtonItem and leftButtonItem. I would like to do this programmatically, as i am not loading a xib. I tried: [self.navigationItem addSubview:myButton] // no luck [self.navigationController.navigationBar addSubview:myButton] //no luc...

navigationbar title not getting set iphone

Hi all, In my app, I'm presenting a modalviewcontroller as follows and I'm not able to change the navigationbar's title or any of its properties for that matter. fullListTopCompanies *fullListTopCompaniesInstance = [[fullListTopCompanies alloc] initWithNibName:@"fullListTopCompanies" bundle:nil]; UINavigationController *cntrol = [[UIN...

An instance of NSFetchedResultsController requires a non-nil fetchRequest and managedObjectContext

Hi, I'm trying to use core data inside an iphone application, but when I launch the application I get this error: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'An instance of NSFetchedResultsController requires a non-nil fetchRequest and managedObjectContext' The code is this: #import "CocktailC...

UINavigationController always loads table view with same data

I have a navigation controller based app. My views consist of two tableviews laid out like this: Category Item within category Basically i allow users to create the categories using the + button on the navigation bar. Then they select a category, and can then press the + button again to create items in that category. My problem ...

UITabBarController is slow in responding to touches

I have a UIViewController that contains a UITabBarController with three tabs (each tab being a UINavigationController). The problem that I am having is that in the simulator and the device, going from one tab to another takes a few seconds. I do not (yet) have a way to measure how long it takes, however, it is noticeable. I wanted to ...

Presented modal navigationcontroller under current navigationcontroller iphone

Hi all, In my application the modal navigationcontroller that I am presenting is going under the current navigationcontroller so I'm not able to view the new navigationbar as it's disappearing under the current one. I'm presenting the modalview on self and not self.navigationcontroller because self.navigationcontroller doesn't present ...

Custom tabbar below navigationcontroller issue iphone

Hi all, I have created a custom scrollable tabbar [scrollview with buttons over it] below navigationcontroller. I have two tabbars already in standard tabcontroller at the bottom. For the standard bottom tabs, I have created two navigationcontrollers in xib with two different nibs for both. I'm loading a tableview in one of the lower ta...

How Can I implement navigation Controller in iPad??

Hi, I want to implement the navigation controller in iPad, I know that it is not possible in xcode to do the navigation controller in iPad, there is a thing in which I can enter the view controller and with the help of this we can do the coding of navigation controller.. If you have any tutorial regarding this then plz send it to me.. ...

Edit Button on Navigation Controller

I have a navigation controller in my app and on its root view controller i have an Edit button as the rightBarButtonItem. I have a second table view which is pushed when a cell is tapped on the root view controller. The leftBarButtonItem becomes the Back button. I would like an Edit button as well, where can i put it that would make t...

Edit Button on Navigation Controller does not enter edit mode

I have a UIToolbar with an edit bar button on it. This is defined as self.toolbarItems = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:self.editButtonItem,nil]; The edit bar item shows up, and but when i tap it, nothing happens, it does not change to Done and none of the editing controls show up. I have implemented the following methods as i would like...

UISearchBar is hidding in ipad where as in iphone it is working properly.

I have designed an application for iphone/ipad.My problem is that I am using single RootViewController for showing Category and Subcategory. //Pop me to RootViewController Category Section From SubCategory in iphone/ipad [self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated: YES]; But in ipad my searchbar get hidden under the navigation...

Adding UIView subview to single table view controller in navigation stack

I'm working on an app that has three table view controllers in a navigation stack. The root view controller and the second VC have toolbars, but I want to add a subview to the second view controller like this. (The color is just there for visualization.) I want to add the view programmatically, since I haven't been able to do it with I...

iphone navigation controller - transition between portrait and landscape view controllers

In my iphone app, i've two view controllers. First one is a portrait and second one is landscape. When app is started, it will show the portrait view. On click of a button in portrait view, the view transitions to landscape view. Here, i'm using navigation controller. If both the views are portrait, pushing the next view via navigation c...

Add a new iPhone View above everything, including the navigation bar

Hey, In an application I'm developing, everything starts from a navigation controller, which then loads up several pages. My question is, how can I load up a new view ABOVE this? The closest I've got is to do this in the App Delegate: - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launch...

Passing a URL from one UIWebView to another UIWebview

When a user clicks a link in the present UIWebView a new view is pushed onto the navigationController's stack that contains a UIWebView. I'd like to pass the URL that was touched to this new UIWebView. How do I go about doing this? ...

UINavigationController presents blank view

I have a very strange problem with UINavigationController on the iphone and I am banging my head against the wall on this. Gist of it is I am executing a call to a server and when that call fails I swap out the current view with a view containing an error message. The code in question is called on the main thread by using performSelecto...

Why is self.navigationController = nil from a method

For some unknown reason I cannot push a view, I will try to explain the best I can but i have alot of complicated views going on, And it would be a nightmare to explain but say I have the following method. -(void)showDetailView{ DetailViewController *detailView = [[DetailViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"DetailViewController" bu...