
UISlider change value when tapped

Usually you need to hold the thumb image and move it on the slider, is there any property of UISlider or a way to move the thumb image i.e. change value when tapped on the slider ...

pass a value from jsp to classic asp page

Hi, I have 2 pages - 1st jsp page and 2nd asp page.Onclick of a link in jsp page, it opens the asp page. now I need to pass the selected dropdown value from jsp to asp page. Thanks in advance. ... MVC how to get the value of the ID field for the list of items?

I have an application, that shows list of items bound to a typed model. In the list every item has an ID from a lookup table. How to show the value of the lookup data for each item instead of IDs? The best way has to link a html dropdownlist to each ID, from where I would be able to choose the appropriate value. Thanks in advance G...

C# Get Variable Value from Separate Form

How can I get the value's of variables from a separate form? ...

Calculate most common values

If i have a matrix A with n values spanning from 65:90. How do i get the 10 most common values in A? I want the result to be a 10x2 matrix B with the 10 common values in the first column and the times it appears in the second column. ...

retrieve & pass value using navigateUrl hyperlink

hi...i'm very new in need help for retrieve and pass value using navigateUrl to another page.... i've tried but in destination page the value doesn't appear.... i use request.querystring("") tengkyu b4... ...

Alter column's default value

Hi I have a table which has a column 'CompanyID int not null' and its default value is set to 10. Now I want to write a query which will alter this default value to 1. How can can I do it? Any help will be appreciated. I am using SQL server 2000. ...

Select value with Linux command xpath (from Perl)

I want to get an attribute out of a XML-Tree. Therefor I use the command xpath from package libxml-xpath-perl. I figured out this command: virsh dumpxml save | xpath -e "/domain/devices/disk[@type='file']/source/@file[1]" This gives me file="/var/lib/libvirt/images/save.raw" How can I select the value only? (/var/lib/libvirt/image...

Elo rating system: start value

I've implemented an Elo rating system in a game. There is no limit for the number players. Players can join the game constantly so the number of players probably rises gradually. How the Elo values are exactly calculated isn't important because of this fact: If team A beats team B then A's Elo win equals B's Elo loss. Hence I've got a ...

C++: copying bmp using loop of fread and fwrite, casues output bmp is filled with color of the fisrt one in input bmp

I dunno why, but first pixel (left bottom) is loaded correctly, but the others won't load and the first color is used for whole picture... I have this in cycle fread(&pix,sizeof(pix),1,pictureIn); fwrite(&pix,sizeof(pix),1,pictureOut); edit: pix is struct of three unsigned chars (rgb), loading file and info header seems to be ok ...

incrementing a value after each refresh in javascript

Hi friends, Please help me to do this I want to refresh my web page in every fixed time period. i have done with a javascript timer. But actually i'm not refreshing the same page, it will go to next page after each refreah. I'm developing a web application in c# for example my url will look like this http://localhost:1096/...

Jquery UI Slider - Assigning a name to values

I need to assign names to the values of a Jquery UI slider is this possible? Here's the code so far: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#slider_style").slider({ value:2, min: 1, max: 3, step: 1, slide: function(event, ui) { $("#style...

GSEventSetBacklightLevel from a plist value iPhone

I'm trying to set the backlight display from a plist value, but I keep getting an error! So I guess my question is how can I convert a plist value to a float value so I can set the backlight form the plist entry? The Code: float customBacklight = (float)[[plistDict floatForKey:@"Backlight Level"] floatValue]; GSEventSetBacklightLevel(c...

Django display value of extra field in modelform

How do I set the value of a field (which is relevant to form, but not based directly on the same model) on a (model) form when it is displayed in the admin? Here is a simplified version of what I have (my actual app/model/etc is more complicated): A building has many rooms A room has many pieces of equipment Models: #spaces/model...

[jquery] How to get value from list of DIV?

I have <textarea name="a[]" id="a[]"></textarea> <textarea name="a[]" id="a[]"></textarea> <textarea name="a[]" id="a[]"></textarea> <textarea name="a[]" id="a[]"></textarea> and I want to get value of each textarea to array. How I do it? ...

jQuery Input check - disable submit - problem

I wrote a simple value checker for needed inputs, please see the demo here: $('.required').keyup(function(){ if($(this).val() == '') { $(this).addClass('warning'); $('.meet').addClass('disabled').attr('disabled',true); } else { $(this).removeClass('warning'); //if($(this).siblings('.required').val()...

How does one loop through a set of string value names in a registry key?

Hey all, I need to use VBScript and loop through a set of registry string value names located within a specific key such as: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" and delete all the string values except for ones that I specifiy. I was able to successfully delete a specific string value using DeleteValue and...

How do I undefined the value for a hash key in Perl?

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my %hash; undef($hash{"a"}); undef($hash{"b"}); print scalar values %hash; # i need here 0 print scalar keys %hash; # and here 2 thank you, guys! ...

Sync Volume rocker with a UISlider

I am trying to get a UISlider to sync with the volume rocker. I have successfully used the slider to change the system/ringer volume, but I need the slider to move when the rocker moves. any suggestions on how to get the current volume value? I am using the code below to monnitor the volume change: - (void)volumeChanged:(NSNotification ...

dynamic array key additions (sucky title, i know)

precode: $keys = array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'); $number = 10; code: eval('$array[\''.implode('\'][\'',$keys).'\'] = $number;'); result: Array ( [a] => Array ( [b] => Array ( [c] => Array ( [d] => 10 ) ) ) ) problem...