
Automatically deploying changes to a web application

What's the best way to automatically deploy changes to a database driven web application? Is there a single product out there that can modify the following... Website (dlls, aspx, css files etc) Database Schema (add tables, columns, etc) Database data (modify table contents) Reporting Services reports I've seen various separate prod...

DatagridView loses current edit on Background update

Here's my problem : I have a DataGridView bound to a BindingList of custom objects. A background thread is constantly updating a value of these objects. The udpates are showing correctly, and everything is fine except for one thing - If you try to edit a different field while the background-updated field is being updated, it loses the e...

Auto updated header comments in C++

Hi everyone! This is one of the headers I found in WxWidgets and I like it. I wonder if there is a way to insert in all my source files a header like this and maintain it automatically updated? It includes two properties of SVN which I am aware of. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: ...

SubSonic Update Exception

When I attempt to update in SubSonic I'm greeted with a Null Reference Exception. This is the exception message I get: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.","StackTrace":" at SubSonic.Query.Update.GetCommand() I've checked the object I'm updating and there are no missing fields, all the class properties match t...

iPhone app crashes after downloading an update

We just released our first iPhone app update, and a few users have complained that--after installing the update--the app crashes right after launching. Apparently, rebooting the phone solves the problem. The only change we made to the AppDelegate was the addition of the Pinch Media Analytics library, which doesn't seem to be the culprit...

update sql in Oracle conversion from Sql Server

I am trying to create an update statement in the Oracle. here it is version in Sql Server UPDATE ev SET (ev.station_type = t.st_type, ev.adt = t.adt ) FROM source ev JOIN dataTbl t ON ev.counterID = t.counterID There are two tables source table were counterID is primary key dataTBL table were counterID is Fore...

Asp.net gridview, get boundfield value in code behind when in edit mode

In asp.net (c#) I'm using a gridview and edit mode to make it easy for the user to change values. But I need to check the value that the user enter in OnRowUpdating, when using this code, I always get the old value not the new value I entered. How can I get the new value? <asp:GridView ID="MyGridView" OnRowUpdating="MyGridViewUpdate" Da...

SQL Server trigger - copy row before updating

Hi all, I'd like to copy a table's row before updating and I'm trying to do it like this: CREATE TRIGGER first_trigger_test on Triggertest FOR UPDATE AS insert into Triggertest select * from Inserted Unfortunately, I get the error message Msg 8101, Level 16, State 1, Procedure first_trigger_test, Line 6 An explicit value for the ide...

Problem with qhttp example qt 4.4.3

hi i'm new here. i'm trying to use qhttp for a update app. but there is a problem for me wich i can not solve. here is the problem: i try to download a file(works perfectly) but if there is no connection to the www the file is created but has 0byte, so that my old file is overritten, which is not so good for the application trying to use...


I may have either misunderstood how to use the ON DUPLICATE KEY syntax, alternatively my database structure needs some work but here goes. I have a table (bookings-meta) which represents meta data associated with another table (bookings) , different rows in the bookings table may or may not have specific meta data associated with them i...

Process for updating Excel add-in?

I have an Excel 2003 add-in deployed in one of our departments that occasionally needs updated. What currently happens is that I publish the new version from my machine to a central location, this updates a version number stored in a database that the add-in checks each time any of the modules within it are run, and if a newer version n...

Update statement throwing an error.

function updateDemo($demoTitle, $desc, $keyword, $linkTitle, $clientname, $imageTitle, $adminName, $demoID) { $query = "UPDATE demos SET demoTitle ='$demoTitle' , dmDesc = '$desc' , dmKey = '$keyword' , dmLink= '$linkTitle' , client='$clientname' , imageTitle = '$imageTitle' , userName = '$adminName' W...

How can i update DataGridView in c# if Source has changes

Hi, i have a Problem with DataGridView in c# and i hope you can help me :) I added a DataGridView to my Application and bind it to DataTable. The DataTable changing the content but the DataGridView doesnt display it... How can i change this ? Thanks ...

jQuery function attr() doesn't always update img src attribute

Context: On my product website I have a link for a Java webstart application (in several locations). My goal: prevent users from double-clicking, i. e. only "fire" on first click, wait 3 secs before enabling the link again. On clicking, change the link image to something that signifies that the application is launching. My solution wor...

What is the build number of Delphi2009 after the fourth service pack?

I installed Delphi 2009 Update 4 yesterday (very painful process ;) Now, How can I make sure if it is properly updated? What is the build number shown in the IDE about box? ...

How to sort the result set of an UPDATE statement that uses the OUTPUT clause?

The title says it all. I'd like to sort the rows returned by an UPDATE statement, but there's no direct way to do this according to the msdn page for the OUTPUT Clause, which says: SQL Server does not guarantee the order in which rows are processed and returned by DML statements using the OUTPUT clause. Since I can't just tack "or...

Update parent updatepanel from within usercontrol

I have an update panel that contains a repeater that calls a user control into each row. When I click a button inside the user control, the page does not refresh at all, only when I reload it completely. How can I make the update panel refresh from user control's button click? ...

How to update Eclipse from 3.4 (Ganymede) to 3.5 (Galileo)?

I've got my Eclipse 3.4 envirnoment set up nice and cozy the way I like it. Took me some time too, to find all the plugins (Mylin, PDT, Subclipse), set all the settings, etc. Now I see that some of the plugins (like PDT) only support 3.5 in their latest versions. Is it possible to update from 3.4 to 3.5? I'd hate to do it all again. I ...

What is the most straightforward path to move a project from Pinax 0.5.1 to 0.7beta3?

I'm updating a 0.5.1 complete_project to 0.7beta3 + virtualenv + pip + fabric. I have converted my project into multiple stand-alone applications and I have everything being pulled down by pip from a requirements.txt file. I am now moving the code over and so far can get the Welcome page and perform a log-in, but then it breaks, due, i...

Update Exist Data Using DataRow C#

hi. I need to update my exist data in mysql database. I write like this code; String _id = lbID.Text; dsrm_usersTableAdapters.rm_usersTableAdapter _t = new dsrm_usersTableAdapters.rm_usersTableAdapter(); dsrm_users _mds = new dsrm_users(); _mds.EnforceConstraints = false; dsrm_users.rm_usersData...