
DailyMotion javascript API I want to manage WSF player by providing controls for stop, play, pause, forward, rewind, full screen

DailyMotion javascript player embedding on web page with JavaScript control for stop, play, pause, forward, rewind, full screen I am new to such Dailymotion javascript API. Please guide me how do I implement above controls. ...

Iphone Admob Interstitials

Hi there! Can you please tell how to be properly displayed interstitial ads in iphone applications. I implemented this is exactly the same way as in Interstitials example (SDK Admob), but this always showing videos with zombies - so it should be, really? If I understand correctly, I should specify my own video url and it will be adverti...

What container is easiest for combining JPEGS and MP3s as video?

So I have N (for example, 1000) JPEG frames and 10*N ( for example, 100) seconds of MP3 sound. I need some container for joining them into one video file (at 10 frames/second) (popular containers like FLV or AVI or MOV are better). So what I need is an algorithm or code example of combining my data into some popular format. The code exa...

Is there any Good opensource not C\C++ library for playing with FLV container?

Is there any Good opensource not C\C++ library for playing with FLV conteider? So I need it in AS3 but Java or C# will be fine=) I need to be able to put in flv audio track andsome bitmaps (with some exact timestamps relativly to my audio track) So Is there ay or I have to implement all bymy self just reading spetificatiopon? ...

iPhone video player - Change player orientation (w/ Playlist)

Hi, I need to rotate the video player on iPhone (or let it autorotate). I know the webview solution, but here come the problem, I need to play several video (distant), and WebView can't provide me a stopSelector. I know the fact that setOrientation is a private API. Is there a solution ? ...

FFMPEG: How to convert 1000 jpegs and 100 mp3 seconds into video?

So my programm generates JPegs and MP3 stereo track. I want to convert my programm results with FFMPEG to h264+aac or OGG (vorbis+theora) 100 seconds video. So how to do It from commandline at least (or using pure ffmpeg lib from C)? ...

Cross-Platform Camera API

Hi, I'm now building a video transforming filter that have to transform video frames in real-time. One of the key requirements of the filter is to have high performance to minimize the number of dropped frames during the transform. Another requirement that is of lower priority but also nice to have is to make it cross-platform (both PC...

DirectShow Filter I wrote dies after 10-24 seconds in Skype video call

I've written a DirectShow push filter for use with Skype using Delphi Pro 6 and the DSPACK DirectShow library. In preview mode, when you test a video input device in the Skype client Video Settings window, my filter works flawlessly. I can leave it up and running for many minutes without an error. However when I start a video call aft...

echo problem in audio/video chat application

I am making an audio/video chat application, i am using Flex, Flash Media Server 3.5, Flash Player 10, and I am facing the problem of echo very frequently. I am using a headset for audio recording. ...

Why does only youtube embeds work on iPad?

I am trying to find out as to why youtube embeds works just fine on iPad, and not the embeds of any other video site. Example of youtube embed: <object width="640" height="385"> <param name="movie" value=";color1=0xb1b1b1&amp;color2=0xcfcfcf&amp;hl=en_US&amp;feature=player_embedded&amp;fs...

Scaling VideoView on Android

I am creating a video player on android and am having trouble resizing the video. I am trying to make it so that when i click the video it goes to full screen covering everything and if i click again it goes back to the smaller size with other buttons on the screen. I have seen another similar problem and an answer from haseman (http://s...

How to enable the video output on your iPad app?

Just found out that the video output of the iPad is not a system level functionality, but that it needs to be explicitly build in into each app. Is there somebody who has any experience with this, who could point me to sample code? Secondary question would be: why wouldn't Apple make this a system feature. Is it a hardware issue, that I ...

How to create thumbnails from WMV video's

Hi, i want to display thumbnails for videos listed on my site, i want to fetch a single frame from a video (from a particular time) and display them as thumbnails. Is that possible using .Net ? (C# or VB) ...

Easiest way to get raw video/audio frames into an AVI (or other container)?

I'm working on writing a small application using the WPF MediaKit, and I would like to record some video - my plan is, to store the last n seconds as raw audio/video frames, then write them out as an AVI when the user requests it. Is there an easy way to actually pipe the data I've gathered from the Webcam into an AVI file? The trick i...

Video Streaming, how to limit users by time.

Hi, I am developing a video streaming website, my problem is how do i limit users by time, like if they have credit balance for 3 hours of streaming, how to i stop or pause the streaming once the credit is used up. Ideas anyone. ...

Which Flash video format is more compressed, FLV or H264?

I read an Adobe article which demonstrated H.264 video playback support in Flash Player. Would video encoded in this format be more compressed than typical FLV videos? Should I be using this format for video I place on websites from now on? ...

Auto launch the video player in Android from the browser like an iPhone does.

Hi All, I have just created and iPhone web app, which has some x264 (mp4) video files on it. When I link directly to the file on the iPhone and the user taps the link, the video player is loaded and the video starts playing. Using the app on an Android phone causes the browser to download the video instead of just playing it. Is there ...

what is the best way to serve video's on my website?

Hi, sometimes i feel like such a beginner... I want so serve some video's on my site. They are available as .MP4 files, gotten from a FlipShare camera. Now i tried converting them to WMV (which succeeded, but when embedded in html in a <object id='mediaPlayer' width='320' height='285' classid='CLSID:22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95...

Does Android 2.1's Browser Support HTML 5 and What Video Format Does It Play?

The company I work for produces allot of video and we want to target as many devices as possible, but the question came up of what does the Android do? I personally own an Android based phone running 2.1, but I can't seem to get the HTML 5 tag to work. Even when I can trigger the browser to playback the video it just throws a notificat...

Can I do video communication with silverlight 4.0?

With silverlight 4.0, it is possible to show a live video of the user on the screen: Here is the code VideoBrush videoBrush = new VideoBrush(); CaptureSource captureSource = new CaptureSource { VideoCaptureDevice = ...