
Protection from downloading videos when using flowplayer.

Hello I'd like to make protection of the videos on my site and make them harder for downloading ... so they must be hidden for apps like DownloadHelper etc. I'm using flowplayer and I don't have a clue, how to do it. Any help will be useful - thank you. ...

How to detect whether an HTML page contains a video?

I would like to know whether it a possible to detect whether a HTML page contains a video. I know that one possible way is to look for ".swf" in the HTML source code. But most of the pages do not contain the file name. For example, given following URL and possibly its source code, is it possible to find out whether it contains a video:...

html: embed streaming video (crossbrowser)

hi all, i'm trying to embed a .wmv video into my website but doesnt work :( i've googled and tried <embed> and <video> the video i'm using was created by super converter and i've used WMV7 as video codec. is there a crossbrowser solution for it - or should i better use flash video? thx in advance ...

How can I play a video in flex in slow motion?

Is there any way I can play a video using flex in slow motion? ...

jQuery, checking to see if video has height/width

I have a <video> element that is generated by js, and I need to get the height and width of it. var v = $('video'); v.height() returns null, because when it's run, the video hasn't yet been loaded, so no dimensions in the DOM. How do I check to see if the video has received a dimension, and if it hasn't, wait till it has to get the hei...

how did you get into objective C?

how did you get into objective C? I'm trying to learn but every book I pick up is crap, and I can't find any videos (I'm a visual learner too) ...

C# manipulating video

i want to take a folder of pictures, and turn it into a slideshow video with music in the background. i have no idea how to do this, or where to get help, cos this isnt the kind of thing you can search in google. idk if there are api's for it, or if it can even be done in C#. maybe ill have to move the project to C++ or something, but...

Need to let user upload video using GWT

I need to let users upload videos in GWT site, and after uploading I should allow them to preview it. I don't need any controls, just a play and stop button would be enough so that I can show them a preview? ...

wordpress user uploads, any solution?

I need to build a solution which will allow registered users of a Wordpress site upload videos to the server and have them moderated before being published on the site. Failing that, I would like to let users upload their file, then the Admins would check the video is appropriate, upload it to youtube, and manually embed it into a post...

how to convert avi file to an jpg's images array using .net

how to convert avi file to an jpg's images array using .net , i need to develop a task that will take the avi file and save it as jpg images on another folder ...

Broadcast live video from web-cam via plug-in

Hello guys! Could you please suggest me what kind of software should I use to broadcast live video from webcam? Web-cam is connected via USB to my server. I want to broadcast video from my webcam on my web-page (HTML, ASP.NET - doesn't matter). I don't want to develop video broadcasting from the beginning - it takes a lot of time to impl...

How is a h264 idea bitstream organized? / header start codes

I was trying to learn a bit about h264 by looking at the bitstream of a video file with a hex editor. I found here the start codes for a video object planes (0x000001b6) and for i-frames (0x000001b600). But I can't find many of those bytes in video files. Most of the time those start codes appear at the beginning of a file with only a f...

Are there any good videos out there on Java Design Patterns?

My team would like to spend some time at lunch learning design patterns. Previously, we watched some videos on Javascript which we found very useful as a way to start discussions. We would like to do the same thing with design patterns so that we don't have to spend a lot of time (outside of work) researching individual patterns in ord...

Stack Overflow on Marshal.PtrToStructure reading wmv files

Hi, I'm using a frame grabber class in order to capture and process each frame in a video. The class can be found here: I'm having issues with running it, however. When loading the file, it attempts to marshal a video format pointer into a VideoInfoHeader (I'm using DirectShow.Net...

Old Sony Digital Tape Handycam, imported Video is sped up?

Friend gave me their OLD handycam and a bunch of tapes asking me to put them on a DVD. The model is Sony DCR-TVR103 and it records onto Hi8 Digital tapes. It has a firewire port also. I am trying to use import function in iMovie on OS X 10.6. Every import though the video is super fast, like playing in fast forward. Ever seen anything ...

Creating Videos: Which Framerate is common in the US?

I know that there are differences in different regions of the world regarding the framerate of videos. E.g. a DVD in Europe is in PAL with 720x756 and 25.0 fps. In the US its the NTSC standard with 720x480 and 29.97 fps. When I don't want to generate a DVD but a plain video file, e.g. WMV oder AVI what framerate is used in USA? I have a ...

How to paste duration of video on video thumbnail

I want to make a video thumbnail such that the length of the video is pasted on the thumbnail just like we see video thumbnails on YouTube. Please help, Muhammad Anas Khan. ...

How do I play just a specific section of a video in a web page?

It there any way of displaying videos on a website that would allow me to show just a clip of a video without physically slicing the file into actual clips? EDIT: Specifically, I'd like to play the clips using an open source flash player. I could make specific clips, but that is time consuming and a maintenance nightmare. Second EDIT:...

Flex4: Detect source Video size VideoPlayer?

Hi, Is it possible in Flex 4's VideoPlayer control (spark.components.VideoPlayer) to detect some attributes of the source video? In my case, it's a local file. I would need to detect the original width and height of the input source video (an h264 f4v). Thanks ...

Video Streaming

First I need to state that I am not the developer so I will state the issue in business terms but please respond with a technical solution as I will be passing on your posts to the developer. We are building a web based application in SilverLight and WPF that consists of communication between a customer service rep and a customer. The ap...