
Android: How to edit specific record from database in Android Programming (Using Ruby on rails)

At first,I have a database created by using Ruby on rails. I just already implement insert function(HTTPPost) in my Android Application and it's work. But I don't know how to retrieve specific record from my databases and insert it back to specific record in Android (Like edit function in RoR) This is my insert code : private void inse...

update records only when ID matches

How would I update data in a table in a separate database based on the records in the current database? For instance I want to update the field "status" in the database called "database_old" with the value contained in the database "database_new" . My current data exists in the database "database_new". I want to only update records in ...

Python: why aren't variables updating?

A python program that I'm debugging has the following code (including print statements for debugging): print "BEFORE..." print "oup[\"0\"] = " + str(oup["0"]) print "oup[\"2008\"] = " + str(oup["2008"]) print "oup[\"2009\"] = " + str(oup["2009"]) oup0 = oup["0"] oup2008 = oup["2008"] oup2009 = oup["2009"] ouptotal = oup2008 + oup2009 p...

prototype update() not working in IE

Hi guys as the title suggests i have problem with prototype's update function in all IE version but its working in FF and chrome this doesnt work var element = $('mainnav_h'); element.cleanWhitespace(); var html = element.firstChild.innerHTML; html = html.gsub('<span class="sep"></span>', ''); element.firstChild.update(html);//this do...

MySQL: Is it possible to "INSERT if number of rows with a specific value is less than X"?

To give a simple analogy, I have a table as follows: id (PK) | gift_giver_id (FK) | gift_receiver_id (FK) | gift_date Is it possible to update the table in a single query in such a way that would add a row (i.e. another gift for a person) only if the person has less than 10 gifts so far (i.e. less than 10 rows with the same gift_giver_...

jQuery & PHP - Update current table view with the next records automatically when record(s) in existing view are deleted

Hi all, PLATFORM: PHP, mySQL & jQuery WHAT I HAVE: I have a Database table. Within my application, I am able to fetch all the rows. When I am querying the database, I have set the records fetch limit as 30, but that can be changed via a dropdown list. So consider that I am fetching upto 30 rows of data in a single query and displayin...

Django - update a model won't delete the old FileField

Hello! I am implementing an application with django, which has a model with a FileField: class Slideshow(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=30,unique=True) thumbnail = models.FileField(max_length=1000,upload_to="images/app/slideshows/thumbnails") and I have an admin backend where django manages the models. I jus...

Update Procedure "N/A" to Empty String on MS Access

Hello, I currently have a table in MS Access called Total Registrants. How can I insert string "N/A" into the cells of the column "EventRegCompany" where there are blank cells? I created an update query UPDATE Test SET Test.eventRegCompany = "N/A" WHERE (((Test.eventRegCompany)=NULL)); Thanks! ...

please tell me how to create update query for such a problem

i have two tables: 1. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[HotelSourceMap]( [hotelsourcemapid] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [dspartnerid] [bigint] NOT NULL, [dshotelid] [bigint] NOT NULL, [countrycode] [varchar](5) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL, [countryid] [bigint] NULL) 2. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[country]( [countryId] [smallint] IDENTIT...

Why does Bulk Insert block Update in MS SSIS?

I have an SSIS package set up like this: If I run only the New Rows flow the Bulk Insert finishes without a problem, but as soon as i connect the Live Rows flow the package stalls indefinitely. When I check the activity monitor the Update Newer Table Rows task stalls, blocked by the Insert New Rows task. Why does the Bulk Insert not ...

please tell me what is error in this update query

UPDATE HotelSourceMap SET hsm.hotelid = co.hotelid FROM HotelSourceMap AS hsm JOIN hotels AS co ON (hsm.hotelname= co.[name] AND hsm.cityid = co.cityid) its giving me error: The multi-part identifier "hsm.hotelid" could not be bound. ...

Mysql Update + SELECT query help please.

I want to update data table for those who score exam id 1,2 more than 80. I try this UPDATE data SET column = 'value' WHERE (SELECT * FROM exams WHERE (id = '1' AND score >= 80) AND (id = '2' AND score >= 80)); It gives me 0 result. But it should have few hundreds results ANy help?? I think the problem is this: SELECT * FROM exams ...

Linq2Sql Updates

Wondering if anyone else has done most of their Update SQL using stored procedures over Linq2Sql? I like Linq2Sql for all the other operations but Updates seem to be nasty. The generated SQL doesn't look good in profiler with all the columns in the Where clause, then you have to select the current object to set the fields from the edited...

Silverlight 3 Progress Bar when uploading a file.

I'm new to Silverlight and I have created a silverlight application to resize and upload images. The problem is the scroll bar doesn't update until the file has finished uploading. I have included sample code of the PushData function and the event handler. Please someone tell me what I'm doing wrong this problem is driving me crazy. v...

JQuery/ajax page update help pls

Hi Am new to Jquery/ajax and need help with the final (I think) piece of code. I have a draggable item (JQuery ui.draggable) that when placed in a drop zone updates a mysql table - that works, with this: function addlist(param) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "ajax/addtocart.php", data: 'img='+encodeURIComponent(param)...

MySQL How to insert new record or update a field depending on whether it exists?

I am trying to implement a rating system where I keep the following two fields in my db table: rating (the current rating) num_rates (the number of ratings submitted so far) UPDATE mytable SET rating=((rating*num_rates)+$theRating)/num_rates, num_rates=num_rates+1 WHERE uniqueCol='$uniqueCol' the variables are from my PHP code. So, b...

Update hasone relation behaves strangely (cakephp)

I've got an existing Showcase that hasOne Gallery. The Gallery already exists with the foreignKey showcase_id set to the proper value. The Gallery has a text field that I try to update via the Showcase-controller. The result I get is an extra Gallery entry, along the original one, instead of an update of the original entry. What am I do...

asp.net update panel validation

I'm using an update panel in asp where i want to validate using the javascript. In that panel i have an dropdown,and 2 text boxes. The 3 fields are fetched from the database. in this case the dropdown has to be selected there. the dropdown contains account no from that any one should be selected. when i try to validate that using javascr...

Can you remotely update a developmental iPhone App?

If someone has a development version of my iPhone application, is it possible to send that device an update? ...

How to know if event-driven update is complete

I have a Class similar to the following: public delegate void FanChangedEventHandler(Fan sender, EventArgs e); public class Fan: BindableProperty { #region Blade parameters //These Parameters apply to individual blades but are the same for each blade. private double length; public double Length { get ...