
enable "Search Button" even tough search bar textfield is empty

Hi there, I'm looking for a way to enable the "Search"-Button on the Keyboard even tough the search bar's text field doesn't contain text at that very moment. background is, that along with the term entered in the search bar's textfield i'll send other information to my backend. A Search for a null-term would then make sense (in my sco...

uitableview's index is shrinking

hi, I have an app very similar to address book of iphone. The entire search and index stuff is implemented using the searchdisplay controller. The problem is, from the search results when i click some cell, it actually loads a new screen and while pressing back and going to home tableview screen the index is shrinks The possible reason...

UISearchBar is not displaying Scope Bar

I use the following code to display a UISearchBar with a Scope Bar. UISearchBar *searchBar = [[UISearchBar alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 45)]; searchBar.barStyle = UIBarStyleDefault; searchBar.showsCancelButton = NO; searchBar.autocorrectionType = UITextAutocorrectionTypeNo; searchBar.autocapitalizationType = UITextAutocapit...

Changing tintColor of UISearchBar inside ABPeoplePickerNavigationController

Hi everyone, I am tyring to customize the colors a bit in a ABPeoplePickerNavigationController below is my complete code: ABPeoplePickerNavigationController *objPeoplePicker = [[ABPeoplePickerNavigationController alloc] init]; [objPeoplePicker setPeoplePickerDelegate:self]; objPeoplePicker.topViewController.navigationController.navigat...

iPhone UISearchBar view not updating immediately?

I currently have a UISearchBar and UIDisplayController defined in my RootViewController as: - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; //Add the search bar aSearchBar = [[UISearchBar alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero]; [aSearchBar sizeToFit]; aSearchBar.delegate = self; aSearchBar.placeholder = @"Search YouTube......

iphone hide UISearchDisplayController results?

I currently have a UISearchBar and UISearchDisplayController implemented as: - (void) viewDidLoad { videoList = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init]; //Add the search bar aSearchBar = [[UISearchBar alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero]; [aSearchBar sizeToFit]; aSearchBar.delegate = self; aSearchBar.placeholder = @"Search YouTube..."; ...

set first text on UISearchBar

i want to set first text on my UISearchBar -the text is "Search"-, and the text will disappear when user start typing. just like this: how it could be.??? thanx ...

UISearchBar frame making x hard to press

I have a UISearchBar in my UINavigationBar that also has a button in it. When you click the search field the button gets a bit larger to accommodate text and the search field gets smaller to make space for it. Although this looks perfect as far as visual UI is concerned the x to clear the search field is almost unclickable. I am settin...

UINavigationBar Disappears using UISearchBar and SearchDisplayController

Here is my scenario: (1) I have a TabBarController with the following: (A) Navigation Controller (rootviewcontroller is a uitableviewcontroller) = Tab 0 (B) UIViewController = Tab 1 (2) The Navigation Controller is using a UISearchBar along with UISearchDisplayController (3) I click into and enter a search into the...

Using bookmark button in UISearchbar.

How can we use the bookmark button that appears in UISearchbar. I didnt found any delegate methods for that. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! ...

Does anyone know where I can find iPhone search bar style?

I'm developing a site with jQTouch, but it doesn't have style for a search bar. Has someone come across a library or css for the iPhone search bar like the image below? ...

How to implement an Aysnchronous search using UISearchBar Iphone SDK

Hello good morning, I am looking for a way to implement a "live search" like the iPhone appsstore Application. Actually i have my search bar and a UItableview, what i am doing is when i type in "ABC" and click on the search button it does a search and in turn i have a XML from the server and i parse it and shows the results in the Uitab...

UISearchBar as a subview to UITableView

I have a UITableView that has a subview UISearchBar attached via the Interface Builder. When - (void)searchBarTextDidBeginEditing:(UISearchBar *)searchBar is called, I set searchBar.showsScopeBar = YES and call [searchBar sizeToFit] to actually show the scope bar of the search bar. The problem is, that the first cell of my table view g...

Disable Scrolling of UISearchbar that is added to UITableView

I have add a UISearchBAr to the UITableView to implement search functionality. But after searching is done, the UISearchBar is also scrolling and disappearing along with the UITableView. I just want to know how to make the search bar static with only the UITableView scrolling... ...

setContentOffset not correctly when canceling a search

I have a view which contains a UISearchBar. This UISearchBar is not displayed at the top of the page - it is about 90 pts down from the top of the screen, under a header image. All elements of the view are wrapped in a UIScrollView. The right thing happens when the user taps in the UISearchBar - the entire view is scrolled up so the sea...

How do I change the searchDisplayController table view style to grouped?

Hey guys, I have a searchDisplayController that searches a UITableView that I have. After entering the search terms, I can see another UITableView that contains the search results. However, I want this UITableView to be GROUPED, not PLAIN (like it is by default). Would anyone know how to do this? Thanks alot!! ...

Can't edit UITableView frame.y

Have a nib file with a UISearchBar on top and a UITableView. wann add an button and some text on top of the UISearchBar's input. so i made (in viewWillAppear): [searchBar setFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 90)]; works fine so far (except the position of the input needs to be vertically aligned to the bottom and not to center, any hints o...

coding a search bar with icon inside it

i am trying to code the folowing layout. i am messed up the code and not sure whats the best way to do it. <div class="search-wrapper"> <form action="search.php" method="get" name="search"> <div class="search-box"><img class="search-icon" src="images/search-icon.png" width="21" height="18" alt="search icon" /> ...

iPhone SDK - CellSubtitle in wrong order while searching

Hello fellows, I have the following problem: my app has a table view with subtitle style and a search bar in one tab and if I search something the subtitile is in the wrong spot (ex. I have Object1, Object2, Object3 with ObjectSubtitle 1, ObjectSubtitle and ObjectSubtitle3. If I search for Object2 it's subtitle will show ObjectSubtitle1)...

iPhone: UISearchBar how to search for "" String?

Hi, I want to be able to search for a String without any character in it. The problem is, that the default keyboard does not show up the search button, when there is nothing written in the UISearchBar. Any idea? Thanks, Markus ...