
Permission denied executing .bat script from asp

I am trying to execute a .bat file from a classic ASP webservice on a box running Windows XP. The .bat file sets up the current directory and then runs a batch VB.NET console program. The VB.NEt program doesn't interrract with the user. I am receiving a "permission denied" erroron the .asp line that attempts to execute the .bat file, ...

How to 'apply' Visual Effects script?

Hi guys, Thanks to all for the help in the past. I have another query for you guys. I'm hoping someone can solve my problem. I have a .vbs script here. That changes the 'Visual Effects' in Windows. I've tested it on XP/Vista and it changes the settings, but doesn't 'apply' it. I've tried logout/login to no avail. What I mean by 'apply' ...

Translating vbscript string to c# string

Ok I have a vbscript string in a wsf file as below: Dim strTransData = "1,1,2,123457,1,20051012093000" & vbCrLf & _ "2,1" & vbCrLf & _ "2,2" & vbCrLf & _ "2,3" & vbCrLf & _ "3,""5449000000996"",0,3,39" & vbCrLf & _ "3,"""",100,1,500" & vbCrLf & _ "4,0,200,""""" What I need to do is convert this string to...

VBScipt: Call builtin functions shadowed by global variables

VBScript on ASP Classic contains an "int" function. (It rounds numbers towards -∞.) Suppose that some excessively "clever" coder has created a global variable named "int". Is there any way to get at the original function? I've tried all manner of workarounds with scoping and dodgy execs, but no dice. I suspect that it is impossible, but...

VBScript - set app in "full screen" mode

Hi to all! i have application that can run VBScript form inside. Is there a way from this app to run vbscript that set the same application in full screen mode? I was thinking of something zooming or resizing the window somehow. Thanks! ...

CustomActionData does not seem to be populated or accessable by my vbscript

Ok, this is driving me crazy. I have a CA that needs to know the path of the INSTALLDIR to edit an XML file. So, I set up a set property custom action that sets a property named RemoveAuthTypesNode to [INSTALLDIR]. Then I have a RemoveAuthTypesNode CA that is sequenced after SetConfigFolder (a set property that sets installdir to a sys...

Classic ASP updating child nodes in XML

Hi I am trying to update a child node of an XML file IE Changing the value. The XML file looks like this: <user> <firstname>Andre</firstname> <lastname>Bruton</lastname> </user> Here is my Classic asp code: users_firstname = "Tristan" ''# New code to put in the XML file Set xmlObj = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.FreeThreadedD...

ExecuteGlobal in VBScript, ASP on IIS 5.1 (Win XP Pro) not working

What setting might be missing or misapplied that would cause the same code that works on an IIS 6.0 server to fail on an IIS 5.1 server? I've inherited this large Classic ASP application. It "caches" a series of files with funcitons in them using the ExecuteGlobal command. On both server, the command executes without error. However, ...

FTP files in Windows Scripting Host?

Hi What is the recommended way to transfer files via FTP and manage (rename, move, delete) files in an FTP server programmatically in a Windows Scripting Host script file (JavaScript/VBScript)? Preferably without requiring 3rd party ActiveX add-ons since these "extra" software will need to go through an approval process that will take ...

Can I initialize objects written in JScript from VBScript?

I am trying to write a WSH logon script. Administrators throughout the company need to be able to customize the execution of the script, and execute additional scripts, for specific locations and users. In order to make their jobs easier, I would like to provide an API that the administrators can access in their scripts. If I write my AP...

removing some rows based on criteria - solving this by pivot tables

i have an excel data . the 3rd collumn contains phone numbers . i have to delete rows whose phone numbers have less than 10 digits . as the data is very large and not even one mistake is acceptable. i want to use pivot tables or automation script. pivot tables is better because the number of digits is variable and the collumn number is ...

deleting rows containing listed numbers in excel

i have a list of numbers in a excel sheet . i.e . one collumn about 20 rows of numbers. lets say its called list A then i have some multi row multi collumn excel sheet2 in which collumn C may contain some of the numbers of list A. how can i delete the rows in excel sheet2 which contain list A numbers in collumn C ...

Windows 7 Action Center messages

I would like to know how to read, via vbscript, WMI, Powershell etc -the new Windows 7 Action center messages that the user normally gets informed of. I want to read all those messages on each machine and store then in a central database, then disable the messages from displaying to the user on the local machines. My questions are - 1....

Multiple Uploads

hey I need the help with the following. I have a website, altough I was not a 100% programmer, I am trying to navigate within the programming of the site. It work in asp.net 2.0. I have an image gallery, but the only problem is that I can only upload 1 image at a time. I need some help how i can integrate multiple images on the site. b...

MD5 on ASP Classic and .NET

I have a working .NET web application that perform hashing and encryption using MD5 on a certain string. This string will be stored in a cookie. The problem is, I will need to validate this cookie from an ASP classic application. From what I know, there are no built in cryptographic providers in ASP classic, thus I may need to copy/wri...

How do I determine whether a file is in use?

How can I determine whether a file is in use via VBScript or a batch file? It can be a separate utility. I've had a look at Handle but sometimes the handles don't line up with filenames, e.g. some DLLs, and it doesn't do partial searches (though I could presumably use some of the text processing utils on its full output to handle that ...

State of VBScript tooling - anything new in Visual Studio 2010?

What is the preferred environment for authoring VBScript and/or building script solutions for the Windows Script Host? Since I have a MSDN subscription, I could choose something from Microsoft, but 3rd party tools aren't excluded, either. (Below some background, mainly optional reading - the above question still remains.) I wasn't plan...

Outlook 2007 never seems to shut down when instructed to

Currently working on a VBScript to automate some of the dirty PST ingestion work I do, and I've found something problematic after upgrading from Outlook 2003 to 2007. (Had to upgrade to get around a RTF Body issue in OL2003 ..) Even after you instruct Outlook to close the PST store, Log off and then destroy the object (set objNS = Noth...

Generating complete SKUs in Classic ASP

Hi I have products that are made up of a couple of options. Each Option has a SKU Code. You can only select one option from each SKU Group and the options have to be concatenated in the order of the SKUGroup. So for example i would have a list of options in a table in the DB that looked like OptID PID SKU Price SKUGroup 156727 93...

Get SYSTEM temp folder?

I'm looking for something similar to this question. However, I am looking specifically to dynamically find the location of the system's temp folder (i.e. the temp folder used by services.) Is this possible? Thanks, ...