
How to do UITextField's leftView in Interface Builder?

Looking at UITextField item in Interface Builder, cannot see any way to set leftView property. Would like the put there an icon to show user that this is place for text input. The overlay view displayed on the left side of the text field. @property(nonatomic, retain) UIView *leftView Can it be set using IB at all? ...

Wrap Text in UITextField?

Does anyone know how to wrap text in a UITextField? I am using Cocoa/Objective-C in Xcode for my iPhone project, and I can not seem to find a way to do this... ...

How to prevent keyboard changing from Numbers to Alphabet when the space key is touched?

I have UITextFields on a table to enter values. Some of these fields accept only numbers. I am using UIKeyboardTypeNumbersAndPunctuation for the keyboardType, and shouldChangeCharactersInRange to filter the characters. Also, all the corrections are disabled: textField.keyboardType = UIKeyboardTypeNumbersAndPunctuation; textField.autoco...

UITextField - [textField becomesFirstResponder] - remember text

NSString *tmpTxt = textField.text; BOOL result = [textField becomeFirstResponder]; textField.text = tmpTxt; This works 80% of the time, but occasionally: The whole app will crash. The text will still be deleted whatever happens. Whats the best way for a textField to becomeFirstResponder and still retain its text value. ...

Textfield resignFirstResponder Very late?

Hello all, I have one strange problem.I have two UItextfields in my view and a button.When i click on button.I have changed the frame of view in animation block but it's resigning later here is my code if someone told me about this i'll be thankful -(IBAction)SignINClicked { [Email resignFirstResponder]; //TextField [Password resig...

iPhone SDK: How to use PSTextFieldSpecifier in a TableView outside of the Settings app?

How can I implement a PSTextFieldSpecifier in a table row in my app? Would that be possible or is there any other TextField with the same behavior to use inside apps? I need a TextField with the title left an the editing area right. ...

Detect UISearchBar focus on the text field

Is there a way to detect if a user has click on the searchbar textfield and the keyboard has appear ? ...

UITextField - Switch Between Keyboard and UIPickerView

Hi all, I'm working on an iPhone app that uses Core Data. One of the view controllers allows the user to edit information about coffee, and it has a UITextField in which the user can enter one descriptive "tag" for the type of coffee. I'd like to set up the UITextField to show the keyboard if the user clicks into the main area of the U...

UITextFieldDelegate != IBAction backgroundTap

Hi All, The scope of this question is IPhone 3.1 sdk (app running in simulator still) I have a table view that has a cell with a UITextField in that cell. The table view is grouped, and has one section with just a couple fields. Im NOT using IB so backgroundTap is out of the question (as far as i can tell at least). When i click the...

UITextField, automatically move to next after 1 character

Scenario: I have 4 UITextFields that only accept 1 character. Easy. Problem: After I enter the 1 character, I want the next TextField to become active automatically without having to press next (i.e. I'm using the UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad, and theres no NEXT button. (I KNOW I can actually create a next button programmatically, but I dont...

iphone uitextfield - empties on focus (simple right?)

hi guys I have a simple question, I have a UITextField (made from IB), and I would like it not to empty (become "") on click, when it gets focus. I cant find the setting, what/where is it? ...

iphone / objective-c how to check to see if a textfield is empty

I have a typical textfield in an iphone app, and in ViewWillAppear I would like to do a little logic using the text in the text field. If txtField.text is empty, I would like the next textfield, txtField2 to be selected for typing. I am trying to achieve this through : if (txtField.text != @"") [txtField2 becomeFirstResponder]; but ...

problem in TextFields.

Hi Guys, I got a problem in textfields.Actually I have 4 textfields when I click on to the first textfield and i entered the text into it.If I click on to the next textfield with out clicking on to the Done button in the keyboard of the first textfield the view goes up and the text in the first textfield is erased. To solve this proble...

How to save into the object.names while typing in the textFields, which are added to cells of table view?

I am saving the text field value when Next button clicked on the key board, Instead selecting next cell or scrolling the table view the content of the text fields are disappeared because I am not saving the data in the object.It will save only when we select Next button in the Keyboard. I want to save the data while typing in the test f...

How do I create a text field or label that resizes based on how much text is in it?

I've seen at least one application that uses a grouped UITableView with a cell containing paragraphs of text, and the cell is taller or shorter based on the length of the text, but I don't quite get how this is done. How does one, given a variable width font, figure out how high a UITextField or something needs to be in order to display...

iPhone text input with rounded edges

Is there an obvious way to make a text input box that has rounded edges? I'm not talking about setting a UITextField's borderStyle to UITextBorderStyleRoundedRect. That only gives me rounded corners. I'm talking about the style text field used as input in the SMS app (before you hit send), or the UISearchBar. I've also seen it used in ...

iPhone UITextField mask

Is there built in support for input masks in UITextField? I could apply formatting after the text has been entered, but I'd like it to be there as the user is entering text. If there is no build in support, how can tis be achieved? ...

Using textField:shouldChangeCharactersInRange:; how do I get the text including the current typed character?

//find below, the code example & associated result - (BOOL) textField: (UITextField *)theTextField shouldChangeCharactersInRange: (NSRange)range replacementString: (NSString *)string { if (theTextField == textField1){ [textField2 setText:[textField1 text]]; } } This code produces... textField2 is "12", when textF...

Textfield problem.

Hi guys, Here is a problem with my textfields. -(void)textFieldTextDidChange:(NSNotification *)notif { event.eventName = eventTextField.text; event.eventPlace = eventPlaceTextField.text; event.eventWinery = wineryTitleLabel.text; int vintageVal = [vintageTextField.text intValue]; if([vintageTextField.text length]>0 ...

iPhone: Set value of current textField

Hi... I am calling an action from textFieldDidBeginEditing as follows: [dotButton addTarget:self action:@selector(actionButton:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; and specifiying my action as: - (void) actionButton:(id)sender { textField.text = [textField.text stringByAppendingString:@"APPROVED"]; } Simple question wi...