
Usability Study of opening links in a new browser window.

Hi all, I hope this isn't too off topic for programming, but I'm sure lots of you would like more information when dealing with clients or managers on this topic. I'm looking for actual usability testing & research into opening browser links in a new window. I'm aware of all the reasons why it's a bad idea, but that's not what I'm lookin...

Why WCAG made 3 level "A", "AA" and "AAA"?

What is the purpose of making 3 priority level by WCAG? is it like? If client not paying extra or if we don't have much time then go for A If client paying then or if we have time to make site compatible go for at least AA If client paying and needed according to govt. rules then go for AAA If we are making site then which level we ...

[Adaptive Interfaces] Why aren't they around that much?

I'm currently doing research on adaptive interfaces and i'd like to hear some responses from fellow Web Developers on this subject. We used to have static interfaces back in the day, where you couldn't change a thing and you had to learn the system the way it was build. After that came adaptable interfaces, where you could change some p...

Usability: Do mac users understand "right-click"?

I have a feature of my application which depends on alternate-click. Windows users don't understand "alternate-click" though, and I was wondering if most mac users understood "right-click", and if so if they were offended or annoyed when they see such text. Does anyone have experience developing usable (consumer) applications for mac us...

Which alt text is best for screen readers for example "smiling kid"?

Which would be good write ALT text for a photo of kid which is smiling and sitting in garden? This alt="Photo of smiling kid sitting in the garden" or this alt="Photo of smiling kid" or this alt="Smiling kid sitting in the garden" or this alt="Smiling kid" my purpose is to ask this question, I want to know should we include ...

What turns away users/prospective users?

In your experience as a developer, what kinds of things have turned away users and prospective users from using your programs? Also, what kinds of things turn you away from using someone else's programs? For example, one thing that really bugs me is when someone provides free software, but require you to enter your name and email addre...

Let the user choose what type of document to open

I'm creating an NSDocument application, with two document types: Website and Web Service. This is in my Info.plist: <key>CFBundleDocumentTypes</key> <array> <dict> <key>CFBundleTypeName</key> <string>Website</string> <key>CFBundleTypeExtensions</key> <array> <string>website</string> </array> <key>LSTypeIsPackage...

Rolodex's in international web applications?

Is the concept of a "Rolodex" used for web applications in the EU or Asia? Personally I have never seen a Rolodex used in web-based products in Asia, but I could be wrong. Any comments/feedback would be much appreciated! ...

Accessibility and usability issues when designing websites for older computer users

As a part of my final year university project I am designing a social networking website targeted mainly to older users. I was wondering what accessibility and usability issues should be taken into account when creating a website for such users, apart from obvious ones - such as bigger font, compatibility with current standards, straight...

Move options between multiple lists

We currently have a form with the standard multi-select functionality of "here are the available options, here are the selected options, here are some buttons to move stuff back and forth." However, the client now wants the ability to not just select certain items, but to also categorize them. For example, given a list of books, they wan...

Prompting user for multiple selections in an iphone app

I'm currently looking for a way to provide the user with being able to select multiple items from a collection of values. I know this is done in the mail app whereby you can go into the edit mode of a folder and select multiple items by clicking on the circle on the left hand side. What I'm unsure about is how this is achievable. Is an...

Validation of dependent properties in a "live edit" WPF app

I'm working on an app which supports live editing. That is you update properties in one area and their impact is seen in another with hitting "apply". Happens to be a charting app. One such edit "group" allows specifying a range. A triple range in fact: High, Target and Low. Our validation is such that High must be greater than targ...

How to switch users in a smooth way in a Point-Of-Sale system?

I am designing a Point-Of-Sale system for a small shop. The shop just have one Point-Of-Sale but often they are one to three users (sellers) in the shop. Each user have their own user account in the system so they login and logout very often. How should I design the login/logout system in a good way? For the moment the users don't use p...

Using an icon for links opening an lightbox

Hi, On one of our sites we decided to use lighboxes in 2 instances. I am aware of pros and cons of using lightboxes so this is not a topic for a discussion. But I'd like to get your opinion about using small icons denouncing that clicking link will open a lightbox. Something like below. What do you think? ...

Website column width

Hi, I am interested what column widths you would suggest for two-column and three-column websites. For example if we consider two-column layout (total width 1000px), some possible widths would be: 900-100, 800-200, 750-250, 700-300, 600-400. Which layout is best for usability, possible ad placements, widget integration? ...

How to let the user choose between typing price inclusive VAT or exclusive VAT in TextField?

I am implementing an back-office application where the user type in prices for products. Sometimes it is preferred to type the price inclusive value-added-tax, VAT and sometimes exclusive VAT. How do I best let the user choose between the inclusive or exclusive VAT in a usability perspective? I could have two TextFields above eachother...

iPhone app navigation - Using tab bars / navigation controllers part of the time.

Hi, My basic app has five distinct screens. Three of those screens have TableView data, and I'd like to associate them with a Tab bar + Navigation controller. First two screens use a button click to redirect to the next page. The next three screens use a combination of TableView, Tab bars, Navigation Controllers to navigate / drill dow...

Eye-tracking for code editing

Is there a decent eye tracking package to replace the mouse for code editing? I want to free up the mouse, but keep using my keyboard for editing code. Having done some research on it, I concluded that proper eye tracking hardware is expensive. Using a webcam or high resolution video camera seems to be the most viable option. Unfortun...

How to show javascript warning , if user click on link which will open in new window?

How to show this type of reminder warning to user (mainly i need this for screen reader user), if user click on link which will open in new window? Is my wording ok, please suggest if it can be better ? I want to show this message for any link of website or file like PDF, DOC etc. which is opening in new window? Sometime user clicks mi...

What libraries are available to record a user browsing your website for usability testing?

I remember seeing a JavaScript library a long time ago that offered the ability to record where users clicked and moved their mouse on your website, in order to do usability testing. I can't seem to find it anymore. Are there any libraries out there that do something like this? What I'm looking for is something like,...