
Update column with values from another column

I have a table like this: create table foo ( a number, b number ) I want to update all the columns from a with the value that is in another table create table bar ( x number, y number ) So, if this would be a procedural programing language I would: foreach foo_item in foo foreach bar_item in bar if( foo_item.b =...

JDBC: best way to update a table?

let's say that i get a resultset which was queryed using joins from an sql database. is it better to use an sql statement to update the tables or insert new tuples/rows? or should i use the resultSet.update() function? i just want to know the drawbacks associated with each as well as the preferred method of updating tables. ...

Is there any way using which I can get Last Updated row Id

Hi All, Is there any way using which I can get the last row I have updated of the table. For Ex:- my table has 1000 records in it. I have updated the value of 500th record of table X. So, I want the ID 500 in return. Thanks in advance. Regards, ...

How do you check for updates across many tables in Oracle?

I have a trigger to check for a single column in a table, when there is an update (AFTER UPDATE) in that column my trigger is called and then I call a stored procedure from within my trigger in order to perform some business logic coded in Java. So far, so good. Now things are getting more complicated, there is a new requirement that im...

Extension method for UPDATE in Linq to Objects

In the following scenario, I am querying a List object and for the matching predicate I want to update some values: var updatedList = MyList .Where (c => c.listItem1 != "someValue") .Update (m => {m.someProperty = false;}); The only issue is there is no Update extension method. How to go about this?...

Unknown column in 'field list' error on MySQL Update query

I keep getting MySQL error #1054, when trying to perform this update query: UPDATE MASTER_USER_PROFILE, TRAN_USER_BRANCH SET MASTER_USER_PROFILE.fellow=`y` WHERE MASTER_USER_PROFILE.USER_ID = TRAN_USER_BRANCH.USER_ID AND TRAN_USER_BRANCH.BRANCH_ID = 17 It's probably some syntax error, but I've tried using an inner join instead and oth...

DB2 Increment a value by a certain amount

I need to write a query that increments a value in a table by 3 when run. I would like to do something like this but this doesn't work. UPDATE table SET value = (SELECT value FROM table WHERE condition = true) + 3 WHERE condition = true As in the title this is a DB2 database, any ideas? EDIT: Actually this d...

How to UPDATE TOP 400 ?

I would like to update the top 400 rows in a database table. The pseudo SQL is below, how can I do this? UPDATE top (400) db.dbo.tbl SET column1 = 2 WHERE column2 = 1 AND column1 is null ...

Tricky Update Problem

Hi guys, I have the following table structure as follows: (please ignore the blackbox. was formatting the question in Excel) What I need to do is to transform the SessionGUID data into the following using TSQL: This is the user sessions table for my website and we screwed up the SessionGUID's in that it was generating a NEWID() on ...

Nhibernate save update delete relations

Hi, I have a product that has 1 or more product relations. Entities: Product and ProductRelation So product has a property List(Of ProductRelation) Now I have a checkboxlist where I can select a number of products that I want to assign to this product. When I add a new collection of ProductRelations with the new products, It should ...

Update Personal Details PHP Script

I have a page that displays a user's current personal information and a handler that cycles through the form elements, filtering them through to the relevant mysql query. There are two tables, one that contains the master data, e.g. username, email, password hash, and one that has address data. However, the script doesn't work and I can...

Skip AIR update

Hi. Imagine I have an AIR application to update: the preceding version number is 0.0.1, the current one is 0.0.2. Now, the preceding app is installed on many different pcs. I want to update ONLY some clients, based on a particular ID. Is it possible to skip update process for some clients? ...

Is there an auto-upgrade library / framework available for windows that has similar features as the ones Sparkle for Mac OSX provides ?

Our app is built using Qt and I would like to use a framework similar to Sparkle in our Windows version, to replace our custom solution. Is there anything like this ? ...

Constantly update a form with a processes standard output

I have a C# form that has a text box that needs to constantly update with the output from an exe while the exe is still running. I know how to update it after the exe has finished but its the constant updating that i need. ...

How to round up any value in SQL?

Hi, I haven't found this for SQL yet, please, help me with rounding up the value this way: 45.01 rounds up to 46. Also 45.49 rounds to 46. And 45.99 rounds up to 46, too. I want everything up one whole digit. How do I achieve this into Update statement like Update product SET price=Round statement ? ...

Drupal: updating with Drush doesn't change update status

I've updated my drupal installation and drupal modules, but admin/reports/updates says that Drupal version is still 6.12. To update drupal I ran - drush updatecode - drush updatedb (this updated only modules and said code still needs to be updated manually). Then I uploaded core, unzipped it, allowed to overwrite older versions and again...

sqlite DB not updating?

-edit- nevermind, i made a mistake in my select statement. Update was working correctly. I am not sure why but my sqlite DB isnt updating. I can see that this query returns 1 for a table that is affected but when i close my app or run a certain select statement it is as if this update never happened. 2 notes. 1) My inserts work fine, 2)...

c# linq update all records in database

hi, im trying to update all records in a sql table using the following code but no data is updated. does anyone know why? using (DataContext db = new DataContext()) { foreach (Item record in db.Items) { record.Description += "bla"; db.SubmitChanges(); } ...

Oracle Sql Update with values using foreign key?

Table 1: Name, x1-X2, fk1, fk2. Table 2: K1(parent for table 1),X How to update table 1 whose second column x1-x2 depands on fk1,fk2 from Table 2 Table1: a,1.0,1,2 b,-3.0,2,3 Table 2 1,4.0 2,5.0 3,2.0 ...

SQL Mass Reordering of rows

Hi, I have a table with a list of records, and a column called order. I have an AJAX script to drag and drop the table rows up or down which I want to use to perform a query, reordering the rows as they have been dragged. In the PHP, I perform a query to get the current order of the records. eg 1, 2, 3 ,4 The AJAX function passes the ...