
iPhone Programming: Deactivate spell check in UITextView

UITextAutocorrectionTypeNo didn't work for me. I'm working on a crossword app for the iPhone. The questions are in UITextViews and I use UITextFields for the User-Input of each letter. By touching a question(UITextView), the TextField for the first answer char becomesFirstResponder. It all works fine but the UITextViews are still spell...

Getting a line count woes UITextView

Hi, am being driven crazy trying to obtain how many lines a string will require as entered in a UITextView. The code below for some reason does not split the string supplied over lines and returns a stringSize = (o, 32) WTF? I enter a crazy long string that is way past 320 but still no expected result? NSString *t = @"in my app this s...

UITextView: How to set '\n' from an XML-loaded string?

I need to indicated a 'new line' in a string in an XML file I'm loading. If I hard code the string: myTextView.text = [NSString stringWithString:@"Line1 \nLine2 \nLine3"]; It displays: Line1 Line2 Line3 (as expected) But if I put the exact string in my XML file: <someNode string="Line1 \nLine2 \nLine3" /> And then load it in...

UITextView scrolling madness

We have an app that is using a UITextView to display a running log by appending text to it. Programmatically, we scroll it to the end after inserting text. That works fine. The problem is once it has a bunch of text, the user can't scroll the view up and down unless the view is touched in the margin. If the touch is over text, it won't...

textview not responding to delegates iphone

Hi all, In my application, I'm forcefully showing/hiding keyboard by making textview becomefirstresponder and resignfirstresponder and also setting textview editable YES and NO respectively. But after hiding keyboard if I tap on textview, the keyboard doesn't show up. I'm setting textview delegate to self. And the delegate method is fi...

Replace Copy/Select popover when selecting text in UITextView

Is it possible to replace Copy/Select popover when selecting text in UITextView? When text is selected, I want my own view to pop over. ...

Using a newline character with Core Data and displaying it properly in the iPhone.

I'm storing a list of things in one string stored in a core data database. For example.. the stored string would look like @"apple \n pear \n orange". I'm using a UITextView to display the list and I want it to display like: apple pear orange ..but it just displays: apple \n pear \n orange Anyone know how to get it to honor the ne...

Setting UITextView with NSString loses Encoding?

I'm getting a string from a server call, and Trying to set that string to the value of the text in a UITextField. However, if the text has any special characters, the encoding gets screwed up on those characters. -(void)contentDidLoad:(NSString *)content { NSLog(@" content being put into textfield is : %@", content); self.textF...

Scrolling RSS reader iPhone View

I'm planning on adding a small subview to the bottom of my current app so that it can display RSS feed headlines one at a time. What would be the best type of view to use for this? UITextView, UIWebView? Perhaps a custom UITableViewCell? If i use a UITextView and tap it, it displays the keyboard, but if i setUserInteractionEnabled to NO ...

How to disable select functionality in UITextView?

I want to create a text display area (either UILabel or UITextView) in my iPhone app which (1) allows scrolling and (2) does not allow selection. I have tried the following techniques unsuccessfully: Basic UILabel: Didn't allow scrolling, and clipped text to the bottom of UILabel space on screen. Giant UILabel within a UIScrollView: th...

How does one interact with a string drawn using UIStringDrawing/CoreText

I am attempting to work on an app that highlights certain key words. For this reason, I am looking at using either CoreText or UIStringDrawing to highlight these words (As in bold/underline/italicize/color) since UITextView doesn't seem to have these facilities (And I haven't had any luck with CATextLayer). In either case I am able to s...

how to display a number on text view which was stored in variable

i want to display a number assigned to variable on text view ... how to show number on text view ...

AccessoryView on TextView without Keyboard?

Hi! I'm learning about AccessoryViews and testing the Apple example: KeyBoardAccessory I'm trying to show the accessory view avoiding the Keyboard to show, but I can't do it :-( I'm returning NO in textViewShouldBeginEditing to avoid keyboard and animating the resize of the TextView before return, but nothing happens. What I'm doing ...

setting multiple UITextView's to editable causes cursor to blink between them

I'm attempting to set the UITextViews in a set of UITableViewCell's to editable when the user taps the "edit" button for the UITableView. Each UITableViewCell has a UITextField (cell.blurb). This code will set each UITextView to editable, however, the cursor alternates very rapidly between each one. I'm pretty sure it's a responder ch...

How to inititalize a UITextView programatically?

How can I initialize a UITextView that is nice and pretty. I have the line: textView = [[UITextView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(150, 150, 100, 100)]; but I'd like to make it look nice and I do not know the functions or the syntax to do so. I'd like it to have word wraping and I'd like the corners to be rounded. Also, how can I mak...

Changing the text in a UITextView at runtime.

I have a ViewController consisting of just a textView. In its viewDidLoad method, I simply initialize the textView and add it as a subview. In my main ViewController class, when the user presses a button, I switch views and display the view that has the textView. I am trying to change the textView's text however it is not working. Can I ...

UITextView Spelling correction is not working some times

Hi all, I am implementing spelling correction in my UITextView like this [txtView setAutocorrectionType:UITextAutocorrectionTypeYes]; [txtView setAutocapitalizationType:UITextAutocapitalizationTypeWords]; It is working sometimes but, some times it is not working.. Please suggest me ho wi works. ...

iPhone Objective-C: How to disable the "delete all" with extended backspace pressing in UITextView

By "delete all," I mean what happens when you have a lot of text and you hit backspace for a few seconds, and the text view clears completely. I want to disable that function for my application. How can I do this (if it's even possible/allowed)? Thanks in advance!! ...

InputView with custom width?

Hi, i'm trying to do a custom keyboard for an iPad Application (initially in landscape) and I see that I can modify the InputView's height but the width is ignored, always covers the entire width of the iPad screen. Can I modify this property? ...

Download a file to iPhone

Hy Everybody, I hope enyone cann explain me how I can save an file on the iPhone I get the file with NSURL so fare no prob. I'd like to donload the file and work with the donloaded file. But I have no Idea how. ...