
UITableView Not Scrolling With UISearchBar

What I want to achieve is a UISearchBar that moves up and covers the UINavBar, and contains a cancel button on the right of it. All goes well, until I use the following line of code: searchDC = [[[UISearchDisplayController alloc] initWithSearchBar:searchBar contentsController:self] autorelease]; What ends up happening is the UITableVi...

uisearchbar in uitableview search result problems

hello all. i have a uitable view and a uisearchbar. i have a different nib file for each row that i click and works fine. when i use the uisearchbar to find a entry and click the row from within the search results i always have the same nib file (the first entry) displayed. any ideas? let me know if you need any of my code ...

Is there any way to place two UISearchBar in UITableView?

Hi, I have a UITableView with customized UITableViewCells, now i have already placed one UISearchBar to find one of the data in UITableViewCell and it is working fine. Now i want to do search operation for the other data which is placed in UITableViewCell, so is there a way to place another UISearchBar programmatically? ...

UISearchDisplayController automatically creates a UIPopovercontroller to display content search result ?! How to dismiss it ?

Hi, I'm using a UISearchDisplayController with a UISearchBar. I put this UISearchBar in my app using IB and I get : Fine : when you start taping, the result popovercontroller appears magically (I didn't write anything on my own to make it appear !) Then, when a row is clicked among the result, I want to dismiss the PopoverController...

Black Opaque UIToolbar and UISearchBar look too much different

I need to show different "titlebar" for application, depending on situation. The problem with iOS4 is that black opaque UIToolbar looks so much different that black opaque UISearchBar. Have I messed up some settings or is there some work-arounds to make UIToolbar and UISearchBar use more similar coloring? These are overlapping in real...

UISearchBar keyboard doesn't slide out of view when a cell is selected in iOS 4.

I have a tableView with a UISearchBar. Before upgrading to iOS 4, when a user selected a cell and the new viewController was pushed, the keyboard slid out of view to the left with the table. Now, it just stays put on the screen on top of the new view. If I call [mySearchBar resignFirstResponder]; I can get rid of the keyboard, but the a...

UISearchResultsController crashing on device (index beyond bounds for empty array)

I'm using UISearchResultsController to filter data from a fetchedResultsController. Here is the relevant code: In RootVieweController.h: @interface RootViewController : UITableViewController <NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate, AdditionViewControllerDelegate, UISearchBarDelegate, UISearchDisplayDelegate> { NSArray *filteredListCo...

uisearchbar image

can i remove Uisearchbar left image and add m new image ...

Hide empty cells in UITableView

Hi, I have a searchable tableview, but would like to only display the number of cells that are returned once a user starts a search. For instance, if a user types in a charecter and there is only one cell that matches the search, the remaining cells the remaining cells of the table are empty. I was wondering if there is a way to hide th...

iPhone: App Crashes When Search Bar Used in TableView

I'm new to this and in my application I use UISearchBar. When I enter any word to search in it the application crashes. In my project I am using sqlite and values are fetched from the db in AppDelegate and saved in an NSMutableArray named docArray. RootViewController.m - (void)viewDidLoad{ listOfItems = [[NSMutableArray alloc] ini...

uisearchbar between navigation bar and table view

Hi all, I am developing an application, in that i have taken navigation bar and table view. I have taken a button on navigation bar. on clicking that button I want Search bar to pop up underneath navigation bar and table view should automatically slide down. After clicking cancel button in search bar it should disappear and table vie...

Can't make table view inactive when search bar is in use. iPhone.

I have a table view with a search bar above it, and when the search bar is pressed I want the table view to become inactive. So I have this method: - (void)searchBarTextDidBeginEditing:(UISearchBar *)searchBar { self.tableView.userInteractionEnabled = NO; } with the same class being the UISearchBarDelegate. For some reason thoug...

How to change text Cancel button Searchbar of iPhone in Titanium?

Hi guys, When I set the value 'true' to showCancel property in the method Titanium.UI.createSearchBar. It displays me the cancel button, but I would like to customize that button text to Go or anything else. How do I do that? Please give me suggestions. Thanks you so much. ...

iPhone search bar design

I currently am implementing a search bar for one of my apps and I am having a problem with the indexed search overlapping it. I need to move the search field a little to the left so that way the index search is completely visible and not overlapping my search bar. I have tried a few things in interface builder but nothing is working. If ...

Toolbar with SearchBar IB iphone.

Hey, I have a question... I'm developing an app for the iphone and I want to place a search-bar within a toolbar in IB. I wasn't able to place the search bar into the toolbar directly as there is some conflict when setting a search-bar as a barButtonItem. My solution to this was placing a view as a BarButtonItem and then placing the Se...

iPhone Objective-C programmatically adding scope buttons to a UISearchBar

I currently this piece of code for creating a UISearchBar (adapted from a previous stackoverflow example): UISearchBar *searchBar = [[UISearchBar alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero]; [searchBar sizeToFit]; //searchBar.delegate = self; searchBar.placeholder = @"Search messages, listeners or stations"; self.tableView.tableHe...

iPhone SDK: UISearchBar: searchBarTextDidEndEditing not firing

Hello... I'm implementing a search bar on my table, which should be pretty straight forward. I've got these: - (void)searchBarTextDidBeginEditing:(UISearchBar *)theSearchBar { NSLog(@"searchBarTextDidBeginEditing"); } - (void)searchBar:(UISearchBar *)searchBar textDidChange:(NSString *)searchText { NSLog(@"The search text is...

How to replicate UISearchBar scrolling behavior in Notes.app?

When you scroll a tableView down (Notes.app), the search bar stays fixed to top, but when you scroll a tableView up, the search bar is hidden. That's what I want. Looking at scroll indicator it appears that UISearchBar is a subview of a table's scroll view. But if I add a search bar to a tableView in Interface Builder, then it always sc...

Hide UISearchbar as header inside UITableview when cancel is touched

I have integrated a UISearchDisplayController into my controller's xib. The basic functionality I'm going for is to have the search bar in the header of the table, and a button in the navigation bar that shows the search display. What I'm stuck on: When the cancel is touched, I want to make the searchbar invisible (keep the table so ind...

Problem resigning UISearchBar's firstResponder status

Hi there, I've got a UISearchBar on my UITableView and a method -finishSearching which looks like this: - (void)finishSearching { [overlayViewController.view removeFromSuperview]; if ([sb isFirstResponder]) [sb resignFirstResponder]; myTableView.scrollEnabled = YES; } This method gets called everytime I want to st...