
SQL (mySQL) update some value in all records processed by a select

I am using mySQL from their C API, but that shouldn't be relevant. My code must process records from a table that match some criteria, and then update the said records to flag them as processed. The lines in the table are modified/inserted/deleted by another process I don't control. I am afraid in the following, the UPDATE might flag som...

Linq to Nhibernate Bulk Update Query Equivelent?

Hi, Not sure if I'm missing anything here. Basically, I am looking for Linq to Nhibernate to do the following SQL statement: update SomeTable set SomeInteger = (SomeInteger + 1) where SomeInteger > @NotSoMagicNumber Is there any way to do that? Thanks! ...

Updating a database from an Excel speadsheet in .NET

Can Teradata tables be updated in an VB.NET application by reading an Excel spreadsheet and pulling certain values from certain columns? If so how? Thanks ...

Question using Ext's update() instead of dom.innerHTML

I have a question concerning the performance, reliability, and best practice method of using Extjs's update() method, versus directly updating the innerHTML of the dom of an Ext element. Consider the two statements: Ext.fly('element-id').dom.innerHTML = 'Welcome, Dude!'; and Ext.fly('element.id').update('Welcome, Dude!', false); I...

how to download update zip package and install it

hey guys i know how to write a update script for my project , the easiest way is to write a file and give it to the user and ask him to go for it . but i want to update his website automatically . exactly like wordpress as u can see user can click on a button and the script will do next steps. problem is how to Downloading a zip file...

Oracle UPDATE Question

Can the update described below be completed in one UPDATE statement? I want to update the Operators.name_id values with the Users.name_id values by joining on Users.name = Operators.op_name. Both Users.name and Operators.op_name are have a unique. I know the situation described below doesn't follow "best practices", but it's a much si...

What are some of the best ways of doing silent updates for a desktop app?

Specifically, this is for a .NET 2.0 desktop application. Currently we require the user to manually go through the update process via our website. What are the best ways of doing a silent or automatic upgrade of the client behind the scenes? Thanks! ...

PHP PDO Prepared statement query not updating record

I am having a problem using PHP's PDO object to prepare an update statement and updating the record. I have taken the raw SQL query and ran it in phpMyAdmin with the params replaced by their values that are passed to the function. Which updates the record as intended. However, when ran from the script it does not update. It throws zero e...

MySQL updating records, but page display not showing new data

I am writing an application to CRUD user details. I kick off the page with a query to the user table - and use the data to populate various form elements in the page (and to check for duplicates). All form submissions submit to the same page. Adding, deleting and modifying records work as expected - but the kicker is that the data displ...

Progress "bar" using threads in vb.net

I currently have a program that runs several "intense" queries. I added a textbox and presented status updates when a query was starting, eding and how many were left. This would suite my need, but the textbox doesn't actually display anything until all the queries are finished. It then displays all the updates at once. I'm assuming upda...

jQuery update a a number within a div

Hi there, i have the following code: function tryToDownload(url) { oIFrm = document.getElementById('download'); oIFrm.src = url; //alert(url); } function downloadIt(file) { var text = $("#downloaded").text(); setTimeout(function(){ $("#downloadBar").slideDown("fast") }, 700); setTimeout('tryToDownload("index.php...

insert then update inside loop

Hi Guys, I have a php script, I use it to be run in as cron job. When this script running it takes about 13 minutes on 16000 user records. Please advice me to make this script running with the best performance. I need to know that if there is any problem if i put update then insert inside a loop, or insert then update inside a loop. ...

using update statement in toplink in multithreaded environment

hi, i am using toplink, but i am getting some problem while updating the values. this is my code snippet ExpressionBuilder builder = new ExpressionBuilder(); Expression expr = builder.get("addressId").equal("2"); Address address1 = (Address)uow.readObject(Address.class, expr); address1.setPincode(address1.getPincode() + 1); uow.register...

Java Webstart intermittant JAR not updating

We use java Webstart to deploy a java application on our intranet. The application receives frequent updates. Once in awhile a user will launch the application from their desktop icon after we have updated the JARs / WAR on the webserver (timestamp changed) and Java Webstart will launch the old version instead of downloading a new one. ...

check for application update with flash builder

i just changed from using flex builder 3 to the new flash builder 4 and the code to check for update when my app runs is not working with flash builder 4. How do i get it to run. Thanks in advance. ...

update with inner join, update 2 columns from both tables

this is my query in sql server 2008 - UPDATE a SET a.col2 = 'new', a.col3 = 'www.google.com', b.col1 = '10' FROM table a INNER JOIN table b ON a.col1 = b.col1 WHERE a.col1 = 7 it crashes stating "Invalid column name b.col1." How do i make this work? ...

Update Method Not Firing DetailsView Object Data Source

Hi, I am trying to write an asp.net page that uses a details view to display customer details and allows customers to update those details by editing the various fields and clicking update. The problem I am having is that when I click update the select method is being called and not the update method. I have a class where the update an...

Update table a from table b where (conditions)

Evening all, Actually, it's night. About 11pm. My brain is shutting down and I need a bit of help so I can finish and go home :) I have two tables - table a and table b. I need to update a field in table a with the value from a field in table b when two other fields match. The tables don't have a unique id for each record :( Basica...

saving checkbox values in vb.net

i have 50 checkboxes for 50 american states. The user can choose all 50 or only 1( so basically any number he wants). Based on his choice, I want to insert or update the table in sql server 2008. e.g- Color = blue and chk1=check, chk2= check and chk3 = check (chk = checkbox). now the user wants to ad 10 more states to this or remove the...

Problems with ASP.NET and custom events

I have a problem when handling the ReceiveCompleted event of a MessageQueue in ASP.NET. It catches it successfully, but every changes applied to the Controls of the page have no effect. This is what I've got: .ASPX <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional" ChildrenAsTriggers="False"> <ContentTemplat...