
iPhone SDK: How to store the time each word was typed?

My problem is twofold: 1) I'm trying to determine an eloquent way to allow the user to type into a UITextView and store the time each word was typed into an array. The time will be a float which starts at 0 when the user begins to type. 2) Conversely, I'd like the user to be able to tap on a word in the UITextView and display the time th...

Action for dynamically created UIButton inside UITextView

Hello, I have a scroll view; inside I add one or more text views; to each text view I add a button: UIScrollView UITexView UIButton UITextView UIButton ... This is part of the code: - (void)viewDidLoad { ... [self loadUI]; ... } -(void) loadUI { UITextView *textView; ... for (...) { ...

Can't resignFirstResponder with UITextView

I have a UITextView. I implemented a navigationBar UIBarButtonItem to respond to a touch and resign the firstResponder for my UITextView. But, when the selector method is called, the keyboard doesn't get dismissed. I checked the UITextView's responder status with isFirstResponder and it returns YES. I also checked it with canResignFirs...

UITextView: How to programmatically set selectedRange and becomeFirstResponder?

I have a UITextView containing a document. If the user touches the document, the insertion point (selectedRange property) is set appropriately and the UITextView becomes the first responder (keyboard appears). YAY! How can I do the same thing programmatically? Let's say I have a button titled "Edit at character 1,000". I want that t...

UIWebView - Autoresize so that no scrolling (in the webView itself) is needed

Hey. I'm trying to use a UIWebView for displaying content higher than the screen of the iPhone, without needing to scroll in the webView itself. The webView is placed under a UIScrollView in IB with some other objects that I want the scrollView to scroll up and down with the UIWebView. I know you can do this with a UITextView (CGRect ...

how to tell which object called a delegate method (objective c)

Let's say you have two objects (for example, a UITextviews, but it could be any type) in your class. When the text view changes, you have a delegate method that catches the change.. but how can you tell programatically WHICH object was changed and called the delegate ?? (Possible thought) Basically how to you get the variable name of a...

Text View text not starting from top ?

Hi How to make text view text will start from top. It is showing after some pixel . Any idea ? ...

how to retrieve link from text view ?

Hi how to retrieve a link from text view. When user click an link , i need to capture that link. Any way to do that ? ...

uitextview content disappear

textview content disappear whenever i clicked save button or whenever the photo album loads. textview content was saved but it will not appear unless i close and open my application again. what could be the problem? ...

How to show button ‘Done’ on number pad on iPhone OS 4?

I'd like to add a Done button to the iPhone number pad keyboard. There's even a handy space at the bottom left for just such a button. Previously, I was using a similar trick to those described in Question 584538 and Luzian Scherrer's excellent blog post, but that stopped working in iOS 4. I can do it by creating a custom inputView, but...

Concatenating NSString inside of UITextView

I'm some trouble adding strings together for a UITextView in my app. The method I've been using is this (header) #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface calculatorViewController : UIViewController { IBOutlet UITextView *output; } -(IBAction)b1; @property(nonatomic, copy) NSString *output; @end (main) #import "calculatorViewCont...

How to access UITableViewCell's UITextView from the UIViewController?

I have created my own UITableViewCell with XIB file. There's an UITextView inside. However, I don't know how to access its features and use its outlets with the UIViewController. What's the way to do it? ...

How to use UIWebView to get scrolling text ?

Hi, In my iPhone application I need a scrolling text. I had the text to be displayed and scrolled up and down but I could not get customized text. I mean all the text is of same font. I need some different font size text . I am using UITextView, but UITextView do not support customized text in it. How can I have the scrolling text whic...

Problem with UITextView

I have a strange problem with trying to pass a string from one viewcontroller to another view controller if the string originates from a UITextview instead of UITextfield. Both UITextview.text and UITextfield.text are of type NSString. The following code takes either Textfield.text or Textview.text depending on the fieldType and puts i...

Multiple page UITextView

Hi There. I'm working on a project where i need to display a lenghtly text on an iPad. I'm actualy displaying it using a UITextView, however the client do not want it displayed across multiple page: similar to a book. when a user tap on a button, he is taken to the previous page. Any clue on how i could implement that? ...

Textview with an Imageview as background, inputted text is behind the keyboard

Hi, I have here a view with an image and the text view (with finite frame size) . I've already implemented the textview keyboard notification but the problem is that when inputting in the textview it still behind the keyboard (the text is not visible). It seems this problem occur when I have an Image view as background. Pls advise me...

Embed images within a block of text on iPad

Hi I would like to embed an image within a block of text. The image would be 1 line high. I am able to drag the image around over the text but I want to be able to insert it between words (with the words wrapping in the textview accordingly) Any ideas how I can go about this? Thanks. ...

[iPhone] How to dynamically resize UITableViewCell height

I have the classical grouped UITableView with editable UITextViews inside every cell. This text views can be single or multi-lined, and I want the cell to increase its height as the user writes and the text starts a new line. My question is: do I need to reload the whole table just to increase the height of a cell? Isn't there any other...

Is it possible to set inputView for UITextView in iPhone SDK 4.0

setInputView: is still presented in the both UItextField and UITextView classes. But the below code shows different results for 3.2 and 4.0 SDKs. I have installed latest (GM) SDK version. About xCode -> More info shows Xcode: 3.2.3 (1688), SDKs: iPhone OS: 3.2: (7B367), 4.0: (8A293) iPhone Simulator: 3.2: (7W367a), 4.0: (8A293) There...

Url link color in textView ?

Hello guys, How to change link color in text View. In text view using dataDectorType property and it show link in blue color. Is it possible to change in other color ? ...