
How do you set strings to uppercase / lowercase in Unicode?

This is mostly a theoretical question I'm just very curious about. (I'm not trying to do this by coding it myself or anything, I'm not reinventing wheels.) My question is how the uppercase/lowercase table of equivalence works for Unicode. For example, if I had to do this in ASCII, I'd take a character, and if it falls withing the [a-z]...

How to unquote a urlencoded unicode string in python?

I have a unicode string like "Tanım" which is encoded as "Tan%u0131m" somehow. How can i convert this encoded string back to original unicode. Apparently urllib.unquote does not support unicode. ...

Porting a unicode enabled Delphi 2006 application to Delphi 2009

I have an application which is fully unicode compatible in Delphi 2006. I had replaced all AnsiStrings with WideStrings, replaced all VCL controls with TNT controls, and changed all string functions from AnsiStrings to WideStrings. It looks like all that work was for nothing, because I'm going to have to reverse it all. Is there anyway t...

Determining if a Unicode character is visible?

I am writing a text editor which has an option to display a bullet in place of any invisible Unicode character. Unfortunately there appears to be no easy way to determine whether a Unicode character is invisible. I need to find a text file containing every Unicode character in order that I can look through for invisible characters. Wo...

Is there a good K++ Kode editor for Klingon?

Ok, I know this is a strange question, but there is a "standard" (fan-wise at least) Unicode support for the Klingon alphabet, and since code can be written in Unicode with no problem, that means it is possible to write Kode with Klingon tokens( vars, function names, etc...). For the record I've written C++ in Japanese and it works, so ...

Base64ing unicode characters.

Can unicode characters be en/decoded with base64? I have attempted to encode the following string: الله but when I decoded it all I got was '????' ...

How can I convert unicode characters to ascii codes in delphi 7?

Title says it all. Edit: Yes we're talking about asci codes. My appologies I'm not the delphi dev here. ...

How to do HTTP POST in Utf-8 -> php script -> mysql

I am using Delphi 7 and ICS components to communicate with php script and insert some data in mysql database... How to post unicode data using http post ? After using utf8encode from tnt controls I am doing it to post to PHP script <?php echo "Note = ". $_POST['note']; if($_POST['action'] == 'i') { /* * This code will add ...

Light C Unicode Library

Im looking for a small C library to handle utf8 strings. Specifically, splitting based on unicode delimiters for use with stemming algorithms. Related posts have suggested: ICU http://www.icu-project.org/ (I found it too bulky for my purposes on embedded devices) UTF8-CPP: http://utfcpp.sourceforge.net/ (Excellent, but C++ not C) Ha...

Any good converter for GB, Big5, Unicode

Any good converter for GB, Big5, Unicode? Convert GB to Unicode, Unicode to GB, Big5 to Unicode, Unicode to Big5, GB to Big5. ...

Multi-byte character set in MFC application

I have a MFC application in which I want to add internationalization support. The project is configured to use the "multi-byte character set" (the "unicode character set" is not an option in my situation). Now, I would expect the CWnd::OnChar() function to send me multi-byte characters if I set my keyboard to some foreign language, but...

TextField "umlauts" are not shown on linux

Java 1.5, Linux I do have a screen which contains different textareas and textfields. I do have acess to the application frame, but not to the components inside the frame, because i only get an implementation of an interface. When i try to add german umlauts i see a rectangle in the text component, because the character is not supporte...

retrive unicode using asp from sqlserver 2005

I'm using the following code to retrieve a message from the database and then write it out to a html page: Dim strDSN, cnn, cmd strDSN = "Driver={SQL Server};" & "Server=(local)\sql2k5;" & ... set cnn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") cnn.ConnectionString = strDSN cnn.CursorLocation = adUseClient cnn.Open set cmd = Server.Creat...

Handling national signs like ą ę in url? - your option...

how do you handle them? ...

C++ source in unicode

What is the standard encoding of C++ source code, and does standard even say something about it? For example, can I write C++ source in UNICODE? Like, use non-ASCII characters in comments? Can I use chinese characters in comments (is full UNICODE allowed or just that 16-bit first page or whatever it's called). Further more, can I use...

Parsing command line arguments in a unicode C++ application

Hi folks, How can i parse integers passed to an application as command line arguments if the app is unicode? Unicode apps have a main like this: int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) argv[?] is a wchar_t*. That means i can´s use atoi. How can i convert it to an integer? is stringstream the best option? ...

Reimplementing ToUpper()

How would you write ToUpper() if it didn't exist? Bonus points for i18n and L10n Curiosity sparked by this: http://thedailywtf.com/Articles/The-Long-Way-toUpper.aspx ...

Setting unicode characters in java frames

How to display unicode characters (e.g. japanese) in the title of a JFrame in java swing in a Windows XP m/c without the Japanese language pack? It looks like setting the title text to Japanese unicode characters and the font to MS Mincho is not enough. While this is all you need to do to display unicode characters in Swing labels? ...

On Windows, when should you use the "\\\\?\\" filename prefix?

I came across a c library for opening files given a Unicode filename. Before opening the file, it first converts the filename to a path by prepending "\\?\". Is there any reason to do this other than to increase the maximum number of characters allowed in the path, per this msdn article? It looks like these "\\?\" paths require the Uni...

How to handle UTF-8 email headers (like Subject:) using Ruby?

I'm an email n00b but I am working on an application that sends HTML email with Unicode characters (as my friend noted "enjoy encoding hell"). The Subject: header comes from user input and therefore may contain Unicode characters. Some mail clients (like GMail and Outlook 2007) are OK with this, but from my reading it seems the right wa...