I have two view controllers (viewControllerA and viewControllerB) with their own views. When the user touches a button in the view of viewControllerA, I am able to load the view of the viewControllerB.
However, I don't know how to invoke a method in viewControllerB's class!
I have a viewcontroller which can't be released since it is a subclass with extra functionality... Anyway there are many of them, and I need the views to be released when they go offscreen.
removeFromSuperView vanishes the views but they remain in memory. The only way I can get rid of the view from memory is to completely dealloc it. ...
I'm relatively new, embarking on my second app, and having major pains with multiple view controllers. I've added the relevant bits of code to the bottom of this email. Here's what's happening:
MainViewController: creates RoomViewController, then asks for its view
RoomViewController: sets up the room with the items in it (in this case,...
Hi, I'm learning to develop for iPhone without Interface Builder (a personal preference), and I'm not sure which function of a view controller I should be setting up the view in: init, viewDidLoad, or loadView. I read somewhere to only use init for the view controller, if anything, and not setting up the view as it could cause problems. ...
First of all, i have never seen so many memory issues in my app since i started placing "self" everywhere after reading an article about how memory behaves in obj-C. Now, im getting all kinds of issues (reveals the sloppiness of my coding). Granted I am a newbie at Objective-C, i'll admit i have never had so much issues with memory manag...
(Just so you know I am learning to develop for iphone, without interfacae builder)
I'm coding my first multi-view app, which has a root viewcontroller and two other viewcontrollers, and the root viewcontroller uses lazy loading, so when viewDidLoad, it creates the first viewcontroller and adds its view to the subview, but doesn't create...
(Just so you know ,I'm learning to develop for iPhone without Interface Builder)
I have an app with a root view controller, a blue view controller and yellow view controller. The root VC lazy-loads the blue and yellow VC's and displays the blue VC's view first, and then switches to the other one when a button in the toolbar at the bottom...
If I have a set of custom UIViewControllers that I release in a high level application "restart" routine, would a good way to release their views be to set
self.view = nil;
in the dealloc method?
I already had a question like this, but I already deleted it anyway.
I have very simple app that has a root view controller and it switches between two other view controller views. So in my root view controller, It lazy loads the instances of the two other view controllers. Each time the switch button in the toolbar is pressed, the curr...
Hi there,
i'm searching for a way to disable a TabBarItem from within the ViewController of one of the TabBars Tabs. I'm even not sure if this is about the View Hierarchy or what to really search for. I tried a lot but didn't come up with a solution.
Right now I worked arround it by saving a reference to the tabbar in a singelton objec...
I put this code into all of my viewControllers:
UIInterfaceOrientation orientation = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarOrientation];
if (orientation == UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight) {
CGAffineTransform transform = self.view.transform;
// Use the status bar frame to determine the center point of the window's con...
Greetings! I have set my UINavigationBar's barStyle to UIBarStyleBlack, and the tintColor to a color (other than black so as to get the color/gradient going). That much works well.
Now ... let's say I push a new view controller onto the nav controller stack. In this particular VC, I want the nav bar to turn black, but only within this V...
here is the code I am referring to:
NSArray *views = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:addPVC, nil];
UITabBarController *aTBC = [[UITabBarController alloc] initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil];
self.initialTBC = aTBC;
initialTBC.viewControllers = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:aController, aController2, nil];
[self.view addSubview:initialTBC....
Hi there,
I am having single table view in a view controller. That table view lists the countries first. When I click on a country(row), it has to push the same view controller's view with cities under that country. I need to see the slide animation, which we usally get while pushing views in navigator.
Is it possible to use the pushVi...
I haven't figured out that yet: I have a mainViewController that switches two views, viewControllerA and ViewControllerB. The way I switch the view is by having a UIButton (mainButton) in the mainViewController, and clicking on it switches viewControllerA <--> ViewControllerB.
Now here is my problem. My ViewControllerA has a UIB...
I'm starting an app where I'd like to have multiple view controllers. Some of the views will be displayed inside of a navigation controller. I can create a navigation controller and then add another instantiated view controller to it. But what I'd like to do, is just instantiate a view controller that has its own view and is the root ...
I'm trying to use Interface Builder to add UIBarButtonItems to the toolbarItems property of the UIViewController.
I have a .xib file and the File's Owner is typed as a subclass of UITableView controller ("ServerTableViewController"). I've dragged a bunch of UIBarButton items into the .xib file thinking that they will show up as part of ...
I'm designing a simple Quiz application. The application needs to display different types of QuizQuestions. Each type of QuizQuestion has a distinct behavior and UI.
The user interface will be something like this:
I would like to be able to design each type of QuizQuestion in Interface Builder.
For example, a MultipleChoiceQuizQuesti...
I'm just starting iPhone development (coming fron a .Net world) and have been going through many "Hello World" applications to get the hang of this new development platform. One area I have been confused with is the instantiation of a view controller. On an Apple "Hello World" tutorial, they start by creating a Window Based App, which by...
I'm learning to develop for iPhone (programmatically, I don't like IB). I only use IB for the frames of things, so I design in IB but only use it to check each control's frame. Something I've gotten very confused about is the frame of a UIView. First of all, if you do not implement loadView in a view controller, it automatically creates ...