
Web-design / UI advice

I'm working on a website on a Fmylife style. Now the homepage is the page showing the list of the latest posts. But I think there is a problem with that: The most "interesting" page is the one showing the top posts of the last days, but that page has very few visits compared to the main page. I suppose that's only because the main page i...

Examples for "Use app first, register later"?

I'm looking for web applications that users can use without registration, just by visiting the site, and make you register later after you spent some time. Any good examples? ...

Nielson's usablity scale

Just wondering if anyone out there knows of a standard survey (preferably based off Jacob Nielson's work on usability) that web admin's can administer to test groups for usability? I could just make up my own but I feel there as got to be some solid research out there on the sort of judgments on tasks I should be asking. For example ...

How to indicate to user that a command affects a subset of a multiple selection?

Here is an example that illustrates my question. I have a program that lists 1000 items. I select 10 of 1000 items. The program enables a button indicating that a command is available for my selection. I click the button, and a window appears. I make some change in the window and click OK. The command changes 5 of the 10 items in my ...

How do I do a list of items in Jquery and get it on server side ?

I'm trying to make a list of items (telephones and dependents for a customer), for example, the user could include some number phones and remove others (maybe edit them if it is possible), like a list inside the record of customer. I'd like to know how can I do it on client side and get the list in server side ? Is there a jquery plugi...

What control to use

Hi all, I have a list of devices that I need to filter on according to options selected by the user. One such option is cooling: when the user selects cooling only the devices with cooling are shown. If cooling is not selected then all devices (with or without cooling) are shown. I wonder what kind of control I best use for this. My f...

To change checkbox text or to not change?

Hi, I'm having an argument with a co-worker, and I'm trying to convince him that it's a bad idea to change checkbox text (label) according to the checkbox state. For example, we have a combobox that automatically picks selected value (and is disabled) when checkbox next to it is checked and is enabled when checkbox is cleared. His idea...

How long is too long for a script to execute?

What is the max time do you think is acceptable for a web script (PHP for example) to execute before it starts to become an annoyance for the user (on average)? I always thought that if the user has to wait more than 1 second for the page to load (this of course after images and css have been cached..this rule really only applies for sub...

GUI style question: Icons in context menus?

Hi, It seems like not so long ago that it was standard to have icons/images in context menus and Microsoft seems to keep this up. But nowadays it seems to have disappeared in other apps: Chrome, iTunes etc. Anyone have an opinion / idea why this has happened or is it just completely personal taste (I for one like the images). A. ...

Are there IDEs in which the code-completion widget is not a linear list?

Most mainstream IDEs use code-completion in the form of a linear list of suggestions (typically methods). Are there any IDEs (mainstream or not) or IDE plugins that use a non-linear widget, such as a tree? (e.g., pick category first, then the actual recommendation)? I'm working on an IDE feature and want to make sure I'm not reinventin...

Html Birthdate input usability best practice

Hello everybody, I am going to implement standard functionality - birthdate input on web form for PC. There are lots of interfaces how to implement this. Date picker (OMG, I can't stand picking date with it. Too many clicks required) 3 Dropdown lists. Day, Month, Year. (I am not very fond of it though - they are too long) Straightf...

Web Usability: Save and Cancel ... or ... Cancel and Save?

Windows and OS X have always bumped heads on this, but what is the general concensus on whether a Save button or Cancel button goes first in a web application? [Save] [Cancel] or [Cancel] [Save] Note: I have these buttons at the top of the form flush to the right. ...

What are the best places on the web to present my application for critique and suggestions?

I pretty much suppose that if I issue a question here on StackOverflow, saying "hey, colleagues, go this link to my website, download my CoolProggie and write a line on what you think?" it is going to be considered a sort of advertisement, downvoted and closed. Can you suggest any correct places for this, where I am going to find enough ...

How many FPS should I have for updating a custom progress bar?

I just wrote a custom progress bar, it's single buffered and will remain so. How many frames per second are desirable for something like this? I don't want to waste too much CPU updating the screen unnecessarily. ...

Is there any pros to duplicate browser/keyboard functionality?

Is it good for user experience to duplicate browser/keyboard functionality? For example: to provide these links on a web-page. "Back to top" link "Print this page" link "Add to Favorite" link "Back" button/link "Text zoom" button Are they really create Site's usability and accessibility? How screen reader will behave these links, ...

Will Hiding Form Labels Impact Web Accessibility?

Hello, I have a shipping form. Three input fields surround the shipping address. Below are the labels (and in parenthesis their "for" values) 1) Address/P.O. Box (for="shipAddress1") 2) Address 2 (for="shipAddress2") 3) Use for International Address only(for="shipAddress3") Our designer has proposed to label them simple as "Street ...

User Interface. Multiple select with priority.

I'm designing user interface and want to ask your advises how to make it more user-friendly. Please tell any suggestions and if you have ever seen implementation of something familiar please share the link. University. There are 40+ specialities grouped into 5 faculties. User choose several he is interested in and than orders them by p...

How to nicely inform to the user that an unknown error has happened?

There are several guidelines for error reporting, that are usually based on giving to the user useful information when he or she does something wrong, but to give this kind of information you need to be handling the error and know that it can happen. There are also tons of articles about designing 404 error pages. But, what can you do wh...

Rephrase this below message for turn off pop up blocker

can someone rephrase this below sentence so that the user can easily understand the below line " Please turn off the pop up blocker by going to tools option > pop up blocker > turn off pop up blocker in the browser and try again" ...

What is the minimum screen resolution for which you guys currently optimize your web designs?

I don't really know if I'm asking in the right place, so if my question has to be transferred I apologize for it. I am totally noob in this place. Thank you. ...