
Android Video View - Fails to Load file from SD Card

I have an activity that uses VideoView and MediaController. I have a .mp4 file. When I put the file in res/raw folder, I can play the video using Uri.parse("android.resource://<package>/" + R.raw.id_video) However, when I put the same file in the filesystem, it plays properly. I use videoView.setVideoPath("/sdcard/myfile.mp4"); ...

Change video being played in HTML5 video

Hi! I'm using the tags in HTML5 to play a video on a web browser... (and I'm very impressed with this new feature) Is there the functionality to change the video being played through Javascript? Say when I select another video from a list, a Javascript function would be called which would contain something on the lines of MyVideo.Vid...

QT video examples does not work

I have QT 2010.02.01, Windows 7 In Exampels directory there are two video player examples: /multimedia/videographicsitem , /multimedia/videowidget But both of them does not work. They can show pictures (.jpg), but they cant open any .avi file (when open avi file, they just do nothing..) ... (I have all codecs installed) Is there any id...

Windows media player crashes

My WPF app seems to be crashing when I flip a media element around quickly. Debugging with WinDbg shows it as crashing with the following stack trace: 0:028:x86> k 20 ChildEBP RetAddr 15aff648 07acb2a9 wmp!CMGSessionHost::GetPDFromTopologySourceNode0+0xb 15aff670 07a080fc wmp!CMGSessionHost::IsWindowsMediaContent+0x8a 15aff688 07acd83...

Making a DVD video with a still image and PCM 16bit audio with ffmpeg

I'm trying to make a small video with a still image and a sound file playing in the background to pass it to dvdauthor and create a DVD. The command I'm using is this: ffmpeg -loop_input -i image.jpg -qscale 2 -i song.flac -aspect 4:3 -target pal-dvd -acodec pcm_s16le -shortest output.mpg However, the resulting video file doesn't have...

Play two videos with MPMoviePlayerView Controller

Hello, I am developing an application for IPAD and I need to play two videos one after another but can not find how. I'm using MPMoviePlayerViewController to do it and do not know how to launch a share after the first video to be played and start the second. Can someone help? ...

Viewport bugs when coming back from mediaplayer

I have a web page for iPhone/iPod touch displaying a thumbnail of a video. Quite simple, the thumbnail links to the video itself: <meta name="viewport" content="width=320" /> [...] <img src="images/buttons/video_play_button.png" onmouseup="window.location = ''" ontouchstart=...

Updating Embedded Video in Firefox

I am working on a Videos page where my intention is to load a video with the page but by clicking a link, the original video will be updated and replaced with the corresponding video. For instance, if video1 loads with the page and the user clicks to view video2, the original div's innerHTML holding video1 is updated to play video2. No...

Library for FLV/F4V conversation in C# .NET?

Is there any library that can covert input video (of some specific video files) to f4v or flv programatically in c# .NET? Thanks in advance. ...

MultiView for media files on Android 2.1

Hello, I'd like to play multiple video files at the same time on Android 2.1 (up to 4). It's possible to reduce the resolution of the video files and display them all on the screen, but it seems only one file is playable at a time. I tried then to use threads in the hope that this might help, but it doesn't. Only one video is played. A...

Android - Video Restart or Resume

Hi everyone, I am writing a simple android application with a class that extends activity, that plays a video from a url on the web. There is a button on top that on click takes the user to a web page. What I want to do is when the user is browsing the web page, if he hits the back button, I want him to come back to the main activity ...

Generating screencaps from videos

(note to others: I'm still a java newbie, kinda dirtying my hands doing this stuff) Currently I'm using JAVE to process videos, etc etc. I'm wondering what could I use to get a few screenshots of that video (and what libraries do I use to manipulate the taken screencaps). JAVE only allows me to encode and get the video's information (du...

VMR9 Renderless mode device resetting problem

Hi all, I'm struggling with this problem for a week.. I hope I can state the problem clear enough: So, I setup my custom allocator/presenter and in InitializeDevice() I create the textures for VMR9 Then, VMR9 calls my PresentImage() function everytime it has a new frame. I display render this texture onto a quad and Present() it. If ...

packaging sequences of png files in iPhone APP for animations to reduce bundle size

Basically, I have an application that uses a flip-book style animation technique. I am simply cycling through around 1000 320x480 pngs at 12fps, and everything works really well. Except for the fact that 1000 images takes up a ton of disk space. Ideally I'd like to be able to compress these images as a movie file and pull out each fra...

How do i play H264 video?

Hi, I have received the following video file from a camera (from security camera) How can i view the content? Based on extension i think that is a H264 file. Is there a way to play this on the browser with HTML5? Regards ...

embedding hyperlinks in a HTML5 video player

Is there anyway to embed html hyperlinks (readable when javascript is off in the browser) within an HTML5 video player? Maybe an embedded link within the video musing CSS, or a link in the title bar? Thanks ...

Is adaptive streaming (live http streaming) required of iphone apps that play video?

We are creating a video intensive app and want to be sure that adaptive streaming is required (given that we need to write an automated transcoding and segmentation system to support this). Does anyone know if the YouTube app is using adaptive streaming? ...

Making a video autoplay in Tumblr's built-in video uploader

I'm developing a blog in Tumblr and can't figure out how to make a native Tumblr video (not a 3rd party embed like YouTube or Vimeo) automatically play when the page is loaded. If you have experience with the Tumblr video player, please let me know. ...

Regexp to extract sources from different video embeds

My SMF forum contains posts with video and I want to extract them to show on the Wordpress main page. My current regexp (thanks to SO!) extracts the url of the videos, which I embed using AutoEmbed. Everything works up until a post looks like this: <embed height="600" width="600" allowscriptaccess="never" quality="high" loop="true" pl...

Not able to show video with html5

I am testing html 5 video tag. I am using and I downloaded the creative common video. When I use an external link, it plays the video. So I uploaded the video to my server but it does not play. It asks if I want to save it or asking an appli...