
App to create Flash site demo video?

Is there a good app to use to quickly create a demo video for a site? I'd like to show a sample of what's inside the site to throw onto the homepage. ...

Video tool to split video and audio in video stream

I am starting research on Video Indexing. Any suggestion which Programming libraries I could use to split the Audio and Video Streams? ...

How to properly display videos on mobile devices?

This is a 2 part question: What is the best way to display video on mobile devices? For example if I send via SMS a URL to a video... what is the proper way to do it? Should the URL have some sort of script (question #2) to detect which device is requesting the video and then deliver the right format? If my #1 assumption is correct, w...

wowza vs Flash Media Server (FMS / FMIS) - ease of integration with ASP.Net

We're creating a web site offering one to many video chat and trying to decide on which of these streaming servers to go with. Looking at around 256kbps live streams, hoping to achieve at least 1000 simultaneous streams on one 8-core server. Wowza is cheaper (1k vs 5k for FMS), and appears to be used successfully by many sites (StreamL...

Which video codec would be most suitable to displaying text?

I am making a video of a CMS in action. Any ideas which codec might be a good idea? Ben ...

how to implement and which Audio, video chat with file transfer for mywebsite using php

Hi all, I have to implement chat application to mywebsite using php. Chat has the features like audio, video, and file transefer. so please give reply for this, Thanks, ...

What is the best flash webcam recorder software to use for a website?

Hey, I want to imitate the webcam video record feature that yFrog has on it's site. I know I need a flash media server or a red5 one, but I want to know what flash app do they use and what is available on the net to record videos using the users webcam. Thanks ...

Tech necessary to build a live video chat site?

Hi, I'm looking to build a live video chat site. Before writing a project description, hiring a developer, etc., I'm doing a little research on what types of technologies / web development skills are necessary in order to build this type of site. The site will feature live video and audio for users to be able to chat with eachother, a...

Unrecognized input filetype FFMPEG

Hi, I try to use FFMPEG in the iPhone, I follow by this link When I running the ./configure --cc=/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/arm-apple-darwin9-gcc-4.2.1 --as=' /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/...

Howto play video with external audio in Silverlight?

Hi all, Is there any proper method to play synchronously video and external audio, other than simply having two MediaElement (one for video source and one for audio) started simultaneously? I need to play video with different soundtracks, but I belive that just two separated MediaElements will be out of sync at some point of time. Maybe...

Poster image on embedded youtube video

Hi, I want to embed a youtube video on my website and I need to replace the default poster image that shows up on the video with a jpg of my own. The default image that shows up is a scaled-up thumbnail and is therefore very blurry and pixelated and I need to use a hi-res jpg in place of it. I'm aware that youtube only allows us to pick...

Split, encode and join video parts in C#

It is possible to split file into many parts.Is it possible every part encode and after that join them again? The idea is to encode one video on more computers. In .NET Thank you ...

Wordpress Video Portal

Hi out there, my challenge is to built a video portal, based on wordpress (blog already started). so in the backend there must be a option to add, tag, descripe videos and in frontend the videos must have a comment function, must be searchable and so on. wordpress gives already a large amout of functionallity and i want to use this, co...

window opencv AXIS 213 IP streaming video capture

i am working on window os but not able to use cvCreateFileCapture to capture streaming video. It returns NULL.Is it possible to make it work? Or is there other solutions? ...

Flex: convert VideoPlayer.currentTime to string "00:00:00:000"

Hi there! what about this one: I want to format the currentTime displayed by a videoPlayer component inside flex, something like : 8230.999 to something like 01:59:59:999 which is "hours:minutes:seconds:milliseconds" I trie different sets of codes but they can't get it to work because currentTime is nor a correct miliseconds time as it...

Video Streaming in Android using Lighttpd

Hi I 'm developing a video streaming android application on HTC Tattoo. I 've Lighttpd server at my server side which i use to stream videos to a web site. On Android , Do I need to enable any module in Lighttpd server? Thanks ...

how to convert a video to images in c#?

i have to convert a video to images i need some help to under stand this phenomenon and guid to code a program for it. also which format of video will be more useful for me ? thanx in advance! ...

Video Camera Capture: Any software to capture video on Linux...

Hi Guys, I'm working with an image processing project, where I have to read every frame of the image the USB camera captures and detect certain features. I'm making use of SIFT/SURF algorithms to do this. My application is going to run on i.MX515 (Freescale's Cortex-A8 embedded processor) running on Ubuntu 9.04. Right now I'm making use...

Editing WMV metadata using Python or PHP?

Is there library to edit WMV metadata using Python or PHP? I tried editing with ffmpeg but it just creates a new video file(with edited tags) rather than just editing the tags. ...

USB based video capture card with API

I am looking for a usb based video capture card (to be used with cctv analog cameras) which comes with an api. An api of sorts would help as I am planning to do some analytics on the video stream. Any ideas on such a device? ...