
Popover with embedded navigation controller doesn't respect size on back nav

I have a UIPopoverController hosting a UINavigationController, which contains a small hierarchy of view controllers. I followed the docs and for each view controller, I set the view's popover-context size like so: [self setContentSizeForViewInPopover:CGSizeMake(320, 500)]; (size different for each controller) This works as expected ...

Placing arrow of uipopovercontroller at annotation point on mapkit

I am trying to get a popover to appear at a map kit annotation point but cannot find a "rect" in the annotation view properties to use the rect method of calling uipopovercontroller. If given an annotation on map kit how does one find the appropriate "frame"? To give paul more information, here is my attempt: I have already used: -...

UIPopOver from MKAnnotation callout

Hi all, i'm developing an application for iPad. I have a mapview with several annotations. I need to show a pop-over when the accessory callout method is called, so that the arrow of the popover will point towards the annotation. I am trying to use 'initWithRect' method of the popover, but i'm not getting the co-ordinates(the CGRect in v...

Cell contents changing for rows present outside the height of tableview(to see this cells, we shud scroll down)?

I have set the size of the tableView that I show as the popoverController as 4*rowheight. And I am using 12cells in the tableView. Each cell contains an image and a label. I can see all the cells by scrolling. Upto 5th cell its ok. After th2 5th cell, the label and the image that I am using in the first four cells are being repeated for ...

Why isn't my UITableView appearing in the correct scroll position?

I have a split view-based app that presents a master-detail interface, and uses a popover to present the master list when in portrait mode. The popover presents a sectioned table view that ultimately gets populated by a subclass of NSFetchedResultsController. I can tap the tool bar button to present the master list, scroll to whatever ro...

Accessing UIPopoverController for UIActionSheet on iPad

On the iPad, one can show a UIActionSheet using -showFromBarButtonItem:animated:. This is convenient because it wraps a UIPopoverController around the action sheet and it points the popover's arrow to the UIBarButtonItem that is passed in. However, this call adds the UIBarButtomItem's toolbar to the list of passthrough views - which is...

Ipad UIImagePickerController and UIPopoverController error

Hi, I am using this code to open a popover with imagepicker -(IBAction)photosAction:(id)sender { // dismiss any left over popovers here UIImagePickerController* picker = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init]; picker.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary; picker.delegate = self; UIPopoverController *popover = ...

Google maps style uipopovercontroller

Hi, I have a universal app. On the iPad, when pressing an annotation pin it shows the callout bubble. When I press the desclosure button, it loads a uipopovercontroller with a detailed view. What I want to know is how I can load the uipopovercontroller the same way the Google Maps load the uipopovercontroller. Is there a guide out ther...

How to call PopOver Controller from UITableViewCell.accessoryView?

Hi, First I would like to say that I'm really new to ipad/ipod/iphone development, and to objective-c too. With that being said, I'm trying to develop a small application targeting the iPad, using Xcode and IB, basically, I have a table, for each UITableViewCell in the table, I added to the accessoryView a button that contains an image...

How do I dissmis an UIPopoverController when clicking on anywhere on UINavigationBar ?

Now my UIPopoverController auto dismiss when click on anywhere but Navigation Bar. Does anyone have solution ? Thanks for help. ...

Retain/release pattern for UIPopoverController, UIActionSheet, and modal view controllers ?

I'm somewhat unclear on the object ownership patterns required for the following instances. When my UIViewController presents a popover controller, an action sheet, or another view controller as modal, am I required to hang onto a retained reference to that child controller until it's been dismissed? In other words, do the following lin...

Objective-C NSMutableArray Count Causes EXC_BAD_ACCESS

I've been stuck on this for days and each time I come back to it I keep making my code more and more confusing to myself, lol. Here's what I'm trying to do. I have table list of charges, I tap on one and brings up a model view with charge details. Now when the model is presented a object is created to fetch a XML list of users and parses...

iPad UIImagePicker in UIPopoverController selecting only Saved images (not from Album)???

Hi there, In my iPad application, I'm letting the user select an image using the following code: UIImagePickerController* picker = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init]; picker.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary; picker.delegate = self; UIPopoverController *popover = [[UIPopoverController alloc] initWithCon...

UIPopoverController w/ UINavigationController Subview contentSizeForViewInPopover doesnt work on Parent

I have a UIPopoverController with a subclass UINavigationController. Both the parent and child views are UITableviews. When i call parent view originally with contentSizeForViewInPopover = (320,480) it works great. When i click into the child view i resize the popover to contentSizeForViewInPopover = (320,780) When return back to the...

How can i customize UIPopoverController view on iPad?.

Hai all, I am looking for a solution to customize PopoverController view in my iPad app. I need to remove the pointing icon along with the popover view and to make the view to the middle of the App window. It should go back to the button from where it is popped when we click on anywhere other than the popover view. USA TODAY app in iPad...

Navigation based popover ?

I would like to make a navigation based popover master pane kinda like the one in ipad mail app.I already have the data in a uitable view in the popover, how would i put each of them nd their own category in a navigation based popover. Thanks, Elvin ...

When a popover row is selected, how is - (void)setDetailItem:(id)newDetailItem called??

I've created a TabBar application and in one of the views I'm using a popover. The view is registered for UIPopoverControllerDelegate but that doesn't do it. The popover is a completely different view controller and xib. When the user selects a row in the popover, control goes to the popovercontroller.m method - (void)tableView:(UITab...

UIpopover is presenting user with a 'done' button that I can't get rid of

I'm not sure why this is coming up I am porting my app into an ipad version and moving one of my views which happens to be a navigation controller into a uipopover. I did have a uibarbutton item on the view im porting with a "done" button to dismiss the navcontroller but I commented out that code and its still appearing, not sure why. I...

Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_UIPopoverController

Hi, I am having problems with my universal app. I have set the Base SDK to iPhone 3.2 and set the target to 3.1. I have moved the files that are using the UIPopoverController to their own files and they shouldn't be loaded when loading the app on the iPhone. Still, when I build my app I get the following error when I build and debug ...

UIPopOver and orientation change

In my app I have 3 UIPopOvers. They appear when user taps buttons in the toolbar. I need to make the popovers appear in the correct place when user rotates iPad if the popover is already opened (like the -willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:). How can I do it? Thanks in advance! ...