
How do I use a class as a value to be used on set::find()? - C++

So I'm working on a project and I have to use the set library on class objects. Those objects have many attributes, ID being one of them. What I wanted to do was search for an object inside a "set" by its ID. The problem is set only has find and I don't know how to search for an ID this way since I'd have to use find(class object) and n...

MS Access: How to replace blank (null ) values with 0 for all records?

MS Access: How to replace blank (null ) values with 0 for all records? I guess it has to be done using SQL. I can use Find and Replace to replace 0 with blank, but not the other way around (won't "find" a blank, even if I enter [Ctrl-Spacebar] which inserts a space. So I guess I need to do SQL where I find null values for MyField, then...

unsetting php reference

So I have this function, and it returns me a reference to a particular point to the array passed in. I want to make a call to unset that will then remove the result from the array/reference, but calling unset only removes the reference, not the data from the original array. Any thoughts? ...

Assigning variable to Repeater value

I'm very new to .NET and this is driving absolutely crazy. I want to pull a value from my database and then assign it to a variable that I can pass into javascript. Printing the value is easy, but does nothing for me! <asp:Repeater ID="Repeater3" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource11"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:BoundField DataFi...

Objective-C, Set UITextField Value from this:

Hi, I have been told that to access a UITextField in the setup i have with my app, i have to use a subView whatever this is (in a noob at objectivec) and i was given this [subview isKindOfClass:[UITextField class]] Where do i put this? And how can i use it to set the value of my UITextField? :D Thanks! Update: I want to set the valu...

null comparison, prefix increment, properties, Length properties of struct in C#

Hi everyone, I have some questions in C# what are the differences between null comparisons null == value and value == null (value is a variable of any kind: int, string, float,...) I heard that using prefix increment ++i instead of i++ in some case will enhance the program performance. Why is it so? I have a snippet code as follow: ...

Force a value of 0 for non-existing value

Group, I am going to try and explain this as best I can, and I hope it makes (some) sense. I am pulling data from a view I have created that tells me a "Sponsor's" customer types and how many of those accounts by CustomerType are inactive after 1 year, 2 years and 3 years. For example: SponsorID | CustomerType | ExpiredAfter | Total 1...

Jquery ajax issue with radio button list

<input type='radio' name='rbTemplateList' id='template1" value=1 > <input type='radio' name='rbTemplateList' id='template3" value=3 > <input type='radio' name='rbTemplateList' id='template5" value=5 > <input type='radio' name='rbTemplateList' id='template7" value=7 > I want to onclick one of the rbTemplateList, will raise a...

How to pass the end of the URL to a Value="" in a form

I have a .htlm file on my hard drive is a list of my books and at the top there is a form and a script that allows me to search the content of the file. I like to access this file while I am browsing. I use Firefox with the extension "Advanced URL Builder" this extension allows me to highlight a few words and then using the context menu...

Creating a simple scripted 'language' - VARIANT-like value type

For a rules engine developed in C++, one of the core features is the value type. What I have so far is a bit like a COM-style VARIANT - each value knows its type. There are some rules for type conversion but it's a bit messy. I wondered if there are nice drop-in value classes I could use which solve this, without requiring me to use a w...

What could we put into Value element in CAML?

First sorry for my English. I'm very confuse about querying ListItem using CAML.Look like the Value element could contain many different content. For example,When we query a field that is type of DateTime, It can be <Value Type="DateTime"><Today Offset="20" /></Value>. Or a Lookup field, <FieldRef Name='Meeting_Set' LookupId='true'/><V...

How accomplish variable++ in jQuery?

What is the equivalent of this script in jQuery (if a was an HTML element)? a.value++; and ++a.value; I assume it uses val(), but it seems inefficient to use: a.val(a.val()+1); ...

formtastic - how to prepopulate a string input with a value

I'm building an app, where users can give comments by just leaving their email to the comment. I want them to be able to register directly from there, by a link with their email adress as a param (like: <%= link_to register_path(:email => %> ) - so there is no existing user record yet. this should be done by applying a va...

Copy Dictionary by value

How can i copy Dictionary object by value in c# ...

JQuery :: retrieve values from form elements

Hi, I've wrote a html page wich uses jquery, but javascript execution stops at the following point: alert($('[name=fAantalVakjes]').val()); This is the relevant html tag: <input type="hidden" value="1" id="fAantalVakjes" name="fAantalVakjes" /> Could someone help me please? Thanks in advance, Yvan Edit: full code: function Vali...

jquery highlight row based on specific column's value

i know there are many tangential posts on this topic (I've read them all) but i can't seem to put it all together. I would like to highlight all rows whose 2nd column contains the '-' character. in case its relevant: 1) the second column's header (th) is "Due In" 2) the values in the second column are strings 3) there isn't a specific...

jQuery Validator's "required" not working when value is set at statup

Hello, I have a problem with jQuery Validator. I want to use "required" property on a text input. It doesn't work when input has set value attribute by HTML code (tested on Firefox (3.5), and on IE 8 - on IE it works a bit better). Story: 1. Page loads; 2. value is cleared; 3. focus is changed. 4. Nothing happens but the error message s...

Actionscript 3 setting multiple variables of an object in an array possible?

Right now, I have many MovieClips's in my array. I want to update all the alpha values of the MovieClips in my array. Right now, I am using a for loop but this is not the fastest way to do it. Is there a way to set values for all the items in my array? Thanks! ...

Zend Framework convert NULL string to actual NULL value for MySql

Somehow when doing an import of data into mysql using a multi-row insert with execute() function, there were many rows added with the string NULL for some columns. How can I convert those NULL strings into MySQL NULL values so that I can check for empty values using is_null() in php when displaying data. How can I avoid this problem? I ...

jQuery update a a number within a div

Hi there, i have the following code: function tryToDownload(url) { oIFrm = document.getElementById('download'); oIFrm.src = url; //alert(url); } function downloadIt(file) { var text = $("#downloaded").text(); setTimeout(function(){ $("#downloadBar").slideDown("fast") }, 700); setTimeout('tryToDownload("index.php...