
A specific UIControl based around UISlider for iPhone

Hi All, I need to show a specific bit of data to the screen and it is most easily represented as an adaptation of something like a UISlider. It will represent a range of related (numerical) answers between 0.0 and 10.0. The data I wish to show is the minimum, maximum and mean. However, I need to do this without revealing the numbers....

Incompatible Objective-C types initializing 'struct NSNumber *', expected 'struct NSDecimalNumber *'

Hello, I have the below method in my project, and I get a compiler warning: Incompatible Objective-C types initializing 'struct NSNumber *', expected 'struct NSDecimalNumber * on the first line: - (IBAction)sliderValueChanged:(id)sender { // HERE IS WHERE THE WARNING OCCURS: NSDecimalNumber *tempNumber = [NSDecimalNumber number...

UISlider to modify NSTimer interval crashing application when moved

Heya again, I have been having problems creating a UISlider that can be used to modify a NSTimer I created. Essentially the slider is ment to modify the interger that the NSTimer is counting down from, but when I try to move the UISlider, the application crashes, I'm assuming this is because it is interfering with the countdown that is o...

iPhone - Linking touch events to different classes/controllers

I have a UISlider inside a custom UITableViewCell named SliderCell. I have a method in SliderCell which updates a UILabel to match the slider's value. - (IBAction)sliderChanged:(id)sender; I have the same method in a viewController that uses SliderCell in it's table. Base on the value of the slider, I want to reload an NSDictionary. ...

UISlider to represent the color spectrum

I have a UISlider that is supposed to update the color of a textlabel. Now I want the user to be able to choose between all colors in the spectrum (sort of all anyway). I was thinking of using this UISlider to represent the colors and when dragging the slider the value/color changes. I know the spectrum is not sequential like: [0,0,0].....

UIImage has unwanted gradient when stretched in a UISlider

I have created a two 7x30 image, one with a 3 pixel black border and a transparent middle, the other with a white middle (min.png and max.png). I am using these two images as the Track Images for a UISlider like this: [self.progressBar setMinimumTrackImage:[[UIImage imageNamed:@"min"] stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth:3 topCapHeight:3] ...

UISlider with certain possible values

I am willing to do this widget: Just A-B-C can be chosen. Any idea if someone already did something similar? If not, how would you do it? ...

How to delay a function inside a jQuery-ui slider event

I have several jQuery-ui range sliders on a page which add and remove rows in a table and show their values above the sliders, live as the sliders are slid. the function showData has to check and update every table row before it's done and the slide event doesn't seem to execute anything until the showData function has returned. This tab...

Show numbered intervals above jQuery slider

Hallo, I've added a jQuery slider and now I want to have numbers above the slider which denotes the intervals. Almost like a everyday ruler. Does anyone have a quick method to accomplish this? ...

stopping an animation on the spot

hi guys, i have a UISLider that is being animated - going across the screen over a 91.0 second period. i would like to be able to stop the animation spot on. the code: [UIView animateWithDuration:91.0 delay:0.0 options:UIViewAnimationOptionRepeat| UIViewAnimationOptionAllowUserInteraction| ...

jQuery slider trouble with keyboard

Hello everybody, I'm trying to make a better useable scrollbar (horizontal and vertical) for a touch screen. Everything works well except that some events don't seem to be supported by the slider plugin of jQuery (using 1.4.2 currently). Situation: I've made a div with overflow hidden and I'm overlaying the slider over the normal browse...

UISlider Doesn't Receive Touch At Right End

Hey guys, I've got a UISlider in my main view, but it doesn't receive touches at the right end. I thought it could be a pesky view covering it, but it definitely isn't. Has anyone got any other ideas? ...

iPhone SDK : Add UISlider and UISwitch in a table view only crash when touch slider ???

OK,here is my question foe example,I create a UISwitch in the first 3 cell's accessoryView theSwitch = [[[UISwitch alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero] autorelease]; [cell addSubview:theSwitch]; cell.accessoryView = theSwitch; and add 2 slider in next 3 cells theSlider = [[[UISlider alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(174,12...

UiSlider Does Not Response After UITextView Resigns FirstResponder

Hi All, I have an UITextView and Some UiSlider On A View. The Sliders Work Well When The View Loaded. The Problem Is They Become Very Less/Slow Sensitive After The cycle, [UITextView becomeFirstResponder]; . . [UITextView resignFirstResponder]; Why is This Happening? Any Solution? ...

UIslider increase 10 by 10

I'm making an UISlider and I don't find how to change the selectable values, I would like the only values possible be 10 by 10. The slider begins at 82 and ends at 362. I want the possible value to be 82,92,102,..... I've tried different things but I don't find [sliderannonce setValue: [sliderannonce value]+10.0 animated:YES]; or s...

Photo Slider Iphone

I want to make a slider just like CNN's iphone application has. http://i56.tinypic.com/15wdphg.jpg i search all over but i didn't get any help even any clue. If some one has any idea than please share it with me, so i will make this slider. Thanks ...

YUI API Dual Slider control question

I'm using the YUI 2.7 library to handle a dual-slider (range slider) control in a webpage. It works great-- however, I wanted to allow users to switch the range values by Ajax-- effectively changing the price range from "0-50,000" to a subset (eg. "50-250") without reloading the page. The problem is that it appears the values from the ...