
Best way to dismiss the keyboard in UITextView?

UITextView is multiline. So I can't use the DONE button to dismiss the keyboard. Now what's best practise? Add a navigation bar or toolbar on top and then put an DONE button in there? ...

UITextView does not seem to implement reloadInputViews

Loading a custom input view into a UITextField, I can arbitrarily change the keyboard type of the standard keyboard between UIKeyboardTypeAlphabet and UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad. Just call something like: [editingField setKeyboardType:UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad]; [editingField reloadInputViews]; And viola! There is your number pad. Witho...

Keyboard eats my Top Line of text in UITextView !

I met a really strange problem while using UITextView, I try to use "GrowStyle" of UITextView, wire up the frame with contentSize, turn off the .scrollEnabled, Build & Run: but when click the bottom of the screen, the keyboard showing up, the UITextView moves up a short distance, and its Top lines disappear, here is the code: - (void)v...

UITextView in a UITableViewCell smooth auto-resize shows and hides keyboard on iPad, but works on iPhone

I have implemented a custom UITableViewCell which includes a UITextView that auto-resizes as the user types, similar to the "Notes" field in the Contacts app. It is working properly on my iPhone, but when I am testing it in the iPad, I am getting some very strange behavior: When you get to the end of a line, the keyboard hides for a mill...

Adding UITextView in UIActionSheet

// I did the following code, but when keyboard press some letter, the pressed letter does not appear on the UITextView ? AnyOne have suggestion on this ? plz `** UIActionSheet *actionSheet = [[UIActionSheet alloc]initWithTitle:@"" delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:nil destructiveButtonTitle:nil otherButtonTitles:@"button1",butt...

Tap once to copy UITextView text substring

Say you've got a UITextView populated with a chunk of text. When a user taps on a word within the text I want the app to copy (retrieve the string) that word immediately. In your knowledge, is there any practical way to do this? Side note: I looked at UIPasteboard and all that but it is NOT what I'm looking for as it does not offer a o...

UITextView - set width - allow scrolling up and down - wrap text to width.

Basically I want to have a UITextView - I want it to scroll up and down (ie: I set a height and width, and if the text overflows this then the contentSize is bigger than the frame). But, I don't want it to get wider. At the moment its scrolling left-to-right. All I want is for it to scroll up and down. Any ideas? Thanks Tom ...

how can I change color part of a TextView??

text = text + CepVizyon.getPhoneCode() + "\n\n" + getText(R.string.currentversion) + CepVizyon.getLicenseText(); activationText.setText(text); myTextView.setText(text); I want to change color for CepVizyon.getPhoneCode()'s string... how can I do this?? ...

iphone text direction control programmatically

I have a bit of a problem here i have uitextview having some right to left text in it.. the problem is if the line contain a punctuations and question marks it revers it as if it display it from left to right.. if i hold the cursor on the line it will give me the cut copy past menue with direction button .. when i press it it correct eve...