
Solr conditional adds/updates?

I have a fairly simple need to do a conditional update in Solr, which is easily accomplished in MySQL. For example, I have 100 documents with a unique field called <id> I am POSTing 10 documents, some of which may be duplicate <id>s, in which case Solr would update the existing records with the same <id>s I have a field called <dateCr...

Subversion and mixed-revisions: recipe for broken builds?

Hello all I'm just comming back to subversion after using TFS for some time and generaly i'm quite exited :) There is one thing i remember differently. I don't remember beeing able to commit from an out of date working copy. Or maybe my memory just fails me on the definition of "out of date". I thought "out of date" meant that any fil...

Update inside CASE (MySQL)

Hi, i've got two queries first: SELECT players.username AS username, tmp_player_operations.id AS tmp_id, tmp_player_operations.operation_type AS operation_type, tmp_player_operations.veryfication_code AS veryfication_code, tmp_player_operations.expiration_date AS expiration_date, tmp_player_operations.used AS ...

UPDATE table SET related_id=NULL WHERE related_id doesn't exist in related table.

I need to update table and set table.related_id (column that "binds" the table with related table) to NULL where the table.related_id doesn't exist in the related_table as related_table.id. example: TABLE: ---------------------- id | name | related_id ---------------------- 1 | aaa | 15 2 | bbb | 36 3 | ccc | 7 4 | xxx | 43 RE...

Using foreach to update fields in a mysql databse based on another query

Ok I really should be be clued up on this now but its a bit late here in england and I was wondering if someone could point out the obvious to me. I have to do a first query which is SELECT * from table WHERE NOT column=0, and use the results from that to do a foreach loop something like below. foreach($results as $result) { $nox = $r...


I have One main table( Say main) and another Temp Table( say copy). What I am trying to do is averages and Standard Deviation of each Stored proc( there are bunch of them with different version number as suffix and they all has to be treated same) from main table and update Temp table with averages and standard deviation for each day. Fo...

Add a custom FormView to a RadGrid Edit Item Template

I had a Dropdrowlist and FormView to work hand in hand to edit/update data. Now I need to add a radGrid and when user clicks on the a row, I need the formview to be populated or I need my existing formview to be populated inside the RadGrid's edit item template. Thanks. ...

Is it legal for the software to "Phone home" and provide ID

What if my software will use a unique ID (obtained from license) for accessing update. By that ID I can observe amount of piracy (e.g., how many used of the software with the same ID has updated from version 1.01 to 1.02). As far as I know, Kaspersky Antivirus uses a license key to get the update of the database. On the other hand I h...

Microsoft Access ADP UPDATE Query does NOT update

I have a (very simple and standard) UPDATE statement which works fine either directly in Query Analyser, or executed as a stored procedure in Query Analyser. UPDATE A SET A.field1 = B.col1 , A.field2 = B.col2 FROM tblA AS A INNER JOIN tblB AS B ON A.pk1 = B.pk1 AND A.pk2 = B.pk2 Problem is when i execute the same st...

select the maximun

i have a table sou_id sou-name rool_upid roll_upname 1 AA null null 2 BB null null 3 CC null null 1 DD null null 2 EE null null 5 CC null null i need to first use an update stateme...

Update Table Query in SSIS using variable

Hi, I need to update table by using variable. How we can achieve the same in SSIS 2005. Please let me know. Vishal ...

Speed up a UPDATE with SELECT query

I have two tables: Table 1 has Episode and Code, with Episode as distinct. Table 2 has Episode and Code, but Episode is not distinct (other fields in the table, not relevant to the task, make each row unique). I want to copy Table 1's Code across to Table 2 for each episode. The current code to do this is as follows: UPDATE Table2 SE...

Django - Edit data in db

Hi to all! I have a question regarding editing/saving data in database using Django. I have template that show data from database. And after each record i have link that link you to edit page. But now is the question how to edit data in db without using admin panel? I run thought tutorial in djangobook but i didn't see how to achieve...

Updating a desktop application without touching the attached .mdf

Just a quick question: I'm in the finalizing state of my current C# project, and I'd like to send a version out to people that has 90% of the features initially requested, but it'll be a version of the software that will do all they need - they need the software as soon as possible, basically. Therefore I'm going to be using the online...

Post-commit update on windows

I'd like to configure svn so that very 'commit' is reflected in the appropriate folder within the (web) server. When initially configuring svn I imported the files into 'webdev/trunk/' keeping their respective directory structure: htdocs/ | application/ | | models/ | | views/ | | controllers/ | | public/ <--- web ro...

Upgrading iphone sdk to 3.0?

This is the first time that I'm upgrading the iphone sdk and am wondering if there is anything else needed to use the upgraded version with xcode besides just installing it? ...

WPF updating the UI with a certain delay

Hi, I have a slideshow application where i want to wait a certain amount of seconds, then show my front page, then wait again, then show next page, and so on. My problem is that when i use Thread.Sleep in between, the UI arent updated, it just sits there waiting and i only see my last control (after the full amount of time has passed (i....

JQuery Sort And Update Database

I'm trying to present the user with a list of links (properties: Title, url, visible, order). The list will display based upon their order. The user will be able to drag these into the order they want, which will update the records in the database. The user could also click a button that will sort based on the Title of the link (the t...

how to wrap (prefix & suffix) all values in a column with a string?

I have a mysql table with about 1000 rows in it. id column 1 apple 2 banana ... etc I need a mysql query (UPDATE) to wrap (prefix & suffix) all values in a column with a specific string, let's say "_", so I am expecting a result: id column 1 _apple_ 2 _banana_ ... etc How to do that? Please, advice. ...

Update an EntitySet

I've got a set of LINQ-to-SQL entities which I've mapped to a view model. In this application a repository project is responsible for retrieving and storing view model objects. (So the entities are 'disconnected', new LTS entities are created from the specified view model objects and a DataContext is created per-request.) I've got a man...