
Can't update RubyGems

Hi! I'm having difficulties updating RubyGems from version 1.1.1 to newest. I've tried the following: gem update Result: Updating installed gems Bulk updating Gem source index for: http://gems.rubyforge.org/ Nothing to update and gem install rubygems-update Result: Bulk updating Gem source index for: http://gem...

Linq to SQL VarChar(Max) Update is not working

I am not able to get an update to work using Linq to SQL on a VarChar(Max) field. Here is the code I use that is called from a simple DAO class: public void UpdateContentById(int ContentId, string Content) { CkEditorDataContext db = new CkEditorDataContext(); CkEditorContent dbContent = db.CkEditorContents.First(c => c.CkeId == ...

SQlite synchronization scheme

Hi, I know it is xmas eve, so it is a perfect time to find hardcore programers online :). I have a sqlite db fiel that contains over 10 K record, I generate the db from a mysql database, I have built the sqlite db within my iphone application the usual way. The records contains information about products and their prices, shops and the...

Are DetailsView /FormView enough rich for Edit and Insert ?

Hi I'm wondering are DetailsView/FormView and ObjectDataSource have enough capability for Inserting/Editing your records or not ? Or better ask you Do you prefer use them or make your form by your own ? Because some times it's not easy to use them for complicated task , On the other hand when you have a lot of fields , that's over ki...

C# Update Table using SqlCommand.Parameters ASP.NET

Possible Duplicate: C# Update Table using SqlCommand.Parameters I'm trying to update an SQL Server table using SqlCommand, I think it's a syntax error with my T-SQL, but here is what I have so far: SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand( "UPDATE yak_tickets SET email = @emailParam, subject = @subjectParam, text = @textParam...

Updated iPhone app not overwriting old version -- why?

When we create a new version of one of our iPhone apps and load it to a device, it shows up as an additional icon instead of replacing/overwriting the old one. Touching the old icon brings up the old version and touching the new icon brings up the new one. This is using ad hoc versions on a debug device -- we have not submitted the upd...

ASP.NET GridView missing action on Update and Add

I have a gridview that shows the content of a view in the database. The database view does group by on AppName in an underlying table and the view always shows count and average and (for the remaining columns) the latest added row in the underlying table. In the gridview on webpage we only need to be able to update the latest added ro...

Facebook API: Update Group Description

Does anyone know how to update Facebook Group information using the API? I want to push some information to the facebook group (if the admin is logged in to my site). ...

How does RSS reader know that a feed is updated?

Just learning about this via youtube but could not find answer to my question of how reader knows there is an update. Is it like a Push in blackberry? ...

How update order of rows stored in a mysql table?

I want to update the order so that GALLERY goes before PRODUCTS. What should be the query to do this? Sorry for my English. ...

MySQL UPDATE statement batching to avoid massive TRX sizes

I am often writing datascrubs that update millions of rows of data. The data resides in a 24x7x365 OLTP MySQL database using InnoDB. The updates may scrub every row of the table (in which the DB ends up acquiring a table-level lock) or may just be scrubbing 10% of the rows in a table (which could still be in the millions). To avoid ...

Update SQL Server

pretty simple query for u guys, im just new to this. here's the scenario - one table with 10 fields. On first aspx page, i do insert first 5 fields (programid is one of them). On the second aspx page, i update the same record entered in previous screen (same programid) for the next 5 fields. but the programid is not unique. one programid...

combine two mysql fields and update a third one with result using php

I have a database table that contain two fields "Categories" and "Tags" i need to create a third field lets say called Keywords as the result of combining both categories and tags so $Keywords = $tags." ".$categories; can you help me please on how to achieve this thanks ...

dynamically change jquery innerfade

I have a small form of transition settings next to some images I'm rotating using a jquery innerfade plugin. What I would like is when the user selects a new transition setting (ie, timeout) the innerfade dynamically updates the timeout setting so the user can preview what this change will look like. But I'm not sure the best way to do ...

ASP VB .NET SqlDataSource Update Error Fails

In VS 2005, using VB, page has a FormView linked to an SqlDataSource. When data is changed and Update button pressed, changed data is cleared in FormView but database table is not updated. Below is the SqlDataSource code. Any ideas why the Update doesn't work? <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataDetails" runat="server" ConflictDetection="Comp...

Cannot get listview icons to refresh when I change the image list

I have a listview and an imagelist that I populate with thumbnails dynamically through the backgroundWorker function. Once that is finished, I have it overwrite the imageList and listView in the main form's view, and if I watch the debugger watch list, it updates perfectly(this creates thumbnails and links them via tags to the appropriat...

What are differences between INSERT and UPDATE in MySQL?

It seems INSERT and UPDATE do the same things to me. Is there any occasions where I should use INSERT instead of UPDATE and vice versa? ...

Update SQL Server 2005 view with new database name?

I have approximately 100 SQL views that are a variation of this: select * from RTC.dbo.MyTable ...now I find I need to change the name of the RTC table to something else. Rather than edit one view at a time, is there a way to script out all their drop/create statements to a text file so that I can do a global replacement? ...

MySQL: Is there a way to update an entire table in one query?

Hey Everyone, I need to update all the records of a table(shouldn't be over a 100 records). Each record will need to have a field updated with a different value. Am I going to have to make a query for each update or is there another way? I can't seem to figure out to do it at once Thanks for the help! EDIT: To clarify, each field tha...

MySQL: Update_time not updated (Windows)

Hi! I have this intermittent problem with MySQL 5.1.33 (Community Server) for Windows, where the Update_time (when using SHOW TABLE STATUS) does not seem to get updated when executing UPDATE command. After connecting to MySQL, I executed "SHOW TABLE STATUS" command, and it returned Update_time: 2010-01-05 08:28:27 I then executed an ...