
HTML5 video (mp4 and ogv) problems in Safari and Firefox - but Chrome is all good

Hi folks, I have the following code: <video width="640" height="360" controls id="video-player" poster="/movies/poster.png"> <source src="/movies/640x360.m4v" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"'> <source src="/movies/640x360.ogv" type='video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"'> </video> I'm using Rails (Mongrel in developm...

Video Synthesis - Making waves, patterns, gradients...

I'm writing a program to generate some wild visuals. So far I can paint each pixel with a random blue value: for (y = 0; y < YMAX; y++) { for (x = 0; x < XMAX; x++) { b = rand() % 255; setPixelColor(x,y,r,g,b); } } I'd like to do more than just make blue noise, but I'm not sure where to start (Google isn't help...

html5 video secure streaming?

Does html5 allow me to do secure streaming video? And by this, I mean token authentication. I want to be able to stream media only to those people who are authorised to view it. I can do this currently with Flash Media Server hosted by Akamai - they have a custom mechanism where I send them a token as part of the player connection hands...

Can YouTube be embedded in Android Applications? How about WebOS or Blackberry?

Can YouTube videos be played from within an AndroidOS without launching the separate YouTube player? How about WebOS or Blackberry? On the iPhone I can do this with a WebView and the embedded YouTube code and I'm weighing the possibility of porting my app to other mobile platforms. Thanks ...

Simple MPEG Video Stream player, cross-platform, in java, via NetBeans + Swing?

Hello all, Trying to build a very simple video player component in a JPanel (or something similar) to sit in a swing app, connect to an mpeg (or, really, anything VLC can output) video stream, and play it. Don't need any controls or anything -- just a live connection to the video stream. It has to be cross-platform -- at least Mac and...

How do I write a Keystone correction filter for VLC?

Hi How can I set up keystone correction in VLC? If this is not a supported feature, has anyone had any experience writing an add-on filter for VLC? If so, links/examples would be very appreciated! Thank you ...

How do you stream video on the intranet?

We're capturing live video using a Sony PCS-P1 Communications Terminal and a Sony PCS-C1 camera. We need to stream it across the network and display it live on our in-house cable on the televisions (not computer monitors). So the format is NTSC. In other words, we need to stream the video across the ethernet network and then be able to ...

Adobe Flash Builder: How to make a function to play embeded video starting from one second and ending in another?

Adobe Flash Builder: How to make a function to play video starting from one second and ending in another? So I havein MXML simple video player tag. I need some function to play that video from second X to second Y and pause it. How to do such thing? BTW: we asume file is embeded into SWF. ...

Embedding a Media manager video in the article in Joomla1.5

Hi, I am working on Joomla currently for the past one month. I am trying to embed a video stream in my article page like inside the content i am trying to have video stream like youtube video. I have uploaded a video in my media manager. And i dono how to stream that video in my page. Please help me in doing so.. EDIT: FOr an youtu...

Safari 4.0.5 will not play any HTML5 (H.264) video

The tells me that my browser does not support the <video> element, and when I try example page, I get the fallback message, usually "Your browser does not support HTML5 video." I know this should work in Safari. I am on Windows 7, 64-bit (running 32-bit Safari). Video works in Safari for everyone else in the office. (Wi...

Using IVMRWindowlessControl to display video in a Winforms Control and allow for full screen toggle

I've recently switched from using the IVideoWindow interface to IVMRWindowlessControl in my custom Winforms control to display video. The reason for this was to allow zoom capabilities on the video within the control. However in switching over, I've found that the FullScreen mode from IVideoWindow is not available and I am currently try...

Is there a way to keep two videos synchronized in a webpage without plugins?

Is there a way to use two HTML5 video tags on a page and keep the videos synchronized? Meaning that if the first video is at 15.2 seconds then the second video is at 15.2 seconds? I've looked around and found SMIL but it looks like that only works in IE. I also tried to implement something of my own with jQuery and jMediaElement but the...

How to make flash video show up under navigation element?

I know that the wmode needs to be either transparent or opaque for the video to show up under other elements on the page. I've added the wmode to the element and param in object, I still have no luck with it. <object width="400" height="225"><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param na...

Problem serving video to iPad from Mongrel 1.1.5 , RoR 2.0.2 on Mac OS 10.6.3 Server

I am working off the Final Cut Server Integration sample provided by Apple that is a Rails app using 2.0.2 and runs on Mongrel 1.1.5. I can have a basic non-Ruby directory on my boot volume (Mac OS 10.6.3 Server) and can serve up video files just fine to iPad. However, when I drag the same video file into the 'public' area of the app run...

Video Upload Applet

i am working on a small project that i need the ability to let users upload a video to my website or use a webcam to record a video and then upload it. i have seen this done on several sites (youtube,facebook etc) so i know that there is a java or flash applet that supports this. however i have not been able to find one. can anyone reco...

youtube video on Mac os?

I have inserted a video from youtube into a DIV tag, used the actual "embed" code found on youtube site. and used jquery to show/hide the div. when activated, the flash video shows perfectly in the div, when clicked it plays as usual the only problem i have is when someone using a Mac, and clicks on play, the flash video disappears. thi...

Using HTML5 on iPhone - cannot pause

Hey guys, I was wondering whether anyone has tried to use the new tag that comes with HTML5 on the iPhone. Specifically, I didn't manage to make the pause() command to work. Below is a portion of the page. As you can see, I'm trying to pause the video 10sec after it started. It works on Safari on a Mac btw. Has anyone managed to make t...

Play video while downloading into local disk [AIR]

Hello guys, Using NetStream, I can create progressive video player. But can I save the downloaded chunk to my local disk in AIR?? My first idea is that, download part of file into local disk, let NetStream pointing to that file, and then appends the chunks to that file (FileMode.APPEND) periodically. But it does not work and seems that...

how can i get avi/wmv/mov files width and height in asp

i have an aspupload component that deals with my videos. on the page shoing the videos i need the width and hiehgt to be set dynamicly by the ratio of the file. how can i get it from avi? mov? wmv? i know that avi header format is there but how to use it from asp? and what about the other formats ...

Setting Mime Type for .ogv files in Rails Development Environment

I am playing around with HTML5 video and have the following snippet in an ERB: <video id="movie" width="320" height="240" poster="/test.jpg" preload="none" controls=""> <source src="/test.mp4" type="video/mp4; codecs=&quot;avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2&quot;"> <source src="/test.ogv" type="video/ogg; codecs=&quot;theora, vorbis&quot;">...