
UISearchBar cancel button color?

When I drop a UISearchBar into my view inside Interface Builder, and change its style to Black Opaque, the cancel button stays unfittingly blue / gray and doesn't become black. How can I make the cancel button black? EDIT: It does work like this: // Assume a UISearchBar searchBar. NSArray *subviews = [searchBar subviews]; // The inde...

Searching with a UISearchbar is slow and blocking the main thread.

I have a Table with over 3000 entries and searching is very slow. At the moment I am doing just like in the 'TableSearch' example code (but without scopes) - (BOOL)searchDisplayController:(UISearchDisplayController *)controller shouldReloadTableForSearchString:(NSString *)searchString { [self filterContentForSearchText: searchStrin...

iPhone UISearchBar animated to top

There are lots of apps where the searchbar moves upwards if active and moves down when it is inactive. There is a sample code from apple available which works with IB, but how can I achieve this behavior programmatically? Mostly it is combined with a navigationbar which moves out of the screen in replace with the searchbar ...

Searchbar to search array items and displays them on a tableview?

I want to build an app that shows a empty tableview. Then users can write a text on a searchbar and when they click on Search button the tableview will be written with array items founded. I've see this tutorial: link text, but I only need to search when user click SearchButton. How can I do this? What methods do i have to use? I've ...

Cannot get UISearchBar Scope Bar to appear in Toolbar (or anywhere) on iPad

This is really causing me fits. I see a lot of info on putting a UISearchBar in the top row of a UITableView -- but I am putting the UISearchBar into the Toolbar at the top of my screen (on the iPad). I cannot find ANYTHING regarding how to handle UISearchBar and UISearchDisplayController using a UIPopoverController on the iPad. Any mor...

setting enablesReturnKeyAutomatically on UISearchBar

Hi There, I'm writing for iphone OS 3.1.3. I want the search button in the keyboard from my UISearchBar to have the search button enabled all the time. If this was any old UITextField (not a search bar) the property would be enablesReturnKeyAutomatically. I have tried setting this using the example given at http://discussions.apple.c...

uisearchbar + uitableview + nsfetchedresultscontroller

Hi all, I have a view controller that has a UITableView which is populated by a NSFetchedResultsController. I'd like to add a UISearchBar to be able to filter the records from Core Data that are displayed in the UITableView via the NSFetchedResultsController. I'd like to know what the "cleanest" way to do this is, and if there is a cl...

UISearchBar disable return key

I have a search bar that when the search button is hit it will call a web service. The results of the web service can be quite large. What I want to do is disable the "Search" button until the length of the search phrase is at least 3 characters. This will help in narrowing down the search results. And yes, I've looked at this post. I ...

Gray UISearchBar w/matching scope bar programmatically

Hi All, I'm trying to recreate this UISearchBar (as seen in the Table Search example code): All the examples I've seen to do this involve using a xib, however I need to do it programmatically. The problem is changing the tint color also changes the cancel button's tint: Any ideas? ...

Dismissing the keyboard with UISearchBar, without resigning first responder.

Hey, I was working on a navigation-based app on iPhone similar to the contacts app. When you input something in the search bar, and scroll in the table (in the contacts app), the keyboard goes away. I don't think it resigns first responder though, because when I try and do that in -(void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView, ...

UISearchBar animation hidding button

Hello I currently have a UISearchBar (attached to a UISearchDisplayController), but I reduced the width of the search bar so I could display a custom button to its right when the search bar is not selected. The button is used to access other views. However, when I select the search bar and then press cancel (or even perform a search) a...

UISearchBar delegate not called when used as UINavigationBar titleVIew?

I have a UITableViewController that I have specified as a UISearchBarDelegate. Up until now, I had programmatically added the UISearchBar to the headerView of the table, and there were no problems. I began to run out of screen real estate, so I decided to kill my normal UINavigationController title (which was text), and added the follo...

How to Get Search Bar in Tableview to Appear When User Taps Search Icon at the top of sectionIndex scroll bar?

I have a tableview with an indexed scrollbar on the right side that shows the letters A-Z and has a magnifying glass icon at the top ({search}). All of the letters in the scrollbar appropriately take the user to the corresponding section except for the magnifying glass, which takes the user to "A" and keeps the searchBar hidden. I just...

How do you hide/show UISearchBar's scope bar with animation?

I want to show no scope bar when the table is empty (before the search bar edits for the first time), no scope bar when it's editing, and finally show it when editing done. I know about the UISearchBarDelegate protocol, but I don't know how to show/hide the scope bar with animation. I know UISearchBar has setShowsScopeBar:, but no setSho...

add searchbar in UItoolbar

hi i want to know is this possible to add a searchbar in UItoolbar ...

make return button on keyboard perform an action.

I have a searchbox. I want to make it so when the user pushes search on there keyboard it performs and IBAction. How can i link that key to the -(IBAction)Method. ...

Make cancel button lower keyboard

I have a UISearchBar. I enabled the 'cancel' button so it says cancel right next to the search box how can i set that button to simply lower the keyboard when the user presses it? ...

Iphone UIsearcbar - Problem keyboard hides the searchbar

Hi, I have a Uisearchbar in the bottom of view. When i try to do a search the keyboard pops up. Because the searchbar is in the bottom the keyboard hides the searchbar. Can anyone please help me on how to avoid this problem in code Thanks in Advance ...

How to resize the search bar so that the index doesn't overlap

I've been browsing stack overflow and can't find a simple newbie-level explanation for this. I have the following behaviour. When the user clicks the search the index is removed and a cancel button appears next to the search bar. When cancel is pressed, the cancel button is removed and the index reappears. Does anyone know a simple w...

recreating the ipad search bar in the contacts app

In the contacts app, the search bar is shown with a white background and it blends in well with the surrounding UI. The only style choices in Interface Builder don't seem to show a way to host just the search bar, but instead includes chrome around it to make it look slightly 3d. Is there a way to get rid of the surrounding chrome and ...