
How to load a new view within a view controller when a uibutton is tapped

Hello, I'm creating a tab-based app. I want one of the tabs to include the following: -Have a set of UIButtons -When you click on one of the buttons it loads a view beneath the buttons -Each button has a different view -No navigation controller just load the view on the same page without animation -Still can click on the other buttons ...

IBAction crashes TabBarController App

I have a Window-based TabBarController app and I'm trying to present a ModalView from one of the tabs (FirstViewController). The app builds just fine and the tabs work, but upon clicking the "Open Modal View" button, it crashes and gives me: Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[UIViewContro...

objective C Basic question

hi friends, i made a simple application using view based template.and i put only nslog inside view didload method in viewController file and also inside applicationDidFinishLaunch method (in appDelegate )to checked which class file called first. after the run i got: viewController Run first and then appdelegate ..but i think appdele...

In MonoTouch, how do I assign a custom view to my view controller?

If I want to use a custom view object with my view controller, instead of just using the one that's initialized by default, can I just assign it to the view controller's View property. For example, is the following the correct/safe approach? public class MyView : UIView { } public class MyController : UIViewController { // Construc...

Sending sms programmatically code Problem

Hi, I am writing code to send sms programatically Program crashes at second last line. MFMessageComposeViewController *picker = [[MFMessageComposeViewController alloc] init]; picker.messageComposeDelegate = self; picker.recipients = [NSArray arrayWithObject:@"123456789"]; // your recipient number or self for testing picker.body = @"...

Why can't I load a nib in my bundle in my iPhone static library?

Let me preface this by saying that I'm a very raw iPhone developer. I'm making a static library that can be used in iPhone apps. It needs to show a view but static libraries, as I understand it, cannot include nibs (or xibs, in my case). So, I have created a separate bundle containing the xib I need. I then include the bundle along with...

How to force horizontal orientation?

I want to do the following: ViewControllerA should not go into horizontal orientation ViewControllerA pushes ViewControllerB ViewControllerB should go into horizontal orientation. Not sure what to set to make this happen. ...

How can I know if a ModalViewController is being shown?

I override -orientationChanged in my main ViewController to push ModalViewController A when the device is in landscape mode. When placed back in portrait mode, ModalViewController A is dismissed. However, there are other cases (after button touches) where ModalViewControllers B, C, or D are shown. When those are showing, if the device...

How to present a modal view controller on the iphone without a "current" view controller?

I'm trying to open the email view controller (MFMailComposeViewController), and everything I read suggests using presentModalViewController:animated:, which seems to need to be sent to a UIViewController. For example, in the documentation, it says: Call the presentModalViewController:animated: method of the current view controller, ...

iphone sdk: objects get lost when another viewController is pushed??

Hi, everyone, i have no idea why this doesn't work hopefully someone here can help me out. Here's what i'm trying to do: I've got two ViewControllers, lets call them secondViewController and firstViewController. The firstViewController is shown when the application starts and it pushes the secondViewController. Inside the secondViewCon...

PushViewController Not working

Hi, I am trying to learn Objective-C and have run into a problem with pushing a new View controller when a Button is clicked. I have a switch View Controller that is responsible for pushing the settings.nib file when I press the settings toolbar button. Here is the code of the ViewController: // // ViewController.h // iReader // // C...

Programmatically changing viewControllers

From my navigationController I have two paths: navigationController --> ViewControllerA -- ViewControllerB (currently showing). and navigationController --> ViewController1 -->ViewController2. I want to go from ViewControllerB to ViewController2. Here's what I tried: [self.navigationController popToRootViewControllerAnimated:YES]; /...

Show modal upon receiving push notification

I need to show a notification modal whenever a push notification is received (while the app is running). My app has a tab bar, and I've gotten this to partially work by pushing the notification modal onto the tab bar controller. - (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo { ...

iphone sdk: how to connect two UIViewController??

Hi, i've got a problem: lets say i have two view controllers, firstViewController and secondViewController. The firstViewController is supposed to present the secondViewController and i also want to access a bunch of methods and properties from the secondViewController through the firstViewController. I do this by simply using the imp...

Managing NSNotification along with UITabBarController interactions

I have 1 main UIViewController that contains a UITabBarController. The tab bar controller has 4 UIViewControllers (each managed by UINavigationControllers). Succinctly, it looks like this: MainViewController | |--- FirstUIViewController | |--- SecondUIViewController | |--- ThirdUIViewController | |--- FourthUIVi...

UIViewController orientation problems in iPad

I am presenting MFMailComposeViewController as modal from a view controller (lets call it xyz) added to nav stack. When user clicks on cancel button, the MFMailComposeViewController is dismissed. This works fine when xyz is added to nav stack in portrait/landscape mode and the device orientation doesn't change until after cancel is click...

TabBars inside a viewController

Iam having a headache trying to find a solution to my problem. I have a login screen on my window application so that when the user is logged in, he/ she can do what she wants in that view. In that view, i inserted a button to flip to another view (SecondViewController). I wanted the SecondViewController to have the TabBars. i successful...

not able to connect view controoller to appdelegate in main window nib

i have added an view controler to interface builder and trying to add connection but is not allowing to connect, buti have created ib outlet for that and is visible in IB... ...

How do I add logic to a view controller inside of a tab bar controller

I have setup a tab bar application with four tabs on the bottom (as set inside IB) Three of them are UIViews and one of them is a UITableView, and the empty shell of an app switches between tabs fine. Now, being that I have no experience with tab bars, I am not sure where my logic for the view controllers goes. I am used to setting up a...

One UIViewController or Two for portrait / landscape views

I am looking for some clarification with regards to view controllers and views. Should one view controller be used exclusively to control one view? Basically, my portrait view is going to be a 4x3 grid of buttons (within a scrollview). When i rotate the view to landscape, i am going to want maybe a 6x4 grid. Obviously the functionali...