
multiple files upload using same input name in django

hello there, i m having trouble in uploading multiple files with same input name: <input type=file name="file"> <input type=file name="file"> <input type=file name="file"> at django side print request.FILES : <MultiValueDict: {u'file': [ <TemporaryUploadedFile: captcha_bg.jpg (image/jpeg)>, <TemporaryUploadedFile: 001_using_git_wi...

How can I insert a file in SQL Server using ASP.Net?

Hello! I'm developing an ASP.NET app (C#) that connect to SQL Server 2008 using ADO.NET entity framework. The user of this app can select an image from his local hard drive to insert in SQL Server. How can I do this? I know how to store the image into SQL Server but I don't know how to upload the image to the server (using FileUpload ...

Advice request: Serve local folder through rails (or not?).

Hello, The task: Serve the files located in a local folder on the server to clients over http/80. In the end, I plan to emulate the folder on the client but that doesn't concern my question. So, there is an existing Rails app (rest based/xml) on that server that the clients would use in conjunction with these files. I don't need any l...

How to save django FileField to user folder?

I've got a model like this def upload_location(instance, filename): return 'validate/%s/builds/%s' % (get_current_user(), filename) class MidletPair(models.Model): jad_file = models.FileField(upload_to = upload_location) jar_file = models.FileField(upload_to = upload_location) upload_to=tempfile.gettempdir() How...

SharePoint file size limit

I've tried many tutorials online on how to increase the upload file size for a SharePoint document library with no luck. Any ideas on how to increase the limit of file upload to a document library? I've tried: http://spsstuff.blogspot.com/2006/03/how-to-change-maximum-file-upload-size.html http://www.eggheadcafe.com/software/aspnet/29...

Very large uploads with PHP

Hi guys, I want to allow uploads of very large files into our PHP application (hundred of megs - 8 gigs). There are a couple of problems with this however. Browser: HTML uploads have crappy feedback, we need to either poll for progress (which is a bit silly) or show no feedback at all Flash uploader puts entire file into memory befor...

How do I set the uploaded files folder for SWFUpload?

I don't see in the documentation how to set the uploaded files folder with SWFUpload. Can anyone point me to the right direction? I'm using PHP 5 if it helps. ...

Good Way to Secure File Uploads in PHP

Writing a small app that (among other things) lets users upload a file (like an image, a .doc or a text file) as part of their posting/submission. Our current prototype just dumps the file into /{app_root}/files/, but of course, anyone can get to that even if they are not logged in or using the system. The goal is to only grant access ...

Need File Input Element cloned from 1 form into another via PHP & Javascript

Ok, I have an in template function that get's submitted via method="POST". But I can't submit this normally, since this is all I want submitted, and there is already a tag defined above the code and than below the code, closing the form with that must remain there. Since, there is no way to have forms inside of forms, I am using Jav...

can i post a temporary file name of the file that is being uploaded using jquery

hi , i need to post a form which includes personal details and i need to upload a attachment file also and i need to achieve this using ajax , how can i upload a file using ajax , i need to post the personal detail as well as upload a file at the same time using ajax , how can i do this? ...

HTML input type = file in Adobe AIR does not present file browser

So the good old HTML file uploader tag only presents a browse button (without associated text input) when rendered in a HTML based Adobe AIR application. Upon clicking the browse button, nothing seems to happen. I would expect a popup window so I can select a file. I've seen examples of people using Javascript to call the AIR runtime...

Uploading a file over HTTP/HTTPS and/or FTP/FTPS on a Mac

I have found numerous examples on uploading a file to a web server via C++ on Windows. However I am struggling after a lot of searching (and I thought I was good with Google!) to find any examples to help me achieve the same on a Mac. Can anyone point me towards some help on how to upload a file to a web server on a Mac OS using either...

Is it possible to upload something to SkyDrive via .NET?

I've spotted this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/307696/does-microsoft-skydrive-have-an-api But not having an API doesn't mean there isn't some way of uploading files to the SkyDrive! ...

Limit upload speed for testing on lighttpd

Hi, I'm implementing ubr upload. It used Perl and PHP to upload files with a progress bar. I'm running a lighttpd development server and would like to test it fully. Currently it just transfer the files instantly since its really just moving files on my computer. Is there a way to make it seem like it actually transfers it slowly so I ca...

Watin Help - Fileupload under VISTA

Hi, I'm trying to upload a file using Watin and C#. Under Windows XP, Watin opens the Filebrowse window and selects the file properly, but under Vista the Browser window pops up but no file is selected. Could you help getting this to work under Vista? Thank you. ...

How to upload with curl client certificate authentication?

Instead of using basic or digest authentication for an upload, could it be possible for a service to generate a certificate for the client to download for authenticated uploads? Keygen could be used for example, though it might be more straightforward to "Save the certificate" somewhere. Once the user has the certificate, the user is ab...

Uploading a file with other variables in Actionscript 3 using URLLoader?

I'm trying to upload a file through URLLoader in Actionscript 3, I know it's possible, at least according to the docs, but I can't figure it. So if anyone has done this before I'd love to know what I'm leaving out, specifically, I'm unsure about URLRequest and its data property. I know that my file's data should go there, but I'm unsure ...

What is the best way to upload user portrait

Stored in the database or file system ? And I need several different sizes. like 128*128, 96*96, 64*64 and so on. What is the best way to upload user portrait? ...

How to Fix 'No Suitable Nodes' Error?

I have a site with an image uploader, and whenever a user tries to upload an image, they are getting this error message: "No suitable nodes are available to serve your request." I've contacted the hosting company(mosso) and they have said that it is nothing on their end. Any idea what causes this issue, and what I can do to fix it? ...

is it possible to preview local images before uploading them via a form?

To be more specific, I want to use a form with one or more file input fields used for images. When those fields are changed, I'd like to show a preview of the associated image, before sending the data to the server. I've tried a number of javascript approaches, but I always run into security errors. I wouldn't mind using java or flash, ...