
Extracting File Extension in PHP (image upload script)

Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this? The file is renamed using a time stamp but the extension doesn't get extracted and placed in the new name. $filenameext = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $today = getdate(); $uniqueStr = $today[year]; $uniqueStr .= $today[mon]; $uniqueStr .= $today[wday]; $uni...

Embedded flash player for uploaded mp3s

I'm looking to create a site that essentially has the some of the same functionality as myspace's music section (hopefully a little less garish). I'd want to allow users to upload mp3s and then have an embedded flash player on their profile that plays their songs. Is there anything pre-built like this? If not, what are some good tutorial...

non flash multi file upload for php

looking into multi file - drag and drop - upload scripts. we were using swfupload until flash 10 destroyed it. the other options we are investigating are java and google gears. what would you recommend and do you know of libraries/examples/frameworks that support these options like the swfupload. thanks, Josh ...

Programmatically set name of file to upload in webpage

Is there a way to programmatically set the name of a file to be uploaded from a web page? I suspect that browser security restrictions make this impossible, but I'm hoping someone will prove me wrong. I have a web application that needs to let the administrator upload HTML. The admin selects the HTML file, then the app uploads that fi...

problem when sending images through wcf from silverlight

silverlight uses wcf with basicHttpBinding i send the image as an byte[], and it's working as long as the image has less than 20KB but when it's bigger i get the error: The remote server returned an error: NotFound in the Reference.cs public bool EndSave(System.IAsyncResult re...

Google Gears drag and drop upload

I recently watched the google wave video from google i/o where they said you can drag and drop files from windows explorer to the browser and upload them using gears. Can someone point me in the right direction to do this myself? I've browsed around the gears api page on google code and can't really find any examples that even come close...

Grab the server's return value after uploading a file in Flash

After uploading a file to a web server using ActionScript 2.0's FileReference class, how do I retrieve the server's response? ...

Uploading multiple images onto a panel in Java.

Hi everyone, I'm trying to upload multiple images onto a panel but I don't just know how to do this. I can upload a single image but not more than one at a time. Actually I need this knowledge to make a simple card game I recently designed look more real. Can anyone help me out. ...

file upload issue

Hello everyone, I will need client (end user) through browser to upload big files (e.g. similar to Youtube's scenario which uploads big video files), the file size should be no larger than 500M bytes. I am using ASP.Net + C# + VSTS + IIS 7.0 as my development platform. Any ideas or good practices about how to handle big file upload iss...

Using Zend_File_Transfer to upload

Hi I've been using the Zend Framework rather intensively to develop my website, and I'm now designing the upload interface. I need to allow the user to upload 1-5 images. I need to send these images to the database as a BLOB object. My current code is something like this: $upload = new Zend_File_Transfer_Adapter_Http(); $upload->addVal...

handle a file upload from a html page to a separate .NET page

I want to upload a file from a web application. The web application calls web services to access .NET classes, but it's not a .NET application itself. What I want to do is this: upload a file from the web application, and call a separate .NET page to process and handle the uploaded file. It would be easy to do this if I used a php sc...

moving around uploaded files in PHP

Hi, I need to resize an uploaded image. The class that resizes needs to get the location of the image to be worked with. It returns the image in a variable. However, when I try to get the path to the image, I get from $_FILES['profile_upload']['tmp_name'] the following: C:\xampp\tmp\php1C5.tmp I don't get the actual file, even though t...

HTTP error when uploading an image using default Flash Uploader in Wordpress

I am getting an HTTP error while uploading an image using the flash uploader, for all users except the admin user. The error is occuring even with users that have administrative priviledges. Since the admin user does not get an error I doubt is would be a directory security issue - nevertheless I recusively chmoded the uploads directory...

Is it possible to make your uploaded iphone application auto-update?

I am about to upload my Iphone application to the apple store, however I intend to release more versions in the near future. Is there anyway to make my application auto update once I upload a new version to the apple store?. That is as I am about to upload version 1.0, once i upload version 1.x, can the user be notified of this or can th...

File upload in weblogic portal

Hey I'm trying to get the tomahawk <t:inputFileUpload tag to work for jsf deployed on a weblogic portal. I've basically followed the example found here. but I'm having problems with the enctype on the form tag. <h:form id="welcomeForm" enctype="multipart/form-data"> When is include the enctype attribute in the form tag this means that...

Python 2.6 - Upload zip file - Poster 0.4

Hi Folks, I came here via this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/68477/send-file-using-post-from-a-python-script And by and large it's what I need, plus some additional. Besides the zipfile som additional information is needed and the POST_DATA looks something like this: POSTDATA =-----------------------------293432744627...

Photos and Database

Hi Friends, I am working on a website, where user can upload photos of product they want to advertise. I am saving photos in a folder on the web. In the table where I keep reference of photos, there is a key field photoid which is Identity field(primary key). My repository has following methods Photo photo = rep.NewPhoto(); photo.Titl...

Error when trying to upload file in PHP

I am php page everything was working fine till today morning. Now the page is not uploading any selected file. All that I keep getting is the following error message: Warning: move_uploaded_file(upload/BrainStream_2009_06_25_23041.zip) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\...

Streaming large file uploads to ASP.NET MVC

For an application I'm working on, I need to allow the user to upload very large files--i.e., potentially many gigabytes--via our website. Unfortunately, ASP.NET MVC appears to load the entire request into RAM before beginning to service it--not exactly ideal for such an application. Notably, trying to circumvent the issue via code suc...

Pause/Resume Upload in C#

Hello, I'm looking for a way to pause or resume an upload process via C#'s WebClient. pseudocode: WebClient Client = new WebClient(); Client.UploadFileAsync(new Uri("http://mysite.com/receiver.php"), "POST", "C:\MyFile.jpg"); Maybe something like.. Client.Pause(); any idea? ...