
Programmatically selecting tab and modifying navigation view

Hello, consider a tab bar controller whose tabs are implemented by navigation controllers. Given the action of the user on tab A, I first need to programmatically select tab B, pop to its navigation's root view controller, do some modifications therein and push another view controller onto the stack. However the naive approach tabBarCo...

how to use navigation controller in detail view of split view application for ipad

i am now displaying some table view in root view and detail view now i want to navigate to next view from detail view when a row get selected in detail view ... how to create navigation controller in split view and loading the detail view Thanks in advance.. ...

Create UINavigationController programamtically

Hi all, Just because I am unable to find a secure way (in a sense that it can be rejected by Apple guys) to customize UITabbar, in particular UITabBarItem I am trying some workaround. I have a main view on wich I recreate a kind of UITabBar, a normal view with two buttons inside. This is (roughly) the current hierarchy: -MainView --pl...

UINavigationController Toolbar and device orientation (rotation)

So I have this iPhone app with a nested setup like this: [RootViewController]->[UITabBarController]->[UINavigationController]->[subViewControllers]. Everything is built programmatically, not in Interface Builder. I'm simply trying to support all device orientations. All of my AutoResizing masks are set up and everything rotates and expa...

Problem with a Retina Display Image

Hi all, I have a TabBarController app where the first tabBarItem is a NavigationController... I assign programmatically an image background to the navController with this code:self.navigationController.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"OverviewBg.png"]]; The "OverviewBg.png" image is the exact si...

EXC_BAD_ACCESS after UIViewController is popped from UINavigationController

I am really not sure why this is happening because I have similar logic all over my program but for some reason the following code seems to be where my app is crashing -(void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { NSInteger row = [indexPath row]; LessonRunViewController *lessonRunView = ...

Best way to orchestrate multiple views in iOS without UITabBar or UINavigationBar?

I'm trying to create an iPhone app with a welcome screen that leads to two or three pretty disparate UIs; once you've drilled into one you're not going to have much use for the others, and each one is itself fairly complicated. The designers are all web types and it looks like the "navigation" paradigm is the closest to what they want, ...

Contents of UIPopover change to random orientation when Modal View is visible and iPad rotated

I have a uitableview within a navigation controller shown within a popover. When you press a bar button from within the popover (on a detail view), it shows a modal view. If you rotate the iPad with the popover visible and the modal view on top of that, the popover's content changes to a seemingly random orientation as shown below. Any ...

What kind of loading screen should I have

I'm making a navigation based application. When the user selects a row on the table view, it goes to the next table. However, depending on how many entries are on the table view, this can be instantaneous, or it can take a while. Something needs to be shown to the user that the program is working and is not frozen. I was thinking of br...

NavigationController as a subView

Hi, I'm new to iphone development. I have a tabBar App, designes in interfaceBuilder. When I pressão the About button, it flips to a view where I put the App info. In this view, I need to have a navigaionController with a tableView. How can I do this? I'm having a lot of trouble to do this. Anyone can help Me? iChat: [email protected] ...

Change tabbar size and color iphone

Hi all, They say that Apple doesn't let apps with custom tabbar color or height in. Is it true? I want to change the height of both navigationbar as well as tabbar in my application. Is it ok? Thanx in advance. ...

how to create a UIView with a UINavController and a UITableView

Hi all, I have an App and, when I press the 'i' button, to show the About App view, I need to have a view, with a background image, with a UINavigationController and a UITableView. How can I achieve that, with InterfaceBuilder, or progamatically? It's not done in AppDelegate. I need it to be done on a view. I have the following code, bu...

UINavigationController Problem

In a view Controller I am adding a UINavigationController and it has around 20-30 pixels on top of it. It doesnt fit the navigationCOntroller properly. For soem reason it adds the subview 20-30 px below navController = [[UINavigationController alloc] init]; navController.navigationBar.tintColor = [UIColor grayColor]; UnitViewController ...

How to push uiviewcontroller over tabbarcontroller

I have a tabbar app. each tab has uinavigationcontroller. but all navigationcontroller's Shows Navigation Bar value is NO. i control the which navgation control is active in -(void)tabBarController:(UITabBarController *)tabBarController didSelectViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController event in AppDelegate. Then i the user ...

jquery navigation highlight

Hi I am trying to write a script in Jquery that auto selects the current page link in the main nav. The nav is just a simple UL like this: <ul id="primaryNav"> <li> <a href="retail.html">Home</a> </li> <li> <a href="vision.html">Our Vision</a> </li> <li> <a href="context.html">Town in context<...

View reloding problem inside TabbarController in IPHONE

hi iam currently working in IPHONE application ,in which NavigationController is a rootViewcontroller . AppDelegatefile:== UINavigtionController *nav=[[UINavigationController alloc]initWithRootviewcontroller:ViewController]; [window addsubView:nav.view]; After navigating 5 screen(view) later my application need tabbar controller, s...

iphone Pop screens from navigation controller

Hi, I want to pop more than one controller that means If I have totally 6 screens. Sometimes I have to come to 2nd view controller or 3rd controller from 6 th controll. I know how to pop the current controller or poping till root view controller. But need to pop till particular controller. Can any one please guide me. Thanks in advanc...


I am very new to iPhone Programming, so this question may seem a little silly... I am developing an app which is a UIViewController Based application. so when you run the app a Main View will be shown which is a Full Screen View and is actually my Main Menu Window. i have a few menus inside. when i click any of these menus, i will load ...

Memory Leaks in Irregularly Shaped UIButtons

I know this is a long-shot, but since I need this code to work, maybe someone here can help. I'm using the Irregularly Shaped Buttons code from CodeProject.com in one of my iPhone apps. Works great, but Instruments is reporting two memory leaks. I'm using the code in a standard UIViewController, but that is inside a UINavigationContro...

How to add a NavigationViewController to a project created using the ViewController Template

I have created a new application using the View Based Application Template in xCode. My first view, which displays on loading the app, is a button based menu. One of the buttons (Make) should load a new navigation stack using a NavigationViewController. There are other buttons that when implemented will do other things outside of Navig...