
How to I navigate back to a previously loaded xib file?

in my app I have three views. Originally the appDelegate opened the xib file for the mainViewController, and the preset settings on my application template included a flipsideViewController, which would be shown when an information button was hit. Later I decided to include another view controller and xib file, called CountySelectionVie...

ViewController design question for complex layout

I'm building my second app, and I'm trying to learn from the places I stubbed my toes on the first one. Just as in the last app, I have sections of my app that feature a view with buttons along the bottom (basically a custom tab bar) that trigger the switching of the contents of the main, big area of the screen. One is a map view, one i...

Why am I getting a different instance of a ViewController than the one I pushed onto the navigationController?

Why would I be getting a different instance of HistoryViewController than the one I instantiated and pushed onto the navigationController? The different instance created doesn't have any of the properties I've set. ProfileHomeViewController.m HistoryViewController *historyViewController = nil; historyViewController = [[HistoryViewCon...

UIToolbar in a popover

Is it possible to show toolbar items in a UIViewController inside a popover? I'm doing this in the viewDidLoad method of my view controller: UIBarButtonItem *addButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithBarButtonSystemItem:UIBarButtonSystemItemAdd target:nil action:nil]; [self setToolbarItems:[NSArray arrayWithObject:addButton]]; ...

Adding UINavigationController to a Custom ViewController who is a sub view itself

Hi all, I'm writing an iPad app, and I have the following screen situation: MainAppWindow MainView & MainViewController (Full Screen) SubView1 & SubView1Controller (250x300) inside of MainView DetailsView1 (Root View) <-- Managed by UINavigationController DetailsView2 (Next View) <-- Managed by UINavigat...

tab bar with navigation controller on each tab item - orientation problems

Hi. i have one tab bar controller with 4 navigation controller connection 4 tab bar items. I made the following changes in the following controllers - (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation { return YES; } All view controllers. All navigation controllers. 1 tabbar controller. ...

Get UIViewController associated with a UITabBarItem

I have a UITabBarController with a bunch of tabs. When a new tab is selected, I want to be able to access the UIViewController associated with that tab. The -(void)tabBar:(UITabBar*)tabBar didSelectItem:(UITabBarItem*)item method on UITabBarDelegate gives me access only to the UITabBarItem. Any suggestions on how go from this to the UI...

Can you have two Navigation Controllers in subviews of a Main UIViewController?

The following image explains what I'm trying to do: http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/1475/multinav.png This is for an iPad app. Is it possible? And if so, can someone post the skeleton code to do it? Thanks in advance ...

Strange iPad screen issue - moving between views pushed controls up?

I am having a strange problem when I switch views using the UIView begin, set and commit animations. For some reason when I change the views it is pushing the elements that I have on the screen up by about 10 pixels? For example, when I load my first view the elements on the screen load correctly, but as soon as I move to another view ...

How to make faster pushing a UIViewController into a UINavigationController

I have a multiple view based application, the problem is that when I push one UIViewController the device (only when I test it on a real device) freezes for a second or two, I don't know why is this happening since the pushed UIViewController has only one UITextField & a button. This only happens when the view is pushed the first time, a...

UITableView Navigation Bar "Flickers" on Animation

Hi, I have a UIViewController, a "switcher" that will basically just rotate a view from one to another. It all works great, except that the view that I am transitioning to is a UIViewController which holds a UITableViewController. For some reason, when the animation "flips", the navigation bar is invisible, and once the animation compl...

PresentModalViewController and memory considerations

In my iPad app I am creating a root view that contains a lot of images that are used as thumbnails. Clicking a thumbnail presents a new window displaying details about said item, along with an enlarged thumbnail. From here it allows the user to open the item, or use aMFMailComposeViewController to create some files and export them. If t...

Retain UIViewController or not in navigation stack

Hi, I have a scenario that I'm not sure whether to retain a view controller or not. Say I had ViewControllerOne. When a button was pressed, ViewControllerOne would push ViewControllerTwo in the navigation stack. ViewControllerTwo needs a reference to ViewControllerOne because it needs to access an ivar in that view controller. The quest...

insert UIVIewController2 into UIViewController1 why UIViewController2 does not respond my touch?

i have create ViewController1 and ViewController2 and link view of ViewController2 to load in ViewController1 with Interface Builder it show ViewController2 correctly but it does not respond my touch ? how to fix it? ...

Releasing IBOutlets in UIViewController’s viewDidUnload?

I’m a bit confused as to what happens exactly in Nib-based UIViewControllers. When generating a UIViewController subclass, the template contains a very specific comment in the viewDidUnload method: // Release any retained subviews of the main view. // e.g. self.myOutlet = nil; To which subviews does this apply? The ones I initialize...

View wont update image(iphone app)

I have a simple UIView *myView which is set as follows myView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d.png", r]]; this takes the index r and gets that image, all works correctly in my two IBAction methods -(IBAction) previousImageSelector{ if (r != 0) r = r - 1; NSLog(@"r is%d",r); myView.image = [UIImage imag...

How to fix dead links in Interface builder

My app was all linked correctly. I launched it today and had a look at my 2 additional view, and their links are broken. It says the view is not defined in the class anymore, as well as one method I have still there is not being seen by interface builder? How can these links be fixed? ...

UINavigationController EXC_BAD

Hello, i am using a UINavigationController in my application. in the first view i am displaying some information and have a button for loading an picture from the camera. this works fine so far. when the picture was loaded, i want to display the picture in a UIImageView within a second view. Therefore i am using the following code. MyA...

How can I modify an existing UIViewController to allow scrolling?

I have already built a UIViewController subclass with a bunch of controls in it, and just realized that if I rotate the iPhone, half of the controls become invisible. So, I would like to somehow make the UIViewController's UIView scrollable so that when the device (or the Simulator) rotates, the user can scroll the view to see all the co...

accessing previous allocated viewController and its methods

In my app, a specific ViewController overlays itself (as navigational buttons) over a galleryViewController that can be switched around. However, my issue is that after I allocate a new galleryViewController, then switch to that view, I want to be able to send back information regarding what is being displayed to the original ViewContro...