
Web Service to return unique auto incremented human readable id number

I'm looking to create a simple web service that when polled returns a unique id. The ID has to be human readable (i.e. not a guid, probably in the form 000023) and is simply incremented by 1 each time its called. Now I need to consider that it may be called by two different applications at the same time and I don't want it to return the...

Problem dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier, custom cell

Hi, i have custom cell with 2 buttons(the function of these buttons is just to disable the button that was pressed). When i use dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier in this classic way: - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"Cell"; cell = ...

How do I maintain a constant reference to an email on Gmail while access a copy of it from my Google App application?

Hi guys, I'm working on shifting my local web application to google apps. I have an account already for google apps for business and right now I need to work on the functionality of interacting with email. Let me give a synopsis - my web app currently was set up that a cron job would download all emails from a set mailbox into a databas...

Unique ID for MS Word 2007 paragraph

I am writing large MS Word 2007 documents, which are often being changed. I have to number paragraphs with stationary unique numbers, that will not change while changing the documents. The numbers should be unique, and will not change even if previous numbers are deleted. The order of the list is not mandatory, and addition of a new numb...

SQL Server database with clustered GUID PKs - switch clustered index or switch to sequential (comb) GUIDs?

We have a database in which all the PKs are GUIDs, and most of the PKs are also the clustered index for the table. We know that this is bad (due to the random nature of GUIDs). So, it seems there are basically two options here (short of throwing out GUIDs as PKs altogether, which we cannot do (at least not at this time)). We could chan...

Are barcodes the best way to uniquely identify physical documents that need to be digitized for a web app?

I have to digitize a few thousand physical documents and assign them to a variety of categories for a web app where they will be displayed. Should I generate bar codes for each of the documents to uniquely identify them? If so, how can I avoid the barcode being present in the scanned image? Any other recommendations for approaching th...

How to map string keys to unique integer IDs?

I have some data that comes regularily as a dump from a data souce with a string natural key that is long (up to 60 characters) and not relevant to the end user. I am using this key in a url. This makes urls too long and user unfriendly. I would like to transform the string keys into integers with the following requirements: The source...

Unique identifier for an email

I am writing a C# application which allows users to store emails in a MS SQL Server database. Many times, multiple users will be copied on an email from a customer. If they all try to add the same email to the database, I want to make sure that the email is only added once. MD5 springs to mind as a way to do this. I don't need to worry ...

From varchar(36) to UNIQUEIDENTIFIER

I am trying to cast an AuctionId that is a UNIQUEIDENTIFIER to an varchar(36) and then back to an UNIQUEIDENTIFIER. Please help me. CAST((SUBSTRING(CAST([AuctionId] as VARCHAR(36)), 0, 35) + '1') AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER) But I keep getting this error: Msg 8169, Level 16, State 2, Line 647 Conversion failed when converting from a c...

For SQL select returning more than 1 value, how are they sorted when Id is GUID?

I'm wondering how SQL Server orders data that is returned from a query and the Id columns of the respective tables are all of type uniqueidentifier. I'm using NHibernate GuidComb when creating all of the GUIDs and do things like: Sheet sheet = sheetRepository.Get(_SheetGuid_); // has many lines items IList<SheetLineItem> lineItems = sh...

Ensuring unique ID attribute for elements within ScriptControl

I'm creating a control based on ScriptControl, and I'm overriding the Render method like this: protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { RenderBeginTag(writer); writer.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Div); writer.Write("This is a test."); writer.RenderEndTag(); RenderEndTag(writer); } My question i...

Doctrine SQL Server uniqueidentifier isn't cast as char or nvarchar when retrieved from the database.

When I retrieve a record from the database which has a column of type "uniqueidentifier", Doctrine fills it with "null" rather than the unique id from the database. Some research and testing has brought this down to a PDO/dblib driver issue. When directly querying via PDO, null is returned in place of the unique id. For reference, htt...

Is there a unique Android device ID?

Do Android devices have a unique id, and if so, what is a simple way to access it via java? ...

wxWidgets: Get some unique machine ID to use in validation/registration

Does wx provide a handy way to get anything like this in a platform-independent way? I don't think C++ libs themselves provide anything. I don't have a definite idea what should be used for the unique ID... MAC address is common but what else could be used? If we were doing it Windows-specific, is there a way to get the actual Windows ...

Is it possible to get a truly unique id for a particular JVM instance?

I need a way to uniquely and permanently identify an instance of the JVM from within Java code running in that JVM. That is, if I have two JVMs running at the same time on the same machine, each is distinguishable. It is also distinguishable from running JVMs on other machines and from future executions on the same machine even if the...

Autoincrement uniqueidentifier in C#

Basically I want to use uniqueidentifier in similar way as identity. I don't want to insert values into it, It should just insert values automatically, different value for each row. I'm not able to set autoincrement on columns of type uniqueidentifier(the property 'autoincrement' is set to false and is not editable). ...

Reliable way of generating unique hardware ID

Question: I have to come up with unique ID for each networked client, such that: it (ID) should persist once client software is installed on target computer, and should continue to persist if software is re-installed on same computer and same OS installment, it should not change if hardware configuration is modified in most ways (excep...

Why this code generates different numbers?

Hello, I have this function that creates a unique number for hard-disk and CPU combination. GetVolumeInformation(drv, szNameBuffer, 256, &dwHddUnique, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); SYSTEM_INFO si; GetSystemInfo(&si); dwProcessorUnique = si.dwProcessorType + si.wProcessorArchitecture + si.wProcessorRevision; dwUniqueKey...

primary key datatype in sql server database

i see after installing the asp.net membership tables, they use the data type "uniqueidentifier" for all of the primary key fields. I have been using "int" data type and doing increment by one on inserts and declaring the column as IDENTITY. Is there any particular benefits to using the uniqueIdentifier data type compared to my current ...

UIDs for data objects in MySQL

Hi there, I am using C++ and MySQL. I have data objects I want to persist to the database. They need to have a unique ID for identification purposes. The question is, how to get this unique ID? Here is what I came up with: 1) Use the auto_increment feature of MySQL. But how to get the ID then? I am aware that MySQL offers this "SELEC...