
Updating a web app without any downtime

It's a PHP app. How can I minimize the downtime while updating the entire codebase? ...

iPhone - Splash Screen with progress bar

Hi Developers, I tried to create a SplashView which display the Default.png in the background and a UIProgressBar in front. But the splash screen is not being updated... Inside my view controller I load first the splash view with a parameter how many steps my initialisation has and then I start a second thread via NSTimer and after eac...

want to upgrade application over the air

i have implemented following code to upgrade application platformrequest("URL TO JAR FILE"); i am checking if the jad file residing on server has more value in the custom field Application-Version than the current one then the platformRequest will get called.. every thing fine but only one problem i have installed my app in memory ca...

'Check for update' component freely available?

Do you know of a freely available (preferable FOSS) implementation of the ubiquitous 'Check (online) for a new version' functionality? .NET is preferred. What would be even more interesting, would be a mechanism to allow the download and install of the update(s) in case they are available. ...

Prevent Typed DataSet updating PK column

I have a typed dataset, and where I call TableAdapter.Update(DataRow), the SQL executed includes an update of the primary key column of the database. Unfortunately, when this code runs on a replicated database, the PK column has the rowguid property set, and I get the following error: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Updating col...

Whats the most efficient way to do updates with Zend_Db and MySQL.

I have a method which loops over an array of objects and commits an update statement per object (a total of 15 objects with 5 fields each). This may have to be performed hundreds or even thousands of times a second, depending on the level of traffic we get. What is the best way (aside from hardware considerations) to ease the load this ...

jQuery update a Div with a PHP script

I have absolutely no idea how to do this, so I'm just gonna go ahead and ask. What I want to do is update the contents of a div with a PHP script I have in an external file, called send.php. So I have a div like this: <div class="classname"> </div> And I want to post data to this send.php file, and then update that div with whatev...

Incorrect syntax near 'E'.

How can I correct the following so that I don't receive a syntax error in Microsoft SQL Server 2005? UPDATE Emp E SET UserName = Left(FirstName,1)+LastName WHERE EmpID=1 AND NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM Emp WHERE UserName=Left(E.FirstName,1)+E.LastName ) ...

how to set a null value to a field in a table using oracle sql developer tool ?

Hi, Oracle SQL Developer allows you to update field values directly to the table without needing to write a sql script. However it doesnt allow you to set a null value for a field? the update script that gets generated is below : UPDATE "TABLE" SET field_required = 'null' WHERE ROWID = 'AAAnnZAAFAAAGMfAAC' AND ORA_ROWSCN = '14465324' An...

Making an PHP application that updates itself and protecting it on an enterprise level

Hi all, I'm building a CMS application in PHP. How can I make it update itself? For example via a zip file or something similar. So that an user can see new releases and download / install them without using a FTP program at all. What's the best way to protect my application? So that the user can't share it with friends. I know that a...

postgres update a date field when a boolean field is set to true

For the sake of the example, consider a table create table foo ( contents text NOT NULL, is_active boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, dt_active date ) I insert a record: insert into foo (contents) values ('bar') So far, so good. Later on, I now want to 'activate' the record: update foo set is_active = true What I would like t...

Application Updater

Hi, does anybody know a good, flexible and free component for automatic application updating beside ClickOnce (not necessarily .NET only)? In the past there was the Updater Application Block from Microsoft. But as far as i know its not maintained anymore. What Technology are you using to keep you applications up to date? ...

Updating App with Web Information

Hey everyone, I am sorry if this question has already been asked/answered But I have a Cocoa program that has different arrays of models. Each model hold just Strings and one Image. Archiving and Loading works great. Each model represents a web account, that is, it holds the username and password, and some other information related to ...

SQL - WHERE clause on each SET command in UPDATE?

Hi, I'm trying to create an SQL query in PHP to update a table. Is it possible to have a different WHERE clause for each affected row? eg something like: UPDATE table SET val=X WHERE someproperty = 1, SET val=Y WHERE someproperty = 2 etc? Any help appreciated. Thanks ...

HTML application checking for updates

I created a HTML application and I want it to look to see if it's the latest version and then if it is not then show a link. I'm a beginner to javaScript so if you could tell me how to fix this code that would be great. <script type="text/javascript"> var thisVersion = 1.5 function checkForUpdate() { document.getElementById("versi...

Updating GEF Model from a background thread

Hello, i'm trying to update a Model for GEF and have the changes shown in the view i've created. Currently no change I make is being reflected in the view, i'm using the following approach to update the model and am wondering if its the right approach to take: Display.getDefault().asyncExec(new Runnable() { public void run() { St...

Is there a fast way to update many records in SQL?

I need to replace more than 20 000 names with new names i created given the CodeID. For example: I must update all rows that contain "dog" (which has a CodeID of 1) with "cat", and update all rows that contain "horse" (which has a CodeID of 2) with "bird", etc. 1st SQL statement: UPDATE animalTable SET cDescription = "cat" WHERE Code...

Run sifr without page refresh?

is it possible to make sifr re-run or update again without having to refreshing the page?? Id imagine there is a function like sifr() or something..? ...

How to track number of views in the most efficient way?

I've this blog-like system (LAMP) and I'd like to track number of views of every article. Now, is it better to update the article's views column every time the article is viewed or use some temp table, where I'd store only the article ID, and then (let's say every hour) run a query that would take the data from the temp table and update ...

SQLite Update Syntax?

I think is is simple, but I'm not getting it. I have a table with this data id , name , description 1 , apple , '' 2 , orange , '' I am trying to pass the following statement to update the row so the description column is 'desc of apple' and 'desc of orange' but it is not working. Update TestTable Set description = 'desc of ' + name...