
Pixel Bender Chroma Keying code for flex3 / as3

Hello Stackoverflowers, Does anybody know where i can find a good chroma keying pixel bender code example. Or does anybody know how to write such a code in pixel bender. Or a create pixel bender tutorial to create a chroma keying filter. Does anybody know how to get it in flex 3. every help is welcome. ...

Android SDK : Playing video using mms protocol

Hello, Using the Android SDK, is it possible to play a video stream using the MMS protocol I am streaming video from a PC using windows media. I can use Windows Media Player to play the stream by just inputting the following URL in Windows Media Player mms:// Is it possible to play the same stream using the Andro...

AS3 How do I stop sound and video when clicking a menu button to go to another frame?

Hello, I have a problem with my slideshow script. I have embedding a flash video file into my website with this slideshow called monoslideshow, and everything seems to work perfectly. Trouble is, when I am clicking on another menu button that should jump to another frame, it still keeps playing the video and sound while displaying the n...

Rendering videos online using flash as3 and AIR, how does it work?

I came accross this link that talks about the technology used with And it seems like they use AIR to export their flash animations to bitmaps that ffmpeg compil as a movie. "It also takes time to render, so what you’re seeing isn’t realtime. It’s a series of Flash-gen...

H264 RTP packet dump and generating quicktime files

Hi, I have a dump of RTP packets of streaming H264 videos that i captured using libpcap. I was wondering if anyone knows of a tool that can generate a playable video file from that. Thanks ...

Downloading Video on iPhone using SDK

Hello All I would like to develop such iphone application that provides functionality to download viedo. i am doing some as below 1) Loading HTML content on web view 2) The loaded html content contains the video link (i.e") 3) When i click on that it will play the video in native player. 4) but i would like to ...

Android -- Can't play any videos (mp4/mov/3gp/etc.)?

Hello all, I'm having great difficulty getting my Android application to play videos from the SD card. It doesn't matter what size, bitrate, video format, or any other setting I can think of, neither the emulator nor my G1 will play anything I try to encode. I've also tried a number of videos from the web (various video formats, bitrate...

Web Video Player with frame seek capability

Hi folks, Am trying to build a webpage showing search results identified within a video sample. So when the video sample is played on the webpage there will be option to jump to marked frames within the video file. Is there any open source player that provides this jump capability. I tried FlowPlayer but its seek capability didn't se...

ffdshow codec can not work with media play 12 in windows 7 ?

The reason of this issue is caused by media player 12 (in windows 7 professional) using mircsoft default codec which don't support mp4 decode. The ffdshow codec can not replace microsoft default codec in windows 7 (windows7 does not allow that in default). I find some third party tools can switch media player default codec to ffdshow b...

Streaming video from Android camera to server

I've seen plenty of info about how to stream video from the server to an android device, but not much about the other way, ala Qik. Could someone point me in the right direction here, or give me some advice on how to approach this? ...

PHP: Class to parse OGG and .ogv files?

I am looking for a php class that can parse ogg and .ogv files so that I can get some of the metadata out of the files, such as comments, bitrate, length, etc. I have found this: but after testing it, it does not seem to parse and of the files that I test it with. Has anyone had luck with an alterna...

Where to get live video streaming examples ( GStreamer )?

Where to get live video + audio streaming examples ( GStreamer )? So for example streaming from File or Web camera to some web address ...

HTML Markup To Use For Video Transcripts

Any idea what the proper containing markup would be to indicate a transcript for a video? Thinking accessibility for folks with disabilities but also perhaps search engine recognition of the association between the text and the video. ...

HTML 5 video or audio playlist

Can I use a <video> or <audio> tag to play a playlist, and to control them? My goal is to know when a video/song has finished to play and take the next and change its volume. ...

Good solutions for an video chat based service website

I'm looking to build a internet service website based on video chat. I need one that does the following: • suggest two chat participants through IM, and they can choose to accept the chat request and connect over video. (video roulette) • can determine how long two participants are chatting for. (or can be coded in) • can monitor and ...

How to retrieve video thumbnail from an absolute path?

Hi everyone, I know this has to be trivial but I just don't find the right resource, I guess. So all I want to do is retrieving a thumbnail for a video. All I have is the absolute path to the file on the sdcard as a String. So please point me into the right direction. And believe me, this is embarrassing enough to ask... Regards, Stef...

Which format is best to use for high quality online audio and video?

Hi, I'm currently creating a site for a musician. They are wanting to include the best quality video and audio files possible. After a bit of research I'm thinking: FLAC is the best option for audio. FLV or MPEG-4 is best for video. Can anyone in the know confirm or correct this? Thanks ...

HTML 5 video: Play all video files of localhost folder, then loop......

I need the player to play all the files in the folder in a continuous loop, the folder is updated regularly with different video files (and page is refreshed) so I cant name them one by one. thanks for the help. ...

What's a better solution to a site with UGC (video)?

We are trying to build a site with user generated video content, finalized on either brightcove or + amazon cloud front. Our requirement is more on gathering the videos than showcasing. What would be better alternative? Does brightcove provide decent apis for managing UGC? ...

Flex or Silverlight which one is best?

Hello, I am working on a video chat applicaton, i am not sure which one is the best for the current market?? please any suggestions?? ...